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Posts posted by OHGrandma

  1. If she is content with how things are, she is fine! If she is moody, brooding, cranky, reading dark stuff, then consider some outside help. But she sounds like she's happy, and knows herself better than most kids at that age. You are doing fine, and it shows how well you are doing because you are able to hear her teachers, consider what they say, and determine if it's an accurate assessment of a child they've know for a few weeks.

  2. I was reading the posts out loud as she was posting.


    Now my 15 year old is saying, "You have to admit that repopulating the earth with our close friends sounds pretty good."


    That one really cracked me up! I wish I got to see the house, it was blocked on my work PC, and I just got on from home now and it's gone. :(


    I looked at some of her first posts and they weren't weird. I was thinking she had a teenager in the house having fun. I wonder if she'll try to log on later and find out she was banned while she was gone?

  3. The last 5-1/2 months she has been with me. But you know how things change..financial situations, work schedules...now she has to be away from me a bit.


    Well, she's a bit young to go that long without milk. And the price of formula even once a day would pay for a pump pretty quickly. I used a manual pump, 30 years ago. My daughter got an electric pump through WIC.

    Good luck.

  4. I always question before I leave the dr's office. I ask what it is and why he chose that medication and how much I am to take and, and, and. Feel free to ask. Don't feel bad about wanting to be educated.

    My dr is really good about sayin what he's prescribing and why. With my dizzyness & fatigue I wasn't up to discussing meds. When he said the drug would take care of my complaint about meclizine, that was enough for me at the time.


    For a later poster, the drug is Dipyridamole, generic for Persantine. TMI alert -- my complaint about meclizine was it caused constipation and associated discomforts.

  5. I went to the dr this afternoon for my vertigo. I mentioned that while the meclizine did not stop the vertigo, it did stop the nausea and let me sleep. But one of the side effects keeps me from taking it regularly. So, he wrote a script for the side effect. I didn't even try to read the script, just handed it to the pharmacist. I don't recognize this drug. I read the insert and it has nothing to do with my meclizine side effect. I browsed the net, but I couldn't find any use that was anywhere close to my complaint.


    I'm not taking it until I call the dr tomorrow. This just feels strange, to question my prescription.

  6. Well, my family dr thinks I've got BPPV, unfortunately he's not familiar with the movements that treat it. He's got a call in to his PT's. He said the last person with my symptoms that didn't respond to the antibiotics or meclizine, went to an ENT who tried the same course of meds with no different outcome.

    Dr was going to try a water pill, until I reminded him my BP med contains a water pill.

    Before I call the neurotologist(on my own, I don't need a referral), I'm going to see if my chiropractor is familiar with BPPV.

    BPPV & Epley Maneuver -- http://www.dizziness-and-balance.com/disorders/bppv/bppv.html

  7. PS - If you do not recover within a few weeks of treatment, insist on a referral to a neurotologist. (No, not a neurologist or an otologist. You really want the neurotologist.)


    Thanks, I found an ENT in my health plan and want to ask my family dr about the ENT. The ENT is a neurotologist.

  8. For me, dizzyness is the mild feeling I get when I know the room is still but I'm spinning a bit. Vertigo is the feeling of the room suddenly spinning out of control around me, leaving me extremely nauseous, fatigued, & eyes twitching.


    Since the first of Sept I've had the same symptoms you described. Since then, I've been on 2 different antibiotics & 1 antivert med. I'm going to the dr this afternoon to see if he can come up with some other reason I'm also suffering from vertigo.

  9. Hey There,


    I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about what my daughter's dad could be up to... I have a few... but...


    He wants a record... that supposedly has nothing to do with lessening any money that I receive... about all the flights that he's paid for... out to his house.


    I asked him, "Tax Credit?" I've never heard of anything like that for airplane tix. I said... you gotta admit... that sounds funny/weird.


    He says that he doesn't see how it's anything I'd want to get into with him... about his and his wife's business.


    I have to think that anytime he says "Trust Me" I should get scared.




    He could be building a case with his wife on why he should move closer to you. He could be totalling how much it costs for transportation, and see if saving that would offset a loss of income if he moved.










    And if you buy that, I've got a bridge to sell you. :lol:

    He may have a reason that does not negatively affect you, but I'm with those who say he should keep track of what he pays for, he shouldn't be expecting you to tell him all the related details.

  10. what is the big deal? I wouldn't want to bring my kids into a hospital!!




    Well, I'm with Tammy on this, and I'm not going to sugar coat it either.


    OP, I'm sorry it's not working out the way you planned. But if you have a smooth delivery you'll be home the next day or possibly the same day. I'm assuming your children are healthy, so you don't want to expose them to any sick people in the common areas of the hospital and have them bring home illnesses for you and the new baby.


    BTW, our daughter just had a baby 2 weeks ago. Her older girls are 6 & 8. Every one was disappointed the girls couldn't see the baby for 3 days(mild complications); but when she got home, all that disappointment was forgotten.

  11. they're (recruiting) is flying her to San Antonio for her physical. Why? If she lied about the seizures/epilepsy how far do they dig into her past.


    Gosh they asked her for copies of my parents birth certificates. You'd think they'd look into her medical carefully.


    Copies of your parents birth certificates??? That sounds really weird. I don't recall anything like that when our son joined the AF 11 years ago.

  12. It must have. When I searched the headline was different. Sometimes all news sources toss things out there then revise it if it's found to be misleading somehow. It is wise to bring up where this is over-dramatized because H1N1 has been by almost every source of news everywhere lately.


    The topic of this post isn't flame wars on liberal or conservative bias news sites. It just goes to prove my point that you cannot link or quote Fox without people freaking out and turning off the brain.


    Yes, I think the reporters for ALL news sites throw stuff out too quickly, trying to be first to break the news.

  13. Are we reading the same article?? In the FOX news article I'm reading the title is:

    "CDC: Nearly 1 in 3 Pregnant Women Hospitalized With H1N1 Have Died in U.S."


    And in the first paragraph you left out a couple of important words:

    "Since it first surfaced in April, nearly 1 in 3 pregnant women who were hospitalized due to the virus have died."


    You can hate FOX news all you want, but DON'T misquote them like that. The majority of this article is direct quotes from people in the CDC or other governmental agencies.


    Next time pretend you are reading an article from MSNBC before you post and then maybe you can be less judgmental and look at the reporting rather than assuming it's wrong because of the source. Or better yet google on MSNBC and see if they have a similiar article. Like this one: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33061347/ns/health/ Of course they have some alarming facts that may not be sit well with some too, such as this quote: "They're at least four times as likely to be hospitalized as other flu sufferers." And the article has very few quotes from people in the know, and not much journalism, seems to be just copied from the AP. But I'm sure you won't find that "REPREHENSIBLE".



    The article changed, to the more accurate reporting of the CDC's report.

  14. http://liujiaoourhealth.blogspot.com/2008/12/10-dirtiest-foods-youre-eating.html



    Just finished reading this article...I knew some of this but not as much as I thought I did!! My husband and son are deer hunters and it makes me really thankful our freezer is usually full of deer tenderloins, ground deer and roast. It is about as organic as you can get with meat.


    What type of foods do you steer clear of?


    Organic doesn't mean clean. How'd you kill the deer, was it a gut shot which contaminated the whole inside with e-coli? If the gut was not compromised, was it field dressed in sanitary conditions, then chilled promptly? Your deer is probably safe to eat, but no safer than the average beef at the local grocery.


    I also tend to think most of these kinds of articles are fear-mongering.

  15. And who once sent a ficus plant for my youngest son's birthday? And who once sent no gift at all for my youngest on his birthday because "money is tight" but then the next week sent the Twilight series of books to my oldest son? ("But why? No offense or anything, mom, but those are chick books....")


    So. Update! She's making some progress. She sent a birthday card for my youngest, correct spelling on the card and everything! But get this. It came with a little envelope attached:


    POSTAL CUSTOMER [child's name]

    YOUR CARRIER HAS PAID the POSTAGE DUE on this piece of mail so that it could be delivered to you without delay. Please reimburse him / her by placing 37 cents in this envelope and placing it in your mail box. No stamps please. Thank you.


    I laughed out loud and immediately had to come right here and tell y'all.


    First class postage in the USA is 44 cents, post cards 28 cents. Did she put on some postage, just not enough? Or are you not in the states?

  16. I went to my family dr, then the dentist, then the family dr, trying to get a dx on a one-sided sore throat. I took antibiotics off and on for a couple months. Xrays did not show anything wrong with my teeth. Finally, the infection got bad and my tooth abcessed. By the time it did that, the tooth had to be pulled.


    So, yes, the bad taste could be from your tooth. Your symptoms are similar to what I went through. I'd get to your dentist ASAP.

  17. I adore books by Aletha Soulter. She has one called Tears and Tantrums you may want to check out. Her recommendation is that crying shouldn't be discouraged. If those kinds of displays irk the daylights out of you, it may take some getting used to, BUT for us it really helped.


    Around here we call it "getting our cries (or sads) out". We sit down with them, hold them, and let them cry. If they try to distract themselves, we gently talk to them, tell them it's ok to cry, and generally just encourage them to get it all out. It has done WONDERS for my little folks. The all day whine, or weepy days are virtually non-existent. Instead of the slow drain of sadness or anger, we get it all out, and then they move on.


    I took that approach when we got custody of our grandson. He needed to get that emotion out, and sometimes we even provoked all the emotion we could, getting him to name every fear, every sadness. Then he could move on. However(!), I think that is much different than what Aubrey is dealing with. She has two toddlers, and the older ones. The 6 year old is still enough of a baby that sharing attention with the younger ones is going to provoke a lot of whiney, crying, attention seeking fits.


    Ear plugs can work somewhat, if it stops the reaction you are feeling. Putting the child outside or their bedroom until they compose themselves is a solution, as long as you can do it gently and with the clear message that the whining & crying is not appropriate in the situation you are in, and once they get it out they can rejoin the family.

    I think even though you do not act inappropriate, the children know they are provoking a response inside that you do not like. I am convinced that is their intentions at times. If you can find a way to stop that response, you'll cut down on their whining & crying.


    BTW, I know EXACTLY what you are feeling!

  18. This is a good idea! I could see her being willing to put the time into this. This goes really well with the suggestion that she talk to the parent directly about her concern--she could then ask how she could help and offer things like this.


    It could be she's fishing for ways to help her relative, and she knows you are a successful hs'er. Good luck to you, and her!

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