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Posts posted by motherofjoy

  1. Sure. Give me more money and I'll get in a better position for when the economy does crash.


    Sort of my answer, but sure, why not give me some money? Whether I spend it on bills or buy stuff, the money is still circulated. If it makes the current administration look all the weaker for its sorry decisions, great! Another reason to vote for BIG CHANGE. McCain is just more of the same, because as he keeps saying, he has all the experience of working with the current government.

  2. Most accredited high schools will not accept your homeschool transcript, if what you're hoping is that they'll give a diploma at the end of senior year. A private school may. They may or may not place the student in requested grade level classes. They may require testing. I would discuss this with the school you may decide to enroll your students in before taking advice from anyone online, as every district is going to have different policies.


    ETA, if you're entering 9th, there shouldn't be a problem, as most high schools do not accumulate credits until this time. My examples are for students who enter high school after doing some high school grade level work at home.

  3. There have been several years that we've totally ignored it because of serious food allergies and sensory issues. Why bother if you can't eat any of the candy and the lights, noise and crowds terrify the kids?


    We ignore it for similar reasons, nothing to do with religion because we aren't religious. I'm not sure if the trick or treating tradition is considered "celebrating" halloween, most people don't consider it a holiday, just a fun time to go get candy. I don't want my kids begging for candy, they're sensitive to scary things, have food issues, and we live out in the country with few neighbors and that makes trick or treating difficult. I feel sorry for the people in the subdivisions close to the edge of town because they get tons of kids from the more rural areas hitting them up. Doesn't seem fair.

  4. When you count in what it costs to prepare an area for a certain kind of livestock or pet animal, feed, vet bills, equipment, and time, it's hard to make much of a profit on any kind of livestock, unless you're doing it in large quantities. The best profit margin on any type of livestock has always been hogs, because their rate of gain (the percentage of weight they gain per pound of feed) is highest. A weaner pig bought in Feb at less than 30 pounds can weigh 300 pounds in August. All kinds of feed, from pet food to hay, has gone up. For hogs, you can save costs on feed if you have access to day old veggies and bread. To really raise a quality animal, be it a puppy or a steer, and make top dollar, you have to spend more than you think. Sometimes you do better raising chickens and selling the eggs, or a cow and doing milk shares, but it depends on your local market.

  5. Don't flush personal hygiene products into a septic tank/field.


    Biodegradable, organic, and liquid. That should be your mantra.


    We don't use a garbage disposal, dishwasher, or powdered soaps, or chlorine bleach with ours. All of those things will shorten the lifespan between pumps, or clog your junctions. If you're having to have your tanked pumped "regularly", there's a problem. Since my new tank was installed 9 years ago, we've never had it pumped. It's a 1000 gallon tank with lots of usage. And we don't use commercial shock treatments either. We just follow the simple rules above.

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