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Posts posted by lmrich

  1. We did an NCL cruise and I paid less than $200 for access the thermal spa - it was amazing! never crowded, heated lounge chairs, soft music and a view to die for - my favorite part of the cruise. 

    By the way - most cruise lines are very sensitive to food allergies. 

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  2. 20 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

    For me, it’s directions. I have a Terrible sense of direction. I’m the person with a paper map who had to turn the map on the car seat next to me every Time I took a turn. Directions that began with “Go south on highway…” made me break out in a cold sweat.

    I was so very grateful and relieved when I got a garmin and I’m so thankful for my phone with maps on it. I don’t have to add 20 minutes of get lost and then turn around and find the right street time to every trip to a new place.


    anyone else want to share?

    This is me!  I even struggle when it says turn left - I turn right! I get turned around in a big hotel. 

    My mom and one of my dd's have an incredible sense of direction. 

  3. I think most downtown areas would work for this, espeically if you rely on grocery delivery.  You can also select your doctor's etc.. that are nearby. Not sure why you would need to go the DMV as the poster suggested, but government type things could be harder to get to. 


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  4. I also had a typewriter and the libray. 

    My boyfriend's (now dh) roommate was super rich and had a laptop. He was so nice and let me borrow it for a huge paper I had to write. I was able to 'check it out' and use it from 7 - 9 am. 


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  5. 3 hours ago, itsheresomewhere said:

    This is honestly not a good idea especially for any dog with anxiety.  I can tell you how this will completely ruin a dog with grooming because of the noise and how many hours it will take to make the dog be ok for grooming if they can be ok again.  Those poor pups who come back to us groomers completely frightened by noises they used to be ok with after using this thing.

    OP-  this is going to be a learning curve for you both.  Go slow and if you can only do one side/a head/legs at first that is ok.  Make sure your scissors are nice and sharp are tucked away from kids/husbands who think all scissors are ok for using for everything.  Get a first aid kit together for the just incase. Ears bleed will so pay attention to those extremely well.  

    Personally, I have only ever seen one dog ashamed from the cut his owner tried.  They attempted to do some cut off of tictok and we referred to him as patches later as they tried to make polka dots or something close in his short hair.  So remember as long as you don’t do that, you are doing ok.  

    My dog is deaf so I guess the noise of the vacuum thing is not a problem. She has less anxiety with me doing it than going somewhere. We can take breaks and she can be in her bed and home. 

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  6. I don't have a designated dining room. We just have a large area for the table. I have a very narrow space so finding something to fit there was hard. I had some closet organizers leftover from the old house and they were the right width. I put a shelf on top of them and covered it with a drop cloth that I washed a few times to make it soft. The closet organizers have shelves that fit most of my extra plates. There is space between the shelves where I have a basket to put in table linens. It is not perfect put it cost zero and has served us well for four years now. 

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  7. voice of dissent here... we never got an invitation to my nephew's wedding. We are invited. We are close and have no drama - inviations do get lost in the mail. 

    Look to see if the couple is registered on The Knot. Lots of folks are putting the RSVP there; your kids who got invitations can see if you are on the invite list. (how we knew were invited without getting an invite in the mail) 

    But don't go if you don't want to. 

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  8. we were both 23 when we put the contract on it and 24 when we moved in. DH graduated with his masters and got a job and three weeks later we put a contract on a house. We contined to live off my salary and put every bit of his in savings to afford the down payment. 

    My dd and her finance bought a house at 22 - it was a house of his grandfather's friend and need so much work. They spend 5 months fixing it up - living at home before they moved in. They sold it in 10 months, made a nice profit and bought a home much closer and much nicer. 

  9. Georgia offers merit based college scholarships. We have four seasons without the snow. If you move closer to Atlanta, you will find a political climate you would like - Smyrna, Vinings, Sandy Springs. Lots of homeschooling options, students are supposedly allowed to play sports in public schools (I don't know how hard this is). Lots of rec league sports are available - someone has even been advertising a kayak fishing team. Housing prices are reasonable, but the closer in you go, the more it will cost. Mableton is still very affordable compared to Vinings, for example. 

  10. I agree common, but it should not be normalized. He might benefit from talking to a counselor to help him process all that he is dealing with right now.

    He needs to get that paperwork turned in; you will need to spend the weekend with him. I found that when I had a kid dragging his feet, it was best if we left the house, went to a coffee shop or lunch place and worked there for a few hours and then take a break and pick it up in a few hours. He needs help figuring out how to 'eat an elephant.' 

    The math issue is so tought. If he does not repsect the teacher, he is not going to try, I get that. Can he do the work and check it another way? Is there a tutor or mentor that can go over any missed problems with him? 

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  11. What is he doing the rest of the time? 

    Personally, I would want more time - maybe an hour in the morning and 45 minutes in the afternoon of directed school time. You will want to increase both as he gets older. The directed school time could be listening to you read aloud or take turns reading. 

    Not that this is your kid.... but I am seeing so many children who have poor fine motor skills. Working on a handcraft is a great idea. I wish more kids would cross stitch. It is super easy but teaches so many skills that carry over to just being careful and mindful. 

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  12. At 11 -  I  walked to school, home for lunch, back to school, and then back  home. We had 1 1/2 hours for lunch (this was 1981) and often I  would play   outside  for a  part of  it. We had recess daily and  PE twice week. I played   outside in  the  woods  in the spring and falll. Swam and  played softball in  the  summer and rode my bike constantly. In the winter we went sled riding  on the  hill near school  or ice skating on the flooded parking lot at the  pool. 

    We moved when I  turned 12 and took a bus or was driven to school. We lived  far from everything and had to  be driven  to the  pool. We did  not have many friends so running around  and riding  bikes were  all but over.  I  did  not gain   weight because I  grew about  5 inches.

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