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Posts posted by Χά�ων

  1. If you're mostly using websites, I think the computer is still better platform... Why is he struggling with the mouse? Tablets can be more intuitive, but a mouse isn't that hard, so I'm wondering if there's something else...?


    He understands how to use a mouse his problem is being able to physically use a mouse (or mouse pad). It does not matter if it the pad on the laptop or an external mouse. I gave up on using an external mouse dog enjoys them as a snack and DS does not care for it. I even had him try the mouse that has the ball roller on top, he hated that one the most.

  2. Flash is old technology which Adobe, the creators, will no longer be supporting on newer Android and other mobile platforms.




    I don't think you will ever need it as HTML 5 replaces it. Our kids can watch YouTube videos from Khan Academy and Ted for example fine on their Nooks without flash. It all boils down to what Android OS you run on the tablet and which technologies that version supports.


    Except that one of the websites DS is using is flash based.


    With Nooks as I've mentioned you can update the OS yourself and run off the SDcards. With the Google Nexus tablet it comes with all you'll need right out of the box.


    Umm, no *I* can not. I honestly, do not even understand what you are talking about.

  3. I know you specified that "cheap is good" but have you looked at Veritas self-paced history? It would definitely give a solid history for your DS.


    For science, definitely something like Bill Nyes or other videos would be great!


    It's hard to find content for older children that offers a "read-aloud" or narrated option! There are lots of videos to be found here, especially for science, but a lot of them look a little dry. :tongue_smilie:


    Here are some:






    LOVE these! Thanks! I need to just buy a subscription to Brainpop. I keep putting it off but it always has what I need. I just feel stupid paying for it when my tax dollars pay for the public school's subscription. I feel like I am paying twice.



    Veritas self-paced history

    We are secular homeschoolers otherwise I would love this. I watched one of the sample videos and I have to admit that I am very impressed. I LOVE that they properly explained the term "barbarian" instead of just referring to a culture as barbarians with no explanation of what the term means. I have refused to use a currculum because cultures that are not being studied are referred to in a demeaning way with no explanation. I am funny like that.

  4. No. I own the guide for year 3 and I am thinking of using it soon. Do you have any particular questions about it?



    What all does it include? Do the questions inspire deeper understanding or are they simply busy work to show that a book was read?


    DS 8 is dyslexic and cannot read but we do a lot of audio books and discussion. I am looking for something to help me bring more depth to our discussions.



    Do you have any experience with the philosophy for children books on the website? I am excited to see a philosophy curriculum for children.

  5. BTDT. I read a wonderful article (that I cannot find) about woking together to accomplish tasks/chores instead of working apart. I did away with anything independent or seperate and instead had him work with me until everything was done. Instead of having DS put away laundry while I wash dishes we both put away laundry and then we both do the dishes. It takes about the same amount of time and we are spending time together. Best of all, DS has started taking initiative to do things that he sees needs to be done and doing a good job of what he does.

  6. Until very recently my husband was NOT interacting much with our daughter after he came home from work. He was staring at a laptop ignoring her even when she'd tug at him and repeat herself 10 times. He's been cleaning up his act in the past few weeks, but I admit it's hard when I think he's being hypocritical. He doesn't want a TV in the house, but he watches Netflix for hours at night by himself.



    It sounds to me like your husband is struggling with screen time and wants to spare your daughter that struggle. It easily could be that he knows he is tuned out of life but does not know HOW to tune in to your DD. I see so many people who are so plugged in that they literally do not know how to engage with someone IRL.

  7. I should have mentioned that I am doing something else for reading and that is why I do not want an online reading program. I have spent far more $$$ then I care to admit on reading programs that do not work for him.


    I will look at Adapted Mind, and the videos.



    SOTW: DS is a history freak and needs more then just audiobooks at this point, I am just not able to do the hands on projects, like we had been. :/

  8. I mentioned in another thread tha due to my rapidly declining health I need to add in more online learning to take some stress off of me. Right now I only own a laptop. DS struggles with the mouse and keys so I am looking at some type of tablet PC and I am overwhelmed. Does anyone know of a website that has an upto date comparison guide? Or suggestions? I am low income and will have to save up for several months as it is so please do not suggest anything expensive.



    I have no interest in an iPad.

  9. Due to a rapid decline in health I am looking at more online education resources. DS is in 3rd grade but is a nonreader so I need something does not require reading. I need something that clearly explains what is expected of him and does not assume he knows how to do something with no instruction, such as a math problem.


    I would like it to cover math, science and social studies/history. Honestly, I am fine with it not covering math. I can handle math.


    I looked at Time4Learning but it requires reading. :/



    Cheap is good.


    I do not own any type of iPad/ipod/iphone and cannot use apps in that format.

  10. Yes and no. I do not have a standard away from home 9-5 job BUT I am gone more than 40 hours a week to take DS to therapy and other activities. I spent the time teaching DS how to plant and harvest and it was well worth my time to do so. No matter how mush there is too harvest the time spent never increases.


    I planted a massive garden this year (45ft x 90ft) and never spent more then an hour each day planting. Just harvesting the garden I spent about the same but preserving (canning and freezing only at this point) was a bit more time consuming. Just freezing the daily harvest took me 45minutes to an hour each day. Canning I did with my mom and grandma on the weekends only. It was a fun and crazy experience. Despite the major drought I NEVER watered.


    We tried chickens but they were eaten by predators because I ended up getting to sick to properly secure their run. I learned a valuable lesson about finishing the run/coop before bringing birds home, no matter how young.


    Look at year round mulching, it will save you so much time and make homesteading while working doable, IMHO.

  11. I love quinoa but I do not eat it enough because I feel it is a pain to cook for just two people. I was thinking that I might be able to cook a large batch and freeze it to have ready for the next time a recipie calls for it. Does anyone know if freezing cooked Quinoa is doable?

  12. DS can't read but is quickly going through the libraries selection of audiobooks. :) Prior to the discovery of Hank the Cowdog he hated every book and would not even consent to be read to. Now he loves books and likes to be read to. At this point liking books is more important then being able to read the books. I feel the love of books is jst as important as being able to read the books.

  13. I was just contemplating last week over how screwed we'd all be about 3 - 6 months after the zombie apocolypse.


    We have a huge segment of society that literally can barely feed themselves if it involves more than boiling water and opening a can. They cannot clothe themselves unless newly made clothes are handed to them in the appropriate size. (can't sew by machine, much less by hand, have no concepts of textile creation or use) They cannot maintain anything. Not their tools, not their vehicles, not even a bike, much less know how to build a winter worthy shelter. And as a nation millions are graduating with barely a 6th grade comprehension reading level and very possibly even less math skills.




    The zombies are at the door. At first it sucks, but it's survivable. Ransack stores for equipment, foods, gear for immediate needs.


    But what about 6 months out? 18 months out? When the cities are crumbling and materials ruined and people have to create instead of consume? What are e chances there will be enough people to pass the knowledge on to do so? Especially in areas that are trade based, like America? Sure there are some hobbiest weavers, and such. But even those aren't exactly on every corner. What are the chances of just happening to have a doctor, a weaver, a cobbler, glass blower, a logger, a....? In enough concentration to implement their skills and pass them on before becoming zombie munchies?


    Sure not everyone needs to know life skills. Sure they might never use those skills.


    But I'd sure rather not use those skills when I can do without them than be totally screwed because I need them and don't even know where to start looking to gain them. And I can read, write, and do math beyond 6th grade level, so I can't even comprehend how someone who can't do that and doesn't have someone to teach them is going to survive the many things that are reasonable to expect in life. Famine, war, and disease aren't exactly new contributors to the downfall of nations. Ignorance does nothing but hasten the fall IMO.


    You might start here with the basics ;)



    Seriously though, I have wondered this myself. We moved out so we could have enough land to raise and grow all of our food and some extra to sell.

    I have more time then money and I would rather spend the time to ensure we have enough healthy food then the money on a limited variety of food that is available on store shelves. I have to admit I have learned a lot, some of the varieties I grew this year I had never heard of or seen and I have had to learn what they are and how to preserve them.


    DS seems to think along these same lines or maybe he is just really really bored and that is why he has spent hours making a bow and a couple of arrows from sticks and twine. They actually shot! I told him he is welcome to try and hunt anything that comes into my garden. He is rather annoyed that none of the rocks on our property will create sparks when he smashes them together. I may have him look out by the creek next time I send him foraging.


    Now I am going to put my freak flag away and go finish preparing today's harvest from the garden (seeds are cheap!) before I really call more attention to my freakishness.

  14. :grouphug:


    Are you within a reasonable distance of a children's hospital? You might check out what they offer. Where I live the nearest is an hour each way, but they have a multidisiplanry team do the evaluations and will bring other specialst in if needed. They do all the testing in one or two appointments, then meet with the parents a week or so later to give the report and reccomendations. It is one appointment and everything is done then instead of you trying to juggle different disiplines and scheduling different appointment times and wondering if you forgot something. It may take a little longer to get it but sometimes that is easier then learning what they need to be evaluated for and then pursuing a provider in each discipline.

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