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Michele B

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Posts posted by Michele B

  1. To grow. To change.


    I am mortified at my behavior sometimes - even to my own family. When reading scripture, or Church Fathers or other saints' writings, I am confronted by my shortcomings, and what is more, I am given hope that I can change by the words of Jesus and the testimonies of others.


    Have you ever seen that bumper sticker "Lord, save me from your followers?" Well, it is pretty snarky, but it gives me something to think about when I wear a crucifix around my neck and get impatient with someone in public.


    When others are behaving badly and still professing Christ, I am reminded to stay humble.

  2. I like this theory- get a good start on the more difficult language first, then the others will not seem as daunting. It's a theory; I am sure there are other methods that are effective.

    I would imagine the way the two are taught would make a difference. If Spanish, or other modern language, was taught by an immersion or conversation method while Latin was taught as primarily "parts to whole," that might lessen the confusion.

  3. A few words for you about a man playing the flute -Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson!!! Awesome! :D


    I played the flute in middle school. I already was reading music thanks to earlier piano lessons. I would do piano first. Just learning how to blow into the instrument to actually get a sound, let alone fingering would be very overwhelming to someone also learning to read music. That said, if the child has a burning desire to learn a particular instrument, you might as well go with it and harness that fire instead of stifling it on an instrument they are not interested in.

  4. :huh:


    I saw it one year on a Methodist church and this year on a Lutheran Church - same city.


    Sentimental, yes. Good Christian theology?


    ‎"If I climb up into heaven, thou art there; if I go down to hell, thou art there also. If I take the wings of the morning, and remain in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there also shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. " Psalm 139:7-9

  5. 7-8am: Repeated attempts to drag dd10 out of bed. She takes 6 dance classes a week and gets home at 8:30 pm most nights, so I do want her to get as much sleep as possible.


    "Do we have to do school today?"


    Breakfast: Lots of "But we always have cereal! Can't you make waffles? Can't you makes biscuits?" (I do, as a matter of fact, often make a hot breakfast)


    Mommie has coffee with Silk vanilla soy creamer and freshly grated nutmeg.


    Girls unload dishwasher and feed pets all the while relating Star Wars trivia.


    "Do we have to do school today?"


    "How much school do we have to do?"


    Girls practice piano ("Do you want to see me play it with my toes?") and dd10 does violin.


    "Can't we just not do school?"


    Mommie: "Down to the school room!"


    "But I have to go to the bathroom/I'm still hungry - may I have Cheetos?/ I need to change - this is itchy/ What are we having for supper?/ I bet Luke Skywalker did not have to do Latin"


    Mommie pours more Silk vanilla soy creamer in her coffee.


    Down to the school room where the downstairs cat Dorothy, aka "Dorf" lives.


    Many attempts at Latin, Math, Phonics, History, Science, Grammar etc interrupted by cat knocking over glasses of water, cat rubbing indiscretely on school books, children running screaming from the table because a ladybug has landed on the far side of the table.


    "Do we have to do school today?"


    Mommie - "Go outside and walk around the yard few times!"


    Mommie seriously considers drinking Silk vanilla soy creamer straight from the carton.


    dd10 "dd6 is distracting me; may I take my work upstairs?" translation - may I go to my room and write a Star Wars book, while listening to my iPod and eating cheez-its?"


    Mommie brings down yogurt, cheese, and whole grain crackers. Cat sticks her face in yogurt and girls hoot hysterically as cat grooms her pink-coated whiskers.


    dd6 whispers to the thin air beside her before she writes down each answer, because Luke Skywalker is telling her the answers.


    Mommie suddenly realizes what time it is and hurries everyone up stairs, throws a bag of bread at dd10, and instructs her to make sandwiches. "We always have sandwiches! Can't we have ravioli or quesadillas?"


    Mommie considers taking a shower, but settles for washing her face and applying concealer under her sleep-deprived eyes.


    Mommie grabs a protein shake, loads the car with a laundry basket full of books, and heads to town. The girls take various music and dance classes, while mommie "carschools" the other. A mad dash home for supper or to the sub shop depending on the day.


    Home: Mommie considers a cup of evening coffee to help her stay awake until bedtime, and settles for a swig or two of Silk vanilla soy creamer. Play recital pieces once more, recite Latin lesson to Daddy. Tell Daddy about Jabba the Hutt's son. Family Prayers, and we are done!


    No, dd10 wakes up with growing pains. Dd6 is "lonely" and comes in to bed. We're all in the bed.


    Then the alarm goes off, and we do it again.

  6. If she will be writing primarily in English, she needs to study English grammar. Other languages are good reinforcement of some grammar rules, but I do not believe they are a substitute. I only know the Latin in the teacher's manual ;), and I can tell there are differences. I don't know if you consider punctuation grammar or not, but you would not find that in your Latin grammar, for instance. Verb tense is another big difference.

  7. When I served on our local grand jury several years ago we heard an assault case. The DA tried to pressure us to make decision after only hearing from the victim and his wife, but their stories seemed rather fishy and didn't quite add up. The DA seemed rather ruffled when we insisted on speaking to the physician the victim saw after the assault. Then was all kinds of agitated, almost angry, when we decided the assault didnt meet the legal requirements for a felonious assault, because it didn't. Not saying your DH is like this, but my exp. Says grand juries often feel compelled or pressured to make decisions against their conscience.



    That's what I meant. And why I don't think Elizabeht's comment about this being a decision by a grand jury and NOT a district attorney witch hunt makes any sense. I think my husband used phrase "the prosecutor 'indicates' the outcome he wants." ;) I don't think grand jury does or means what many of us think/thought. It is a let down.:glare:

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