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Lori C- Texas

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Posts posted by Lori C- Texas

  1. All three of our kids' birthdays and mine are all about the same time of the year. So, kids take turns having parties. Can't afford one party right after another! :) Each year it is a different kid's turn.


    If it is not their year we just do something fun as a family(cheap but fun) that the birthday kid gets to pick.


    Birthday kid also get to pick some where to go out to dinner with just dh and I.


    Also, if it is their turn for a party and they are asking for something expensive as a gift then they have to choose between expensive gift or party.

  2. I signed up this weekend and still am not sure what I am doing but would love a homeschool circle!:) Pm me or add me. Lori Carr. I don't know how many Lori Carrs there are but my profile pic is of my husband and I. I have no idea how to add a pic. I will try to add everyone that has posted theirs on here.

  3. As for the social bit - meh. Ignore it. It's entirely possible that people are seeing what they want to see in your DD. Does she talk about making friends or at least meeting interesting people at her dance camp?


    She has said that she has met a lot of girls in her classes. They are all staying in the dorms so she can't really socialize with them other than at classes. She says they all sit together at lunch. The ballet does have outings for the girls on Sundays that dd could go to. We have told MIL to take her to some of these outings and she hasn't. If she did MIL would see how she interacts with people she has things in common with. But she hasn't made the effort to take her.

  4. Thank you all for your words of encouragement. I am very proud that dd is sticking it out. I wouldn't have made it this long when I was her age. I am also slow to warm up to new people. My MIL was an actress and has always tried to be the life of the party and people that don't act like her are horrible in her opinion. MIL is a very difficult person. She is so dramatic and if she doesn't see something happen it didn't happen. Like with the bbq dd went to. She did talk to the other kids but MIL didn't see her. So it didn't happen.


    Dd doesn't want us to talk to MIL about the problems she is having because she thinks it will make things worse and she does want to stay. This summer intensive is with one of the best ballet companies in the US. Dd doesn't want to give it up just because of MIL. I am very proud of her. We will go this weekend for a quick visit and then she will only have about 2 and 1/2 more weeks to deal with MIL.


    I hope that dh can stick to his guns this weekend. I know there will be lectures and "advice" given that is not wanted. Dh does not like confrontation of any kind and neither do I.

  5. We are planning a trip there this weekend. I am going to see how things are when we get there and she maybe coming home with us! Luckily, dd is dancing 6 days a week and only has to deal with MIL on Sundays. But it is enough to drive her batty.


    I think MIL thought that having dd there so long she could fix her. Dd is not a flashy "Look at me!" kind of person and my dh's family is all about that kind of stuff. No matter how many times we tell MIL that dd is not this way at home she won't believe us. It is hard to get dd to not talk all the time at home!:)


    Hopefully, visiting this weekend will help make dd feel more comfortable. I just need to accept that MIL will believe only what she wants.




  6. I guess I have a question what is the hive's take on this situation.


    My husband and I believe our dd14 to be a VERY social person. She is a dancer and is at dance about 10 hours a week. If she is not at home doing schoolwork or at dance she is over at her friends' houses or they are at ours. She paces the house if she does not have somewhere to be which isn't often. She is always polite and never seem "uncomfortable" around new people. All the older people at church are always coming up to her giving her hugs and telling her they think she is so well rounded and they just love being around her. Same with her peers. She doesn't have an enemy that we know of. Everyone is her friend and always coming up to her giving her a hugs as we leave dance and telling her to call them later....


    She is staying with her grandmother(my mil) this summer so she can attended a ballet summer intensive. This intensive is 6 weeks long. Dd is not close to her grandmother. MIL has always favored dd but still does not go out of her way to have a relationship with her or any of us really. MIL is very self involved and LOVES to talk about how everyone in the world does everything wrong. Staying with MIL is the only way we could afford to send dd to this summer intensive. I thought this summer would go very smoothly since she has never been this way to Dd.


    MIL has never been a fan of us homeschooling. From what dd has said MIL has been really laying into dd about not being social. Dh just got off the phone with MIL and she laid into him about how dd is not talking to anyone. When she is home she just stays in her room. If someone asks her a question she answers but does not talk unless someone talks to her first. We have never noticed this before with dd. This seems very strange.


    I guess yesterday they had a big bbq at my SIL's house. Her son, he is 16, had a lot of friends over and my dd got to meet another cousin she has never met before. MIL said on the phone to dh that dd did not talk at all that the other kids tried to get her to join them and she just sat there. I talked to dd and she said she was quiet but did talk and did swim with the other kids and that she had a good time. She said that they were all older than her and were talking about stuff she had no clue what they were talking about and she was uncomfortable most of the time.


    I guess here is my question. My dd has not seen her grandmother or aunt more than 10 times in her entire life. Her cousin even less. They swear she is anti social and it is because she is homeschooled and they are very concerned for her. Should we be worried that she can't interact with people she doesn't know well or just ignore what has been said? DD wants to stay because she LOVES her classes but can not stand being in the same room with MIL. MIL has also told dd how she wishes my dh would get a better job and make more money. DD is only 14. She has never been away from home this long and is with people that live a completely different life style than us. Dd has 4 weeks left of her summer intensive.


    Thank you for letting me rant! I have the mommy bear feelings and wish I could just go get her!

  7. I saw that and I like it, too... but it looks like it is just for one kid? Is that right? (You said "boys" so I'm thinking maybe I'm wrong...)


    My boys are pretty much using the same thing for everything but the things they are doing different I just put each kid's initial and then the assignment. I do most of their school with them so I didn't need really detailed plans for everything just mostly page numbers. I can type more in a square than I can writing it out since I have big handwriting. :) Plus, between each weekly page is a page where you can type extra info. On this page I listed library books and other supplies I need to get for different subjects or more detailed instructions. Since my daughter will be in highschool next year and doing most of her school work by herself I am making a planner with just her stuff for her to follow and check off. There is no way I could fit all her stuff on there with my sons'. HTH.

  8. We did the virtual school for about 5 months when my dd was in 5th grade. It was insane! It may not be as bad now or maybe I just couldn't figure it all out. My dd was starting school at 8am and working ALL day. She just couldn't handle the amount of work they required. Plus, we had to drive an hour in rush hour traffic twice to get to where they were giving the practice TAKS test and then again for the actual test. Which was very hard for us with 2 little ones at that time. Horrible experience for us but I do know that some people really enjoy it. We never had a good "teacher" I never got my questions answered. It was very teacher intensive for me. My other kids got very little school time when we were doing the virtual school. My dd did like the art, the study island site they had to do every day, music and when she got to go online and do "class" once a week with other kids. The history was pretty dry. Math was to hard for her(she is not a math person). I thought the spelling program was pretty good. It was not a hassle at all for us to quit. I just called and then UPS came to get all the boxes of stuff. HTH.

  9. I really like WW online. This is my 15th week. I have lost 16 pounds and really have not been doing the diet 100%. It sure is an eye opener when I log foods I use to eat and see the points values!! No wonder I gained so much weight!!:) I have hit my 5% goal and almost to my 10% goal. I have a long way to go but this is the easiest diet to follow that I have found and I love that it is all online because the meetings are all the way on the other side of town and the meeting times just do not line up with our schedule.

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