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Posts posted by IATeachingMom

  1. I'd really like to make a timeline on our wall for ds8 (3rd grade this fall), we have enough space but I'm just struggling with HOW to make it happen. I'd like it to be sturdier than just a roll of paper, with lots of space for adding in things..... what are other people using? I'd like it to be visible all at once, so a book idea is kind of hard, it really important to him that he be able to see the big picture so to speak. Even thought I'm just starting the timeline we have been doing SoTW the past 2 years and will start volume 3 in the fall.

  2. I'm going to go out on a limb here... and I haven't read pages 2 or 3, but.... one thing that worked once before, but for the dc to ask for a "big" gift, something more expensive. That way they might only be getting one or two things, which takes up less space, and as it sounds- they are getting older- they might like it more? Also, we started having conversations along the lines of... "they are getting older and liking more expensive things" So, just one present is ok, or if you and Uncle So and So/Aunt So and So all go in together on something they would love it! Just an idea.

  3. I'm allergic to a lot of hair products... hairspray, mousse, any type of gel/styling product. I'm also allergic to a lot shampoo/conditioner. Even "all natural" stuff, organic stuff... Aveda for sure! When I use something I'm allergic to my whole face breaks out.... usually in blackheads... sometimes actual fullblown acne. Just a thought.... think about what's going in your hair....



    I also have this problem if I use certain lotions on my hands and then touch my face a lot.... or if I use certain clothes detergent. I think my skin reacts because it's on a pillow all night. Funny though, the rest of my body might be fine, but my face could break out. Maybe my face is just more sensitive?

  4. I've misplaced my CD for weeks 1-5 :glare: I JUST saw it the other day..... anyhow, can anyone give me the the spelling list and any other highlights. I just watched the next CD/ week 6.... Also, do you just go over the spelling words on Monday and then test on Friday... I have a struggling reading and this begninning is B.O.R.I.N.G for him.... but I want him to get a good foundation. Thoughts..?

  5. I grew up in a church, but really, have no idea what advent is all about? I know... it's terrible! I think I'd like to do something... whatever that might be.... I just remember lighting a candle on a wreath on our table on Sundays.... what's the point of advent. Why is it celebrated? What are some activities? Are there any good books to recommend for learning about the importance of advent? I know.... I should know more... please be kind. :001_huh:

  6. I LOVE our local bookstore. I also get a lot from our library and inter-library loan.... that's for free (unless I have a late fee? :glare: ) for really cheap for IL Loan... that way I have money to spend on books at our local store... it's more expensive, but they are wonderful! I feel strongly in supporting local businesses ( 3/50 project). If I didn't use the library to offset the cost of our book addiction I wouldn't be able to support them... so I do what I can!

  7. I'm looking to find an indepth Bible study that looks at the proving of Christ as the Messiah. One that goes through the prophecy in the Old Test. and compares it to the fulfillment in the New Test. I've heard great things about the Precepts Bible studies... but not sure if there's one that fits the bill.




    ETA: This would be either an individual study, or one that I would do with a friend or two and talk about it, nothing formal.

  8. We don't have one and have been fine. We LOVE not having one! I'm a Dave Ramsey supporter.... for the most part the plan works well. We are DEBT FREE! (it wasn't always this way) I just found for us, that we overspent often when we had a credit card. So.... we cut it up, paid it off, and have been working hard to stay on a budget. Good luck with whatever you choose!

  9. The OP's son sounds exactly like mine last year. They tested him for VT- which was quite a process. He wore glasses/goggles that followed his eye movements when he read certain things and it showed that they did not work together at all. We've been at this since the beginning of September and his reading has jumped 1 1/2 levels w/o much phonics work (I figured if he couldn't track, forcing phonics down his throat was asking for a child to hate reading, so we took a short break). I NEVER thought he'd read. I'm not a dr and I don't know if VT is for real or a quack type thing, but I do know that it worked and is working for my son.

  10. Yes son, you do need to change into a clean pair of underwear after a shower.


    We've had to have this conversation before with our boys.... and we ALWAYS have to ask if they used soap in the shower... both body soap and hair soap (shampoo). And if the soap made it on their whole body/hair.. not just their hands. We finally did an showering tutorial. I'm not sure how much of it sunk in.... What is the deal with boys?!?!

  11. French Toast? Leave thick slices on the counter overnight to see if the doughy center will dry up a bit.


    Cut the bread up into 1 or 2inch squares and toast in the oven for large bread crumbs to top something... salad,.... corn casserole....


    Use toasted (or slightly dried out overnight on the counter) pieces to make break pudding?



    Mix the doughy parts into oatmeal at breakfast.....


    Warm it in the microwave, then serve with ice cream over it....


    Hmmm... not sure these will work, but it was worth a shot! Good luck.

  12. Looking for the best vegetarian websites and/or blogs. I love love love cooking and will eat lots of "abnormal" food (lentils- didn't know they were abnormal until someone told me, beans.....quinoa, mung beans....) but I like my dinners to be good... not just edible. So.... if you know of a great website for vegetarian friendly food, please share!

  13. Last year for 2nd grade we used Song School Latin.


    This year, for 3rd, we're using Minimus. I'm not as happy with Minimus as I thought I would be, but we're only a couple of chapters into it, so I'll give it time. I think when SSL2 comes out, we'll combine it with Minimus. My goals are to buy time until he's ready for LFC-A and have a casual, fun introduction to Latin.


    This is my plan too I think (thought it changes...lol) I figure, if I can just present Latin as 1) a language that was once spoken and 2) familiarize ds with some basic words them I'm worlds ahead of the public school kids that don't know what a dead language is! :tongue_smilie: Then maybe in 3rd/4th really buckle down and learn some latin, we'll be on a great path.....I hope!?

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