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Posts posted by Um_2_4

  1. Yes we get a lot more in years dh gets overtime as they withhold much more from that than his regular pay. We are at 10 exemptions and are still getting refund, but not as much as previous years. I understood you could skip the exemptions and just ask for $xx to be withheld each paycheck, anyone done this? I would much rather get the $ each month then at one time. $100 would be a big help each month.

  2. LCHF intigues me, but one question..Does anyone here do this after having the gallbladder removed?? Since then, I can not eat fat.. it gives me...ummm...intestinal problems.

    I mean I can do a bit, if mixed with other foods, like some cream in coffee with breakfast, some natural PB on WW toast, etc. But a steak...NO WAY...I can't eat fried things, etc.


    I lost tons of weight doing low fat, low cal (extreme) before kids, and I need to do this again to lose the baby weight (x4)...but I see the LC might be good for my blood sugar.


    I don't eat bacon or eggs, meat is super expensive... I could grill chicken breast I guess for 1 meal. I can't eat most fish (allergic). So how do I stay full with limited fat..???

    And what do you use for salad dressings... any low carb 1000 island recipes, lol, that is the only dressing I like.

  3. My kids would like to do more and to be honest I love being home, but I would like the OPTION to do a once a week field trip now that the twins are older. When they were babies, no way I wanted to run around. Right now, I have no van to do that. I am looking for a "new to us" van now.

    With regards to the household, knowing I am going out on xxx day, forces me to get my ducks in a row, kwim?

  4. I wanted 5-6, but after the twins, I just don't think I can physically take it. I just recall my horrible c/s and recovery and how useless I was to my older ones. Plus I have no help here.

    When I was out yesterday, I saw a perfect swing, made me want another one!

    I set a goal of something I want in the near future that a pg would be in the way. Right now that is a trip in the spring to visit family in Europe.

  5. I do the ziploc bag thing even when I don't travel via airplane. For each twin I keep a complete change per baggie. when little I kept at least 2 complete "sets" in my bag at all times and I still keep 1 for each person in the car when we are out for "emergencies". Although for the olders I use the "jumbo" hefty bags.


    I bought those take n toss sippy cups for traveling and leave the ones with little parts at home.

  6. I've only taken the older 2 international... besides the usual..lots of little toys etc to pull out, my one thing is this: take a change of clothes for both adults!

    You never know what could happen, little one gets sick all over you, diaper leaks on your lap because plane is taxing,etc and you can't get up to change them... (ask me how i know).

    Take a stroller (2 cheap umbrella ones) for lay overs if you have any little ones that will get tired walking, but be clear you want it back when you disembark, DO NOT let them check it or you won't see it until your final destination.

    Since you will check luggage, minimize carry on and only take the NEEDS. 7 might be old enough to care for their own backpack, make sure it has nothing that cannot be replaced if forgotten on a flight,

    Older ones may be entertained by the on board tv (this would be the one time to let them watch without much limits).

  7. My cost would include: someone to clean house, cost to out source all the printing/photocopying, someone to prep some freezer foods for me.Also I told them that books would run $300-500 per year (to minimize photocopying).and that schedule would be per my plans, ie some days we wouldn't start till 9am (late start days) and he would be sent home for lunch and there would still be homework.

    These were my neighbors and friends. Their son was the same age as my dd and no matter how many times I told them my hands were full, they said, oh but he's the same age as dd, so just teach him when you teach her. I gently tried to explain that they may be the same age, but not necessarily the same level. They are a ESL family, so he would be behind there.

    The cost put off her DH asking me anymore and the schedule stopped the mom's questions as she wanted him gone all day!! Some people won't stop until you answer them, The "my hands are full" doesn't always work when they are serious.

    I had the same issue with people wanting me to tutor their kids after school. That time, 3-7pm, is when I clean, cook, do laundry. Those moms had done all that during the day, while I was teaching, so some couldn't understand how disruptive that would be. So the cost would have to pay for a daily housekeeper so I would be free during those hours, and that was more than they wanted to pay.

  8. I was planned for a vag delivery with mine, but A turned breech 2 days before I went into labor. My cs was Horrible to be honest and recovery was a nightmare....just to be blunt about it. I had not prepared myself for the posibillity of a cs because I was considered prime canidate for a regular delivery of the twins (dr specialized in delivering twins, 2 prior drug free births of big babies).

    I had no help and even though I was staunch no formula with my 1st 2, the twins were on 100% formula by 6 months. (It didn't help that I ended up having 2 emergency surgeries when the twins were 11 weeks and 4 months).


    If you have help, great, use it and do what pp said, plant yourself in a chair and nurse/pump. The moms I know that were succesful did that forthe 1st 6 months I'd say. Ask for help with EVERYTHING, shopping, meal prep, cleaning, childcare if u have olders....i mean EVERYTHING!

    In my dream world, if I were to have twins again, I would hire a housecleaner who does laundry, a mommy's helper to help with my older ones (including schoolwork while I supervised from my chair nursing and could prep simple lunches, maybe a college girl home on break or the like), use a grocery store with online shopping/delivery service and prep multiple meals for the freezer in advance.

    You don't in advance if your babies will be easy/hard, have reflex, be difficult sleepers. And twins feed off each other, if 1 cries the other starts.


    That sounded scary, sorry, but it's the truth. Having twin is amazing, special and for most a once in a lifetime experience. I love them to pieces and am happy they share that special bond which I can already see. It is also alot of work though.

    That is my experience, be as prepared as you can and then do the best you can with what u have.



    Just saw your last comment and thought maybe these people were just looking for reasons to point out negative aspects of homeschooling. This wouldn't surprise me. I don't know why but people often feel like they need to justify why they don't homeschool when I tell them I do, even though I could give a rats a*% why they don't.


    I would say, "I suppose if I had your kids I wouldn't want to spend all day with my children either."


    Just kidding.


    But maybe, "One of the reasons homeschooling is such a joy to me is because we get along so well as a family."


    Maybe try getting involved with a homeschool group. I am new to homeschooling, but recently joined a mostly homeschooled AHG troops, and the children displayed many of these characteristic you said people are seeing as bad rather than delightfull and other wonderful qualities I found refreshing rather than a cause for concern. Well mannered, respectfull, being children instead of growing up too fast, and being able to play with kids of all ages and not clicking up are some "weirdo unsocialized homeschooled kids" traits I've observed.


    When I get people asking about how homeschool is going for me and it seems as though they want to take it in a negative direction, I just smile and say, "I really enjoy it. As long as it works for me and the kids I would love to contnue with it."


    I think this is more the issue.

    I have no concerns about my kids, at this age in this situation I think they should still be supervised. I posted this as more of "how to respond when caught off guard" or " when the same small group repeats the same comments" type of vent/post. Family closeness and unity is important to us.

    Unfortuantly HSing groups I've found here are not as inclusive as they sound on paper :(

  10. I have a friend whose kids are downright clingy and, frankly, they're irritating. I cannot have more than a minute of conversation with her without them neeeeding something. I mean, it's just pointless to even try to talk. I've given up on the friendship because of it. You can't maintain a friendship with someone whose kids will not leave you a few minute's peace to connect with each other.


    And they're tattle tales. They're constantly finding things wrong with other kids. "So and so didn't share!" "So and so did this!" These kids come across as achingly judgmental of everyone else. They drive me nuts.


    It's not like that, is it?

    No not even close, we are talking a group of strange 16-18 yos took over the swings, and that is more just a fyi, so we r going to the slides kinda thing.

    my kids do like to join in adult conversations....like asking about places they heard the said adult mention ( friends who travel to Europe regularly, etc.).

    They know to use excuse me and wait their turn in coversations... usually DS8 will ask "May I ask you about... Paris(for example)?" beforing jumping in...

  11. I don't think it is school choice either, I have been targeted in some ways b/c I homeschool.

    Long story, but I used to teach at the school many of these same people send their kids to, so they look at me not sending my kids as a comment on them sending theirs, even though it totally is not. Make sense LOL?

    I have no siblings, so nothing to base it on. And trust me, mine can get into quite a row.

    I think it is more about how close they are to me vs each other to be honest.

    And many of these people rnot close friends, but people I see a few times a year and some DH is close to their DH, kwim?

    My close friends would never say such things, quite the opposite actually.

  12. I've not had many comments like that. In the past I've tried to explain our family dynamic. It doesn't work. So now I just smile and say thank you. It befuddles them, especially when it isn't within context.


    LOL I have used the thank you and smile trick before. I think I'll stick with it. I know it is not my problem, but somtimes I need to reply somehow and get thrown for a loop when on the spot.

    I don't try to get into HSing discussions with them or family dynamics either.

  13. It' s a series of comments like the following, but add in sarcasm and some disapproving looks....

    "Wow, your kids sure are dependant on u"

    "So what do your kids do if u are not around"

    "How r u going to handle more if these 4 are so dependant on u?"

    Why do your kids keep coming to talk to you, don't they have friends?

    Why do your kids want to eat with you instead of the other kids? ( I didn't answer but wanted to ,that my kids enjoy my company LOL)

    How can u stand to be around your kids ALL the time?


  14. So we sometimes go to the park or other locale(beach) with a large group of families. It's usually informal, everyone BYO type of thing. Anyways, many times I have had comments about how close my kids are to me and to each other, not in a good way iykwim.

    DS8 is quite protective of younger sibs, helps them out on the playground etc. He will get me or DH if some strangers are being rough or pushing on the playground etc. They all usually "check in" with me every once in awhile.

    They also come sit with us to eat. 99.9% of the families there do not homeschool and often complain about peer pressure/attitudes from PS, but then find my dc's behavior "odd"? I do see many of their kids "disappear" and they have to search for them to head home (I'm talking about HUGE state parks with lakes, 100s of cars/people besides our group, bike/canoe rentals etc here and kids the same age as my DC, not small neighborhood parks)

    My kids go play, don't get me wrong, but they know to stay in site and watch out for the littles.

    Often my response has been just "yeah" but when the same people make similar comments over and over, I started answering more along the lines of "yes,it's one of the benefits of HSing, strong family ties" LOL....

    So how would you respond and am I the only one to get such comments?

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