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Word Nerd

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Status Updates posted by Word Nerd

  1. Diane Setterfield (The 13th Tale) will release a new novel, Bellman and Black, in November! http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17571907-bellman-and-black

  2. Odd to be having a thunderstorm while I'm decorating for Christmas. Not that I'm complaining! I've never been one to dream of a white Christmas.

  3. Roller skating! We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue.

  4. #221back #221back #221back :)

  5. Relieved to wake up and find that I do NOT have to plan and put on a last-minute carnival.

  6. Scored 116 points on a word in Words With Friends! Woo!

  7. Thankful for linemen. I would make a terrible pioneer.

  8. I suppose I better put "shave legs" on my to-do list if we're going to the pool tomorrow.

  9. I HATE THE WIND!!! I will go mad if it doesn't let up soon.

  10. Snow, snow, go away. Come again some other day. In 2015 maybe.

  11. Watching old Doctor Who on Netflix while everything cooks and I fold laundry. Is Leela always so grouchy?

  12. Don't go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to.

  13. Just finished filling out our family calendar for the next few months. I'm going to need that extra hour.

  14. Here's hoping for a boring, uneventful news week.

  15. PSA: You can stream the new Civil Wars album free on iTunes right now. Love it!

  16. Went to family night at the skating rink. I still love roller skating even though I'm much older than when I used to win the limbo every time I went skating.

  17. Nothing like browsing the help wanted ads to give you much-needed perspective about the good job you already have. And every other job has Mondays too.

  18. Last Saturday before the county fair = chaos.

  19. Overheard new employee telling someone her birthdate. She was born a month before I graduated from high school. #ifeelold

  20. Thank you to whoever recommended skipping the first season of Parks and Recreation. I like the second season much better!

  21. Spent less than 20 minutes by the pool and still got a sunburn.

  22. So disappointed. Tried to place an order for Warby Parker glasses, and they can't fill my prescription. Having horrible eyesight stinks!

  23. So disappointed. Tried to place an order for Warby Parker glasses, and they can't fill my prescription. Having horrible eyesight stinks!

  24. So happy! The Civil Wars announced they're releasing a new album soon.

  25. If you're organizing a fundraiser and want to encourage people to sell, don't make the process so convoluted that it takes you a dozen paragraphs to explain it.

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