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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. Those are beautiful. But they have a colored plate or something under the white....but I can see that it would be equally nice just the plate on the table....what about a patterned tablecloth?
  2. I looked at those too... but I like darker color table cloths and I question if the contrast is too much. My red stoneware looks so pretty on my current table cloths so I am just not sure what I like.
  3. I like colored table cloths on my dining room table. Do white dishes look ok on a colored table cloth? In my mind the contrast is so stark.... and I am not sure it will look good. My former red plates looked so rich on my table clothes (usually in colors of reds, greens, golds, browns)... but white?? Thoughts? (If you haven't followed my other threads about dinnerware, I am in need of new dishes that will fit in my dishwasher washer and considering corelle, which are all white or white based)
  4. do you like them? why? what pattern do you have?
  5. what pattern of corelle do you have?
  6. I just got a new dishwasher and my old dishes do not fit well. They are heavy, stoneware (and even before we needed a new dishwasher my husband and I talked about getting new dishes)....but the problem I am having is that I don't want to buy online only to find that the new ones don't fit any better than the old ones and I have to send them back. But we have very few local stores that carry dishes (Walmart and Target are basically it.). We are supposed to be getting a Kohl's and TJ Maxx sometime in the near future...but I am not sure just how near and I don't expect either store to be very large because of the where they are putting them. So, I am not sure what the selection would be anyway. We looked at Corelle, but aren't super happy with the pattern options. I like the look of our current dishes which are all red, stoneware. Thinner dishes will fit better in our dishwasher, however. So, I guess I am asking 2 questions....1) what would you do in our situation and 2) would you buy dishes that you like regardless of how they fit in your dishwater or would you buy something you don't like as much just because they fit well?
  7. How many kids? HOw long to play? Great questions. I am actually buying for 2 different families. Both families have a 4th grader and then older kids. One family has 2 younger kids and one in college.....so 4 most of the time, but then 5 when the college girl is home (or more if they have friends over) and the other family has 4 kids at home full time (starting with a 4th grader), but then when their college/older kids come home and play, they have 5 more....plus the parents. length of game....30 minutes...maybe longer depending on the game, I suppose...
  8. thanks for the compliment on the program.....it has been a lot of fun. thanks for the suggestion on the alternative bags.
  9. for a family with kids 4th grade and up. This family is big into games and have many.....so maybe something newer or not as well known. Give me your thoughts! Thanks.
  10. do you have any interesting, but easy to moderate patterns you like? I have made my share of hats, but always looking for interesting ideas. (yes, I know you tube is FULL of videos....but not all of them have worked for me.....so a T & T pattern is nice) I am also in the process of adding items to my Christmas list. I own a set of circular looms and one long loom. I have the following on my list: a yarn winder, another long loom, and a yarn bag. What else might I want to add???
  11. something weird has happened. As a librarian, I am doing a once a month spice program where I print up recipes and information about certain spices and hand out along with a sample of the spice. I package the spice in small, zip lock bags. I thought I would be smart and prepackage some of my spices so they would be ready to roll when I needed them. About 2 weeks ago I put my tumeric in my little zippered bags. I went to put them out yesterday and the bags were all sticky. Like something was accidentally spilled on them, but the sticky residue doesn't wash off. So, I am trying to decide if there was some sort of weird chemical reaction between the spice and the bag, and if it's safe to use or if I should be buying more spice and finding a different way to distribute it. What do you wise people know about this? AND what would you think I need to do as far as buying a more tumeric or just repackaging it?
  12. Yes, we cooked it.... and then left it on the counter top until just a few minutes ago.
  13. We made a pumpkin pie this afternoon (took it out of the oven around 4) and I didn't put it in the fridge until I went to bed (11:00) Would you still serve it for Thanksgiving? My Google search says after 2 hours it could start to grow bacteria. What would you do?
  14. Thank you all...this gives me a great place to start looking. I hope to find something I can live with....and hopefully love. Thanks again....you guys are always great!!!
  15. I want to replace my everyday dishes. I currently have a stone set. They are red and I love that. What I don't like about the stone is that they are heavy and they don't fit well in our new dishwasher. I love the lightness of corelle dishes, but I don't like how they look. If anyone here has any suggestions for me, please share. Thanks
  16. What have you done to make it last that long??
  17. Just that. We are going to buy a new tree this year and we are debating which way to go....what would you do (or what have you done) and why? Thanks.
  18. Our dishwasher is dead. What brand is yours and do you like it? Anything you would recommend I look for or consider? It's been 8 years since I looked at a dishwasher? Thanks.
  19. I have a top loading machine and the instructions say to put bleach in the bleach holder and run the clean washer cycle. However, I don't want to use bleach....I prefer an all natural approach... the recipe I have been told about is to use baking soda and vinegar directly in the tub and then run the clean wash cycle... the problem with that is any liquid added directly into the tub will go down the drain. So I was thinking... do you think I could add the vinegar in the bleach compartment and put the baking soda in the tub? Or has someone here done this a different way? Thanks.
  20. I was gifted some norwex cloths....and although I think they are ok.....and I "understand" the concept behind them, (uses water to clean, the sliver woven into them to kill bacteria etc) and I greatly appreciate the all natural concept A LOT....I am trying to get rid of chemicals in my home, but I am annoyed by the fact that I have to wash them separately and that I need special cleaners to wash them. I also want to believe that the silver kills bacteria (like chicken as they claim), but I have never been able to bring myself to trust that exclusively. Someone recently told me about e cloths, which I guess are similar, but they can be washed with regular detergent with my regular laundry (I think), but I don't know (first hand) if they are just as good at cleaning.... or am I just buying into the hype and any old cloth will clean just as well and all I need are some good all natural cleaners (since that is important to me)? I have to say, however, my stinky dishcloth saga disappeared with the one norwex cloth I have....but is that because it's new? or because it's norwex? or something else? I would greatly appreciate anyone's input....but if you are a norwex seller, please let me know that in your comments....because I want to hear from both those who sell it as well as those who have used (or are using) any cleaning cloths. Thanks!
  21. I tend to be an impulse buyer....and buy often on Amazon...even waiting a week to receive it. We live a hour away from the nearest big enough town to have a Walmart, so I do a lot of online shopping....you guys are really helping me sort this out. We do watch amazon prime TV from time to time...but that is the only extra service we use (besides the shopping)....so I have to decide if it's worth it. In the end it will probably be worth it....but it is still frustrating.
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