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Posts posted by RoughCollie



    We actually have two "designer breed" dogs. They are "supposed to be" hypoallergenic, but they are NOT.  So please don't anyone believe a dog is hypoallergenic unless it's been proven for that particular dog.



    Actually, whether a dog is hypoallergenic has to do with a particular person is allergic to it.


    I am an adoption coordinator for a breed-specific rescue, and this breed is supposedly hypoallergenic. We get applicants who are allergic to dogs, and we have an allergy policy in place and we always ask if anyone in the household is allergic to dogs and explain how no breed or dog is truly hypoallergenic. 


    Sometimes people either lie or they just don't realize that a family is allergic to dogs. The last time this happened, the wife had never been allergic to any dog. The  dog the couple was fostering to adopt caused her such severe allergies that she had to move out of the house while we found the dog a foster home. Her choice was basically to stay and be able to breathe, or to move out.


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  2. A lot of people don't eat many vegetables, IMO, because they aren't used to it. I was amazed when I reluctantly started eating a lot of vegetable, that after a few weeks I developed a desire to eat them. I now want vegetables the same way I used to want sweets and bread. I think it's a habit now, as well as a mindset. I do not suffer through having to use willpower to maintain a healthy eating plan.


    But if I lived next door to Dairy Queen, that habit would bite the dust.


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  3. If you put cream on your dog's belly, he will do his level best to lick it off. In fact, if he is itching, he is already licking the area. If you don't have a cone, you can try a pair of boy's underwear -- the tail goes through the fly. This worked for my dog during the day ... when we were asleep, he removed the underwear. I used boxers so I could make a knot in the material on my dog's back (they were too big). He is like Houdini, so I didn't use a large safety pin or clip for that purpose because then his mission in life would be to remove it.


    For something like this, I'd take the dog to the vet. The reason is that it is not uncommon for the irritated area to become infected with bacteria or yeast and your vet may know of something that can be done to resolve this problem.


    I use Vetericyn Wound & Skin Care Spray for skin irritations on my dog. It is a spray that is safe for dog's to ingest.  I mention this because my vet doesn't want me to put cortisone cream or creams with lanolin in them on my dog (like Bag Balm) because of the licking factor. I would check with your vet to see what s/he says, though.





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  4. We use ice cube trays because when I researched refrigerators, I kept finding info that said the ice-makers were the most frequent repair problem. I keep extra ice in freezer bags because no one who actually uses ice refills the trays, and I am weary of hearing the complaints about having no ice. Two of us never use ice because we prefer cold drinks without it. Well, with the exception of sweet tea, which I rarely make because of the amount of sugar I use to make it taste the way I think it should!

  5. I prefer for my daughter to date men who are within 2 years of her age.  She is 20 years old and I prefer her to date men who are in the same boat she is in (college student). So far, the issue has not come up. When she was in high school, she wasn't allowed to date until she turned 16, and she was only allowed to date high school students.  Again, the issue didn't come up.


    Once she is an actual adult (lives independently and supports herself), my views won't change much, but I would keep my mouth shut.


    Whether the guy is a devout Christian doesn't change a thing.  I can't tell you how many young men hit on me when I was a student at a bible college. They were all student leaders, allegedly very devout. They weren't trustworthy with me, but their reputations and behavior when not alone with a female were impeccable.  I was shocked and appalled. The 60+ year old president of the college had an affair with a 19 year old student ... that ended badly for his family.  Wolves in sheep's clothing are everywhere, I guess.


    (Reporting those guys for their behavior would have been a waste of time.  I tempted them by being female, and no one would have believed me. I was an 18 year old freshman and they were student leaders, after all.)

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  6. My Mom just prepaid for exactly what you want.  In Atlanta, the cost was a jaw-dropping $4,500.


    I'd have comparison shopped, big time, but my Mom was not interested in advice or help with that project.

  7. Yes, I refrigerate opened wine. I store it upright.  Sometimes I put it in smaller containers so it will be as close to vacuum-packed as possible. I always re-cork it. I use it for cooking only, and I usually plan to use it within a week to 10 days.


    "Refrigerate It

    It’s amazing how often people will keep leftover wine on the counter after they’ve recorked it. You wouldn’t do that with food, so don’t with wine. The cool temp can’t stop exposed wine from breaking down, but it can slow the process significantly. "



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  8. Both in the suburban Boston town we lived in and in our town in western PA, every kid calls every adult Mr. or Mrs. Lastname. My sons are 22, and I still have to continually remind their friends that it is fine to call me by my first name because they are adults now. 


    My extended family is in the South, and my kids have never remember to use Ma'am and Sir when addressing adults.  They aren't used to it, mainly because I wanted them to fit into the culture where they actually lived.


    What I hate is when adults call me by my first name, and are taken aback when I address them by theirs.  It is so authoritarian, and not something I am going to buy into when I am paying for products or services.

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  9. I've had a Dyson for 12 years. Never had a problem with it until the hose split last year. I bought a new one and had it unpacked and installed in 2 minutes. It costs less, per year, than every other vacuum cleaner I've owned. They all seemed to last about 2-3 years apiece.

  10. This is a tough one, because I don't know the woman.  She fell on ice and broke her hip. She's about 40 years old.  The most important thing I know about her is that she is the only person who offered to foster a particular dog for the rescue I work for.


    The dog was in bad shape.  An Amish puppy miller took her to a vet to see if she was pregnant.  Thank God she wasn't... the vet was astonished that the dog wasn't brought in for treatment for her injuries.  Those include hand-sized burns, many infected puncture wounds from the rape machine used to hold her in place for breeding. And more! The miller abandoned her at the vet because she was of no use to him, wanting her to be euthanized (for free).  The vet persuaded the man to let them find her a home.


    This lovely lady, who had a 4-month old Wheaten Terrier puppy at home, offered to foster the dog for us and to nurse her back to health, solely because she figured no one else would step up to the plate (she was right).  These mill dogs are in terrible shape psychologically and are afraid of everything.  This one had an added fear -- of snow -- and of course, the lady lives in a place where there was a lot of snow this winter. 


    The dog is very bonded to her now, and after several months of vet visits and nursing care and effort to take care of her, the lady has decided to adopt her because she thinks it would be too traumatic for the dog to be uprooted from her home.


    I am also keeping in mind that the puppy she has is very time-consuming, just by virtue of being a Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, puppy.  Much of the time people adopt an adult rescue dog is that they don't want to go through the challenge of raising a puppy again.


    Anyway, this lady has a Big Heart and has been an outstanding mom and caregiver for this mill dog.  Her husband and extended family will continue caring for the dog while she recovers from yesterday's surgery.  The doctor wanted her to go to a rehab center, but because of the dog, she has (with her doctor's blessing) decided to recuperate at home so she will be there for the dog.


    So, I want to do something for her, from time to time, besides send her get well cards.  I can't afford to do anything expensive, but there must be a way I can show her that I am concerned about her, and how very much I appreciate her ... with something besides mere words.


    Does anyone have any ideas? It is hard because I don't know anything about her except what I've stated above. I was thinking along the lines of sending her cards with a little present included (not necessary in the envelope), from time to time. I want her to know I care about her as a person, and that I very much appreciate all she has done and is doing for this rescue dog.  I have a lot of admiration for this woman, and I've talked with her a lot over the past few months -- all about dogs.



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