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lavender's green

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Posts posted by lavender's green

  1. I never disputed that. But bringing my shoes issues up in a public forum and not accepting my choices is just too much. I'm going to make vodka shot cupcakes and scan the internet for Sean Connery kilt pictures while I prep my crockpot for oatmeal in the morning.


    AND I left my shopping cart in an empty parking space at the grocery store today.


    :p :p :p



    Yeah, but you didn't let your kid climb up the slide, did you?

  2. I'm so sorry about this.


    My in-laws had a very young indoor cat just die in the night. This cat liked to play with strings and milk rings and would sometimes get one part-way down her throat, so they think she might have choked. The other two cats in the house (one was a litter-mate) have been fine for years now.

  3. I didn't really appreciate some of the things left behind in my house. Crutches, ancient ironing board, and an attic full of 90s style light fixtures? No thanks. I don't want to clean out the junk you didn't want.


    Generally, though, they left the place pretty nice and had it professionally cleaned, and I did appreciate the bird feeders, garage shelves, paint cans for color-matching, and binder full of owner's manuals and other house info.

  4. I know several people who live or used to live in London. They all say that it's a very, very, very dangerous place, especially for young white (not that I know your race; just assuming) girls. The landmark touristy places are really spread out and you have to go through iffy places to get to them. I wouldn't let your girls go alone without some serious research into London's social problems and which areas are considered safe and which have been literally taken over by certain groups. I won't say more lest it turn political.

  5. I think they're supposed to be for if the wedding is on a major holiday weekend or in a far-away place, so that people are aware of the fact that it's going on and can arrange their travel plans accordingly. Still, it's kind of silly. Anyone who's that important to the happy couple will already know about the wedding well in advance. The rest, if they're unaware of the wedding while making alternate holiday weekend travel plans, will probably prefer their own vacation.


    The ones I've received have usually been Disney Princes-themed. Now, I have nothing whatsoever against Disney princesses under the age of twelve or so!!! That just proves that it's about wasting money and showing off (wedding sites tell you to make them fun and whimsical :001_rolleyes: ).

  6. I have some relatives who were the "mean girls" in high school, who made life a living hell for others. Everyone now knows their characters and they no longer have any friends. Sometimes the tables eventually turn and they get a taste of their own medicine. (I don't say this gloatingly; it's actually very sad, especially since their parents could have stepped in and moderated their mean adolescent behavior.)

  7. I'm not a mom of twins, so I don't have any practical advice, but my own mother happens to be a twin, so I'll tell you a little story about why time apart is good.


    Mom and her twin, who she played with all the time, came from a family of 12, and when they were teenagers their father died of cancer. My grandma (who is not always sensitive) once said, in front of Mom and me, that the death had been easiest on the twins "because the two of them had each other." My mom was very hurt by this and later said to me that she thought it was actually harder, because they also had to find their own separate identities while they were mourning. The tragic event forced this identity-separation to happen early, and it was painful because they'd never really been apart, kwim? I'm not sure if I'm explaining it well. Anyway, if the two of them could go back to earlier childhood, I think they'd work on developing their own interests away from each other. They'd still have the awesome twin bond and cherish it, but they'd also have a better understanding of themselves as individuals before life got really rough.

  8. They're really good in diced in vegetable soup. They have a mild spiciness to them that's really noticeable in simple dishes.


    Like the others said, roast them, steam them, sautee them, mash them. Sometimes I include them in mirepoix when I'm feeling creative and want a more hearty, autumny dish.


    IIRC, Julia Child said they want and need animal fat and stock (such as vegetable soup where you sautee them in butter then finish the cooking in chicken stock). Maybe that was parsnips, though?

  9. I'm in the gain baby weight and lose it, rinse, repeat stage of life, but I still want to look nice (or I go crazy), so I normally wear dresses that can accomodate some weight change (and preferably nursing too), although I don't require that my normal clothes fit in the last trimester. 95% of the time I can slip on some shoes and go out in public and look good. Well, my hair is another story. That's where I get lazy.

  10. I said other. Before my son was born we put lots of leftover grilled meat in the freezer since we knew we'd get about zero help with meals. We'd put that meat on salads and eat frozen soup on the side. It was good enough for post-baby food. Definitely not right, but also not awful. However, now that I'm ever so slightly more kitchen savvy, I know meat tastes better if it's frozen in a soup or sauce. It actually tastes good, not "I'll scarf it down because I need the protein for nursing and that's all we have."

  11. I've read some excerpts on his books and thought they were excellent.


    However, I do think he sensationalizes some things and isn't too careful with his facts. I don't have have any links about it, I just know I've read things of his where he cites things that I know to be true but misrepresented (either exaggerated or not taking everything into account) to bolster his argument. Still worth reading, though.

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