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Posts posted by hsmamainva

  1. I caught the announcement on the Today Show while making breakfast.


    They asked her what she's doing to keep fit, since she's 45 now.


    She said that she works out for an hour on the elliptical just about every day.




    If I had 20 kids, I wouldn't have time to take a shower or pee, let alone work out for an hour!!


    Makes me wonder if she's raising the kids or if the siblings are. :glare:

  2. Congrats!! :party:


    I'm homeschooling my youngest dd this year as well.


    She has autism and was in a self-contained class for the last 3 years and it was a complete disaster. She was the only verbal child in the class, but they wouldn't mainstream her because of her 'behavior issues' -- it's called a-u-t-i-s-m!


    Anyway...she LOVES being homeschooled! We're in a homeschool co-op that meets every other Friday for 3 hours and she really enjoys it! I stay with her, to offer one-on-one assistance, but she participates completely in the class.


    That's another option to consider for your son. See if there are any active homeschool groups in your area that offer field trips, co-ops, etc. They have been very accepting of our daughter and have welcomed her with open arms.


    And...it's so nice not to have to deal with IEP meetings and behavior plans!

  3. We started school this year the 2nd week of June and schooled all summer.


    Starting in September, we do school 4 days a week the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month (because those are co-op Fridays) and we do school 5 days a week the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month.


    We're taking a week off next week for vacation in Myrtle Beach (yay!) and will then school until Thanksgiving, take a week off, school until Christmas, take a week off, and then continue to school 4 or 5 days a week (depending on the co-op schedule) until we wrap up the school year, which should be some time in late February or early March.


    I work for an accountant during tax season and March & April are the busiest months for me. I spend May purchasing curriculum and writing lesson plans and will start another new school year around mid-June.

  4. I agree with the others about objecting to the word "entitled".


    We're doing the 2+2 plan with our oldest, which means 2 years at the community college and 2 years at a state public university. This has saved a lot of $$ for our family.


    We've told our oldest that we'll pay for her educational expenses (tuition, room & board, and books). She is responsible for her own spending money. So if she wants a tube of toothpaste or to order a pizza, it's with her cash.


    So she's working every summer as a camp counselor and using that money to keep her going during the school year.

  5. Very comfortable.


    I used to be intimidated by it, but then I became a LaLeche League Leader and spoke in front of a group twice a month. I did that for 15+ years.


    Now I speak fairly often to various groups about homeschooling special needs children. (I have a speaking engagement coming up in a few weeks as a matter of fact).


    I think practice definitely helps in overcoming speaking anxiety. :)

  6. I make license plate bingo cards for long road trips. Just take a card and mark off grids. Stick some state names in there and have them check them off.


    We also play this game where someone starts and they're given "A". So they have to find a billboard, road sign, exit ramp, place name, business name, etc. with "A" as they're driving along. Then the next person has "B". And so on and so forth.


    We also do coloring books and Mad Libs books.

  7. Outside of Fredericksburg, Virginia, and the rain and wind are something else, but we still have power!!!


    3" of rain so far today and it's not supposed to stop for us until noon tomorrow. And it's raining anywhere from 1/2" to 1" per hour.


    Baking cookies and preparing to set up the board games -- we have Sorry, Trouble, and Uno on hand for this evening. :)


    Stay safe, everyone!

  8. I grew up in Virginia Beach, so hurricane preparation was an annual event for us!


    Generator is on the porch.

    Flashlights have new batteries.

    We have several gas cans filled and ready.

    Both cars have full gas tanks.

    We bought a case of bottled water.

    Filling up the bathroom tub with water later so we can flush the toilet.

    Have batteries for the radio.

    Stocked up on canned goods, bread, lunch meat & peanut butter.

    Bought a big package of toilet paper.


    Went Isabelle went through (what? 7 years ago?), our area was out of commission for 2 weeks. We live in a small town / rural area just 3 miles from the Potomac River / Chesapeake Bay.

  9. I'm over it, too!


    My oldest daughter's community college had to close their main building for the rest of the semester due to damage from the earthquake.


    She was there, in that building, when the earthquake struck, and she ran outside with her friends.


    Now they have to move all the classrooms, library, administrative offices, bookstore.....


    So classes have been cancelled until further notice. :(

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