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Posts posted by OHGrandma

  1. Sunday:

    Oatmeal for breakfast

    lunch? what's that?

    Ham, a big one, with veggies for dinner



    Oatmeal for breakfast, or cream of wheat

    Left-overs for lunch

    Ham and pea soup (ham cubed, pea soup from a bag o' beans)

    Air freshener for bath room? Check!



    Oatmeal yet again

    left overs

    X bean soup with more ham!

    More t.p., check!




    left overs

    go crazy and have black-eyed-peas (from a bag) more ham

    softer t.p.? Check!




    left overs

    dirty rice (hamburger mixed in rice)

    Smelly candles for bath room? Check!




    left overs

    red beans and rice (more bag products) hot sauce, mix it up :p

    desire to never see ham again? Check!




    left overs

    Chicken and rice (as it sounds, not prepackaged... one chicken down and rice)

    full bellies? Check!




    left overs

    black beans and rice

    lines for the potty? Check!




    left overs

    Hey look, it's a roast with potatoes, carrots and green beans!

    Grateful? Check!




    left overs

    Beef stew ;)

    Humble? Check!


    Sense of humor? Check! (It sure helps!)

  2. I am up doing laundry while my family sleeps. I am a VERY even-tempered, patient person, but I am finding myself too frustrated and angry to sleep right now. MIL/FIL are staying with us for the week from out of state and tonight just before they went to bed we were talking about my 4 kids. Then out of the blue they said something about how worried they are about babysitting for DH and I in March for a weekend (Sat. morning through Mon. morning) that he and I will be going away on a short business trip. The thing is... it was an OPTIONAL trip, one that we wouldn't have chosen to take if they had given us ANY HINT of being unsure or worried that they could handle all 4 kids. We gave them months to think it over, and made it extremely clear that it was optional and that we didn't want them to say yes if they felt like it was too much. They very enthusiastically said that they would come that weekend to babysit, so we booked our flights and they booked theirs. Now, two months later, tonight, they told me that they are worried that they won't be able to handle all 4... and it became clear that this is the beginning of their passive-aggressive guilt-trip that they are known for. Why did I let us fall into this trap once again!? I should have known better than to even ask them. Now, for the next 3 months I am going to have to hear comments slipped into conversations, when I least expect it, that will make me angry that they find it IMPOSSIBLE to just be honest and tell me "no"... and making me feel like the one that causes them so much stress. They do this all in a "June Cleaver" disguise that even the most cold-hearted person wouldn't be able to confront... let alone my own people-pleasing self.


    Cancelling the trip is no longer an option. I toyed with the idea of hiring my babysitter to come stay with them for the weekend (I should have just hired her alone in the first place) or sending one or two of the kids to friends' houses for the 2 days... I don't know.


    At least I know one thing, I will never ask them to babysit my kids again.


    I've been on both sides. My mil used to BEG to watch the kids, but when I'd ask she acted like it was a huge imposition, she'd check her calender, etc. As a result, I seldom asked. Now, as the grandma, I cheerfully say 'yes', but I have to admit when the day gets closer I wonder what I was thinking to have said 'yes'!

    However, I don't back out, and I don't express my concerns about watching a full crew because I don't think it's right to complain once I committed. What I have asked is if a babysitter can be arranged to give me a break. I think it's perfectly acceptable to tell your mil you are concerned about her concerns and present her with options-- a part time babysitter to help, farm out a couple to friends, or a full time babysitter during the day. It's also fine to give her a deadline to reply with her preference or else you'll make alternative plans.

  3. Wow!! I have read that book but I never applied it to my parents. Gifts are totally my Dad's love language. He is always buying stuff for Mom and us kids. I am seeing this situation in a whole new light; thanks!! I think I'm going to call my Dad and brag on the beautiful necklace DH bought me for my birthday last week.


    I think that is a good idea. As for any questioning about Christmas gift exchanges just tell them some gifts are a little too personal to share! Or, if you & hubby are both present and the remarks are done in person, just exchange a wink & smile and say it was personal.

  4. Thanks for the reassurances....she said they want to do a vaginal and an abdominal ultrasound. I mentioned at the appointment that I was worried because I didn't feel sick much at all and with my son' date=' I was very, very, very sick. I didn't feel sick with the baby that I lost.

    Twins was my first thought....but surely I would be sick if I was having twins?!?!? (which would be incredibly awesome, btw)[/quote']


    I don't think being sick is a good indication. I barfed from 2 months to 6 months after conception with my first. With my second I was queasy before I even missed my period, then over it within a short time.

  5. According to court records, Evan Piccioli is the only child who actually drank the milk. His sister Grace became ill from exposure to her sick brother. Emma Barringer fell ill after her parents cared for Grace Piccioli while Evan was hospitalized with his E. coli infection.


    I've got to review what I know about transmission of E.coli because I think this sounds like some serious cleanliness issues within the family.

  6. I have family. I have friends. I have a good congregation. I know we won't starve. I just feel obligated to cut back in every area I can. I am still taking ds to his swim and piano...but I am down to bare bones on everything else. Oh even that is not true....I could still cut home phone and cable (but if I cut cable it is one more thing ds has to suffer)...I have cut home phone down to bare minimum...no long distance, no voice mail...none of that stuff.


    I do have a $4K solitare he bought me for our 25 anniversary last year. I'm told it will fetch about 800 to 1000.


    My parents just spent 4 nights with me...they only slept here because they were doing some volunteer work in the area....but when they left I found a card with a $100 bill in it. So I am going grocery shopping tomorrow!!!!! They are awesome.


    Oh and I am going down to apply for food stamps in the a.m.


    OK, I was a bit concerned for your welfare.

    It sounds odd that he doesn't have to pay alimony until the house is sold. In this economy it could take quite a while to sell it.

  7. Wouldn't "word" get around, though, that Paul was preaching a different message than that of a Pharisee? And once he opened his mouth, wouldn't the synagogue leaders (Rabbis?) want to immediately put a stop to it?


    I'm sort of putting it into today's context...if a pastor at a Baptist church suddenly turned, say, Catholic, but was still invited to speak at a Baptist church, wouldn't he be only allowed one time to speak, then those in leadership would put an end to it *immediately*? They wouldn't allow him in time and time again, and then only kick him out b/c people were converting and the leaders were jealous? I can't understand why the leaders of the synagogue didn't put a stop to it immediately.


    I would think God had something to do with Paul speaking in the synagogues.

  8. My granddaughter, Sophia, is 2 months old and perfectly healthy and does not have Downs. At her ultrasound about 20 weeks, she had 2 markers for Downs, one of which was her heart. She also had one enlarged kidney. The ultrasound markers for Downs picks up a lot of false positives. Unfortunately that causes a lot of unnecessary concern for many, but does help to watch further development.

  9. Ladies, what would I do without you. :001_smile:


    I just got off the phone with dss' pediatrician, and I will be picking up a note tomorrow morning that dss shouldn't be swimming because of his eczema. It's cold where we are, and his hands *are already cracking between his fingers. He and I were talking about it this past weekend. But that's not the real reason why he doesn't want to swim, so it feels kinda not truthful. I don't like this at. all. But I talked to his counselor, and all the other electives are full, there's no other class to get him transfered to. His counselor even said 'you know, the only way to sit out of gym is with a doctor's note'. As in like, um, hey, we're all trying to help {kid} here, why don't you call his doctor. He asked me if I wanted to speak to the principal, and I said, no, I think I'll call his pediatrician.


    One of those unspoken yet spoken things, you know?


    Ugh. What a day. I didn't even know before today that chlorine was bad for eczema. I guess you learn something new every day.


    Speaking as someone who suffers and I mean SUFFERS from eczema in the cold, THANK YOU for getting him a doctors excuse!

  10. We have bought a table top tree (3-4') for the past 5 years. I just put it on top of the end table in front of the window. This works great! I still have a tree in my living room without taking up any extra space. We do buy a real tree every year and the place that we buy from always has an assortment of smaller trees.


    We have two cats in the house who insist on getting in the tree, real or artificial. They would destroy them within a couple days. Our solution was to have a Christmas tree forest, with several trees from 1 to 3 foot high. We use our grandsons Steam Engine Thomas(with real steam and a whistle) as a center piece in the living room and the trees placed in/around it. Last year I formed a tunnel with the white background cloth & table. The cats stopped bothering it when we turned on the train, haha. And the kids love that it's set up at waist height and there is lots of room on the floor for presents!

  11. Our DD brought home our granddaughter (a premie) at the end of August. The newborn gowns were what fit best. She got a number of premie outfits as gifts from Gymboree and never wore them. They were super small plus it was just easier to use the gowns and the swaddle blankets.


    She has grown so quickly that she is almost out of the 0-3 months clothes. I agree with others - don't buy too much as they grow soooo fast.


    Ditto on the newborn gowns! Put on matching booties & cap, they'll wear them for several months, be easy to change, and still look adorable!

  12. Ds15 has gone to one church youth group since he was in 5th grade. We started at the private school they run when he was in 4th grade. They had very non-dom teachings in the school, and I was okay with that. In 5th grade he started AWANAs and has continued with that or youth group ever since. He truly loves his church family and the leaders there. It is the highlight of the week for him. I have noticed that the high school group is getting into more complex subjects (obviously expected) but I don't really agree with some of the teachings. We do not attend the Sunday services there because I do not agree with some of the adult teachings..they are Very legalistic. Dh and I don't attend church at all right now, just the kids. It is their choice and I do all I can to make sure they get there if they want to go.


    One that conversation has stuck with me, was him coming home talking about a girl that another boy wanted to 'save from being a Mormon'. Ds seemed to be agreeing with the other boy and started telling me why LDS was a false faith. I do not agree with this...At All. I feel every faith that has a positive message has value and that it is not our right or job to 'save' people, from a faith they are secure in. I wholeheartedly agree that we should reach out to each other and share our belief with others, open the doors of communication, and encourage each other to live a good life. I don't think it is fair of a person to judge another's choice of religion, and to deem them inferior or weak due to their faith...requiring them to be saved.


    How do you deal with situations like this? As an adult I wouldn't stay at a church that started going a direction with their teachings that I didn't like. In this circumstance ds and I talked about peoples individual rights to faith and respect for each other. But as a teen, he is so vulnerable. I grew up in 3 religions simultaneously, so I guess tolerance was a must for me to survive. (Seventh Day Adventist school, Assembly of God family church with mom, father was Lutheran).


    I think one of the problems I am having is knowing that I do not like the adult message the church presents, so I expect this to come up more and more as he continues in the high school group.


    On the other hand, this is a kid who attends public school and the highlight of his week....it church youth group. He will do anything to make sure he gets there. They have a great program and it is very Christ centered (unlike other groups he has visited that were more of a social hour). They have real discussions and it isn't just a repeat of the younger programs. They talk about teen issues and I feel the message is valuable.


    WWYD? What have you done?


    If you refuse to allow him to attend this church any longer because of it's teaching, aren't you doing what offends you most at this time? You've allowed him to go, now he is making decisions about other faiths based on what he's learned, and he has concerns about others beliefs. You don't want him to make judgements, but you will judge his beliefs?

  13. Grandson took it at 9 years, 4th grade, in Feb of this year. He did quite well, compared to the 8th grade norm. We reviewed a few math topics, like fractions & decimals since they really hadn't done much with that at school. I also had him practice using a calculator.


    I think it will be a good way to assess where your daughter is; and she'll probably score better than you anticipate, considering her reading comprehension.

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