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Jill- OK

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Posts posted by Jill- OK

  1. Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore


    I'm serious...it was ridiculous.


    I feel sorry for the folks working the phones...and I totally understand why the Census folks have to threaten people with jail time in order to get them to cooperate.


    I've also had someone show up at my door, asking me to give them the info for our household, and I told them I'd verify what they had. She said she couldn't give out that info, lol, and I told her I couldn't give complete strangers info that I wasn't sure they already had.


    So we had a little standoff until she finally told me what they had, asked me not to tell on her, and I verified it.

  2. ...that some of it is just the type of kid. I have two older children (teens) that are a little more than a year apart, have been brought up the same, and one of them is definitely more intellectually curious than the other. (According to my definition of it, that is.)


    Charlotte mason used to provide time for masterly inactivity.


    We do this by having unstructured time. We have no TV anyway, so we also have a computer free day every now and again, and also computer free, school free time


    We do have a tv, but since there are so many of us, lol, we have to budget time for it. Same with the computer. It's not open for free reign, because we all have to share. I really believe in stocking the house the same way I believe in stocking the pantry; some fluff, but mostly stuff you want them ingesting (both mentally and physically). If they can't watch something, or mess around on the computer, then they'll pick up a book, some legos, or art materials.


    If your kids are required to read challenging stuff for school they may choose lighter stuff for free time. After all we all need 'time off'!


    I'm not suggesting not challenging them during school time, but do they have free time as well. If you nag them during free time, or worse, require them to document everything they read during free reading they are not going to choose to read, any more than you would if your dh required a list of all you had read with dates started and finished!


    Again...I agree. I take my kids to the library regularly, and let them check out...mostly whatever they want. Seriously. Sometimes the older kids have things they need for assignments, but the younger kids are there to get books and videos that interest them. Sometimes it's books about wolves, or firemen/policemen, sometimes it's a book that tells you how to play poker. (Yes, my 8yo looked up "poker" and checked out a book about it. For real.) All I'm trying to do is reinforce the idea that the library is where you go to research...and sometimes get fluff, too.


    But going back to my first point; all kids are different. I think that there are things you can do to provide an environment that makes it easier for a child's intellectual curiosity to bloom...but there are some kids who are more likely to respond.


    I think you also have to be comfortable with letting them explore, even if you don't see a value in it. There are things that can spark discussions or interests that you might not expect. A video game can pique a child's curiosity about a classic work of literature, or a grotesque movie that you have to be talked into letting a teen see can spark discussions about the Spanish Civil War, the influence of myth, and the work of Francisco de Goya.


    There are teachable moments that spring from a lot of "free time" activities, if you're simply engaging in a conversational way of life, keeping an eye out for your children's (more worthwhile) interests, and looking for ways to whet appetites.

  3. My two oldest did Spanish through OSU online this year, and while it's not my first preference, I'd say that it was a pretty good, basic Spanish class. (First preference being a "real life" group class or tutor, and second being Rosetta Stone with a good grammar book.)


    I think that their instructions could be a little clearer (for the mom/facilitator), but the material was good, and I like that they're reading a novel, in addition to the run of the mill exercises.


    It's also good to have a non-Mommy class on the transcript, IMO. :-)

  4. The big kids (14yo and 16yo) and I were talking last night about doing a year of US History next year, and trying to decide whether or not to use a text, or living books.


    Not wanting to reinvent the wheel, I thought I'd ask here what some of you have used for high school US history.


    I've looked at Sonlight's US History/Government, and while I like the suggestions they have for the government part...I find myself wanting to use more biographies and primary source documents for this. We've been sort of following the WTM sequence with world history, but I'd really like to set aside some time just for the U.S. (One of them will also do a semester of state history at co-op).


    So...what have you guys done? Or, what are some great individual titles that you'd suggest for teens about US history, events, personages, etc.?

  5. I'm not real in any group that is just acquaintances flung together because of a shared interest/activity (homeschooling or otherwise). I am very real with actual friends.


    I don't know that I hide things from non-buddies...but it's a lot easier to share hard stuff with real friends. One of my best friends is single, and a public school teacher. I can be real with her, it doesn't matter what she does or that I homeschool; she knows and loves me and can encourage me to either do better, or not beat myself up.


    Most of my good friends homeschool, but that's sort of a coincidence...we don't really talk about homeschooling a lot, specifically, but we do talk about life.

  6. I don't start history as a true subjerct until 3rd grade. I do alternate their bedtime stories with some historical stories like "The Miracle Worker" or legends like William Tell, etc.


    It hasn't negatively impacted any of my children (however I am not a believer in 4 yr history cycles either, though)


    We don't really start in earnest until 3rd (or even 4th) grade, although their co-op class does the VP cards, and we read historical (and science-oriented) books.

  7. Don't be hard on yourself. Even if you reach the point where you think, "I should be over this!", and still find yourself stumbling...be kind. Just like you would with a friend who had lost a parent.


    Find someone who has lost someone close to them. A good friend of mine lost her father mere months after I lost mine, and while I hate that she had to go through what I did, it was so precious to have someone *close* who knew exactly what I was dealing with, and with whom I had no worries about being told to "move on".


    Get in a groove with something like FlyLady or Motivated Moms, for the house. Motivated Moms is a good checklist, and I don't normally advocate all of the emails, etc. that go along with FlyLady...but in a case where you're in crisis mode, AND dealing with something like a death, I would say it's probably a good thing. Go through the baby steps, follow their lists, and in time, things will get done.


    Don't worry about a season of relaxed homeschooling with young kids. Provide them with fun, non-brain-watering stuff to do (educational computer games, plenty of books, some new Legos, Playmobil, finger puppets, etc.), and if you have to go with a boxed curriculum, don't beat yourself up. There will be a time when you get a lot of your energy back, and can plan and cobble together what you want, exactly.


    Just love on yourself and your kids. Let the house be messy. Be sure you're taking vitamins, eating well, drinking plenty of water, and getting good rest at night. Let the homeschooling slide for a little while. Add things back in, as you can. It won't ever be the same again, but it will get better, eventually, I promise.


    You can feel free to PM me, if you need someone to talk to. I've been there, unfortunately.



  8. Ds, age 16, thinks our standards are "too high." He says our house is cleaner than any of his friends' houses. He thinks we focus too much on manners and behavior. We asked him if he wanted to invite a friend of his on our vacation, and he said that he didn't think the friend would be comfortable as we would be too critical.



    We talk a lot about behavior and manners. ("keep you elbows off the table") or speech ("you were unkind to your brother/friend/us if the way you spoke the other day") or habits ("don't talk on your cell phone when sitting around your friends") and so on.


    If this just typical teenage boy behavior, or should make more effort to be less judgmental?


    Having high standards doesn't equal being judgemental. That's not to say that people with high standards can't be judgemental at times, or snobbish, just that it's not a given.


    It's hard to tell from what you've described if your son is bucking up against requirements he doesn't like, or if he just doesn't get that, yet. (That high standards don't automatically equal snobbishness).


    You might tell him that you're seriously considering what he's said, and looking at how you speak about others, so that he knows you listen to his opinons...but if he's been at all disrespectful in how he's presented you with his thoughts, I'd definitely tell him that he needs to change that.


    Teens can be respectful, and opinionated, lol. But many times they need some instruction about how to fine-tune their Tact Machine.


    ETA: I wanted to say something else, because it seems like he might feel guilty about having a nice home, nice things, etc...you have to learn to deal with that. You're always going to be better off than someone else, and there will always be folks better off than you. Being responsible with the wealth you have (whatever level that is) is important, and even though it sounds like you and your husband take that responsibility seriously, I'm wondering if that area is something you guys could share with him more? Of course, you may already do that...just thought I'd throw it out there.

  9. What is it about the Right Start philosophy that discourages the use of Cuisinaire rods?


    ...I chose to use MUS blocks, instead, since they're marked with individual units. ("Five" block has five units, etc.) That just made more sense to me.


    We used to have some manipulatives that were similar to Cuisinaire, but were marked (Montessori materials, maybe?).


    Just a personal thing that made sense to me at the time.


    (If I'm remembering wrong, that Cuisinaire rods are marked, then, disregard this, lol.)

  10. I lived on the same *block* for all of my adult life, except for a short stint in an apartment, until I met my husband.


    We lived in his house for a short time...and then moved back to my block, lol. (Where my parents and grandparents live).


    He was in the military for 27 years, and during the time that he was in, during *our* marriage, we've lived elsewhere (another state, another *continent*)...but when the time came to settle down, we moved back here.


    Twenty minutes from the city where I grew up, and twenty minutes in the other direction from the small town where my family was from, and visited on weekends.


    Sometimes there really is no place like home.


    ("Home" having relatives that you have good relationships with, and a decent cost of living probably makes a difference, though. ;-)

  11. I loved it.


    I mean, London is great, too...but the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, the pastries of Paris...I'd choose Paris over London, in a heartbeat.


    Has anyone studied French? It would be a great experience to be immersed in a culture with a completely different language, if you've not had that before. (Although most Londoners would probably call my English "a completely different language", lol. ;-)

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