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Posts posted by IATeachingMom

  1. You're getting funding? That's pretty neat. For us...we my ds will be 6 in August...the very END of August, so he could either be in K or 1st according to our cut-off date. I'm choosing to call it K but at the rate we're going, we'll start 1st grade material (history, science, spelling....) in January. We part time school over the summer (object in motion stays in motion!). Right now we just do lots of reading, printing/handwriting, math and that's about it. Good luck!

  2. Hypothetically...if you could take about 10 days for an international trip to conclude the 1st year of history (Ancients), where would you go and why? Middle East, Asia....? No budget, no worries...but only 10 days...I guess maybe 14 days at the tops. What geographical areas would you highlight, what topics would you cover, food, people, government..... (this would be for younger kids...under 12). I know it's a long shot, but everyone likes to dream sometimes!

  3. Best $110 we ever spent. Totally worth it, IMO. We learned so much, were finally able to get a plan together for our money (present and future). It is such a relief knowing where our money is going each paycheck. It might not have changed how much we actually make, but it sure changed our outlook on the future.




    I actually took this class while still in college and I was SO blessed! As soon as I graduated, I knew exactly how to budget, what I was doing and where my money was going. I'm quite young and my car is paid for, my student loans are paid off and life is that much better because of it. If you have college age kids I highly recommend they take this course. I was so helpful for me to have to the knowledge I had when I got my first paycheck. I still use the cash system while paying for certain things...groceries, gas.....and such. Just a few weeks ago the cashier (cute older woman) said...usually the people that pay cash are MY age-not some young cute little girl like you! I responded by saying that I appreciated how permanent cash was and that it helped me stay on budget better. I loved the class and owe my financial stability to it. Good luck!

  4. With the latest edition especially, it is mostly SWB recommending PHP work: SOTW, FLL, etc. ( well, yeah ... duh she wrote it ;)). I do enjoy the updated reading lists though.




    That's how I feel...I don't like that she recommended so much of what she wrote. To me that's a bit biased....I appreciated it when she would recommend a program that she wrote and then at least 2 additional ones that she did not write but likes anyway. Either way, I enjoyed the 1st and 3rd editions for different reasons and appreciate what she has done for homeschooling and classical education as a whole!

  5. Anyhow, we finally went to a dermatologist and this is what he told us to do.


    Soak her in a tub of warm water until she gets pruney (about 20 minutes or so). As soon as she gets out, dab her dry with a towel and HERE'S THE VERY CRITICAL PART -- within 4 minutes, slather all the affected areas with vasoline, and put clean pajamas on (we always did this right before bedtime). THat's it. Within a few treatments of the this vasoline remedy, her eczema was completely gone. S Hope that helps.


    This is what we were also told though the doc mentioned Aquaphor(sp?). It's made by Eucerine (sp again..not doing so well tonight!). It's just like whipped vasoline as far as I can tell. In our home, prevention is key...good luck!

  6. Elated, terrified, worried, nervous, and completely relieved. My DH wasn't 100% on board, but it was important to me to have an open mind and hear him out, so I visited one school after another, researched all the ones in the area, and even sent him the a private preschool. I'm SO glad we did even though it was a long, long year. We hated it, and this school was our only viable choice for a school for ds in the future. So, given we didn't like it, it made the decision that much easier. And, last Sunday, Dh let me know that he would only have ds h'schooled, no ps. What a relief.

  7. Ok...I'm totally confused. I keep trying to read and re-read different threads and posts about language arts (grammar, spelling, reading/phonics, writing..what am I missing? vocabulary?) but I just get more and more bogged down. How do I figure out when to use FLL and WWE or Writing Strands...SW, and other curriculum, and what subjects those "count" for. If I (eventually, not 1st grade) use IEW, then do I not use WWE? Help....I'm over loaded...clearly! Could anyone please lay out a sample of what types of things are used in K(is this just phonics/reading and handwriting?), then 1st grade and then 2nd (and add if there are different subjects later on?) :confused:

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