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Posts posted by motherofjoy

  1. Yes I do think an hour on this board is different. We are interacting and thinking. We are responding to human beings. I am assuming everyone on here is alive and breathing and not an android.


    XBox Live. Real humans, 24/7.


    You can find "research" that supports any point of view. Plenty of studies have concluded that previous studies showing certain products and behaviors as harmful were not scientifically produced. If you don't want your kids to play video games, more power to you. Just don't try to prove that it makes your family superior, because that's how you're coming off. Plenty of us have kids we're very proud of, good successful kids, and they play video games.

  2. Take out boyscouts and add 4H, and this could be any of my four kids. However, they've all played scads of what are probably considered "violent" video games. Doing one doesn't mean the other can't be. Just saying. They're all quite sane, production young adults, doing well in college and with their jobs. They still play video games, but not to the exclusion of everything else. Call of Duty, HALO, even GTA. I've never censored their games or limited their screen time. To each their own.


    my 17yo is not allowed to play video games, that forces him to have a life which consist of


    Boy Scouts

    Order of the Arrow

    Traveling with TeenPact

    Traveling with WorldView Acamdemy


    moderator on a Lord Of The Rings Site

    investigating the history of medieval weaponry

    Israeli Combat Fighting



    mentoring disadvantaged elementary kids

    engaging in politics





    tilling the garden

    messing with his truck (I have no idea)

    reading good books (and Survival Manuals and practicing the techniques)

    playing violin, piano and bagpipes

    Camping every other weekend


    teaching his sisters and others swordplay

    costume making

    exploring various interest


    and right now he just arrived home from the Spring Fellowship of the OA, washed his puppy and is watching C-Span's coverage of the questioning of the recipents of the stimulus money (at least that is what it sounds like) and having his sisters crawl over him and the puppy.


    I intend on depriving his sisters in the same manner

  3. Governments run much like businesses, in that they set their budgets ahead of time, using numbers from taxation and appropriations (local government gets money from the county, county governments get money from the state, states from federal, and so on) that they expect to get. They know they're going to get a certain amount of money, just as a business can forecast a certain profit - within reason. Businesses fail because expected profits don't materialize, but governments provide services that have to be continued, regardless of spiraling costs, like fuel and utilities, that they simply can't forecast. Perhaps a severe winter had caused the road department to spend many times in excess for road clearing than they budgeted for. They still need to clear the roads so emergency crews can get around. Perhaps the locals schools had to spend twice what they were alloted for bus fuel. In any case, you are provided the services of your county during a shortfall, due to rising costs, and now possibly taxes will be raised to cover that shortfall, it isn't that they simply spent out of control and are now punishing you. Governments don't make a profit. They budget from monies they're due to collect in a coming year. It isn't a perfect system.

  4. Any big box store is at least an hour away from me. I use Amazon for a wide variety of my purchases (things I can't buy in my very small town), sheets are often a very good price at Amazon. With my Amazon Prime account, I get most things in a day or two, and when I do pay shipping, its much less than gasoline. Other online merchants too. I try to buy local when I can, raise a lot of my own food, don't buy things just to buy them (I haven't been in a mall in years). I'm not a shopper. When I need something specific, I buy that thing, not a lot of other stuff I don't need. Most of my children's clothes were second hand or bought at places like outlet stores, they're old enough now to make their own choices and they still prefer bargains, and sometimes, that means Target or Walmart. I don't have a problem with buying at Wal Mart or Target if I happen to be close to one and there's something I need. There isn't any more "made in china" or "junk" there than any store.

  5. It depends on the strength your project calls for. Most topical solutions available OTC are now diluted (because Iodine tincture 7% was being used in drug making). You can still buy small quantities in some areas - feed stores often carry it, but in some other areas its tightly controlled and requires an RX or special license. Most places, the only thing you can get is a betadine type at .75%, probably not strong enough.

  6. Hate is a strong word.


    Reading is an interest based activity, just like everything else. It doesn't interest her, right now, but she may develop more of an interest in her own time. In the meantime, allow her to listen to recorded books, if she wants. Only one of my many children really likes to read for fun, the others have many other enriching activities they enjoy. I do require a certain amount of assigned reading, and hope that what is now a chore becomes a desire some day. If it doesn't, I'll live.

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