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Dawn in OH

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Posts posted by Dawn in OH

  1. :iagree: I bought this book per recommendations on these boards and I am in love! I am three loaves into my second bath. We had pizza tonight. Although I'm a little disgruntled about the pizza and have sworn off trying to do it this way. I'm going back to my old method of making pizza. But the bread...it is wonderful!


    I love making pizza with Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day. I never used to make pizza, it took too long, it was always my husband's special dish. It did take a couple tries for me to get it to work smoothly though.


    If you want to talk about why you didn't like making the pizza with that recipe I may be able to help you work out whatever problem you encountered.

  2. I find it incredibly difficult to form bonds or friendships with other women. We just don't seem to have much in common.


    First of all, I'm pretty blunt and honest. Don't ask me if that dress makes you look fat if you aren't prepared to get the truth.


    I don't play head games. I don't manipulate, nor will I be manipulated.


    There's more to life than shopping. While I like to have nice things, shopping is my least favorite thing to talk about.


    I don't want to play the compare our children game.


    I don't whine and complain to the degree most women I know do. I've got better things to do with my time, and complaining never fixed anything.


    While my husband is far from perfect, I don't want to sit around and play the "bash my husband game".


    I don't want to gossip about our other "friends" just as I wouldn't want them to gossip about me.


    I'm going to say what I mean and mean what I say. There's no hidden agenda, there's no secret code.


    I don't have the time or the desire to be bothered with persons (male or female) that are insistent upon doing or discussing any of the above. There are much more productive ways to spend my time and I have far too many interests in life to waste time on those things.

  3. These kinds of things are going to happen with small children. It's life.


    I peed my pants in the grocery line at a young age, I told my mom I had to go but we were being checked out, it was just my Mom, me and my baby brother. She asked me to just hold it for one more minute and I couldn't.


    I wouldn't have given you dirty looks or rushed my children away if I had been there, I would have asked if there was anything I could do to help. That could have easily been me or any other parent that that happen to.


    As long as you take responsibility for getting management or cleaning it up rather than sneaking away and leaving the mess it's fine. People really need to be more tolerant and understanding when young children are involved. I never realized how intolerant of children the world was until I had one.

  4. Fairy tales are pretty important to know. References to them pop up all over the place.


    After I realized that my children couldn't recognize or recall the story lines to many fairy tales and nursery rhymes that I know I had read to them repeatedly I ordered cd versions from the library for them. Now they listen to them when they are in their rooms playing or at night before going to sleep.


    They just aren't old enough to be able to read them themselves yet and I read to them so much during the day for school that there's just not enough time left to read them all to them again after doing the cooking, cleaning and trying to spend time with their little brother.


    It's actually worked out really well because they are retaining the information better this way. When I read to them it was always a matter of "he always sits next to you" or "I can't see the pictures", or the baby grabbing the book or some other crazy thing they came up with.


    They also like to come an tell me about the story the just listened to.

  5. I used the internet to find real people! I joined the yahoo homeschooling groups for my county and the next county over. I met a few mom's there and we have gotten together for play dates, and we are attempting to coordinate some Co-op type classes. Another local mom started up a yahoo group for field trips.


    Unfortunately in my case, I like the people I know online better than the ones I've met in person. But I do attend some of the functions of the real life people, for the kids sakes. But for conversation and advice I head to the online ladies more.

  6. In our city, ANY kid that makes noise can get kicked off, not just a special needs child.




    Kids make noise. It's just a fact of life. I haven't met a kid yet that doesn't make noise.


    Our current world seems to be completely intolerant of everything. Granted, I don't WANT to be on a bus with a screaming kid, but one can't expect kids to be silent. It just isn't going to happen.

  7. We have one hand towel for the whole family which I change daily. I have stressed to the children to only use the towel to dry clean hands. If you need to dry a washed face, we have a stack of washcloths in the bathroom that you should use and toss into the laundry.


    When someone in the family is sick I usually assign the sick person their own hand towel and the non sick family members continue to use the other towel.


    I always put up a fresh towel when we have company. When we have guests with children over I always change the hand towel immediately after their leaving because I have no idea what their families "towel etiquette" is.

  8. I think we live in an over medicated world. While I do agree, there are some instances where prescription medications are necessary (my Dad's heart problems), I try to avoid medication unless necessary.


    I am fortunate to have a healthy immediate family. We all take vitamins and do not vaccinate. I don't hand out Tylenol every time one of the children claims to have a headache, nor do I do the same thing for myself. I have to have a really severe headache to be prompted to take anything.


    The one and only time we had a prescription medicine was back in 2001 when the oldest child and I had thrush.


    I would not be opposed to prescription medication if it were medically necessary, however, if a doctor diagnosed any of my children with something such as ADD/ADHD we would try dietary changes first and consider prescription medication a last resort.


    I myself am forced to take Sudafed more often than I would like to.


    I think our medication philosophy is pretty consistent with our eating philosophy though. We avoid most processed foods, cook from scratch, consume All Natural Peanut butter, that sort of thing.

  9. I have replaced white flour with wheat flour in almost all my cookie recipes. I've also cut back on the sugar amounts (no one has noticed), but I have not yet cut out sugar completely. I'm looking into several sugar alternatives.


    I'm still searching for replacement recipes so I don't have anything to offer right now. But I am working on it. If nothing else, you can know that you aren't the only one.

  10. I have one glass for each of the two older kids. Plastic tumblers. Now if their glass isn't clean and they want something to drink they have to wash their cup.


    I have real glasses for myself and my husband. I have several sippy cups for the 2 year old.


    Just this morning my 8 year old son "forgot" to wash his cup after his morning smoothie. An hour later he wanted some water. I said "Sorry, there are no clean cups, I guess you better go wash yours."

  11. Maybe I am mistaken but I have the impression that coupons are mainly good for processed foods and name brands. Is it not true that more money will be saved by cooking more from scratch? Please enlighten me:)/


    I cook mostly from scratch so I find coupons are not very helpful for me. I see very few coupons that would benefit me.


    I think the only coupon I have been able to utilize lately is for Smucker's Natural peanut butter and Charmin bathroom tissue.


    I also have the benefit of living super close to 3 different grocery stores, so making an extra stop to save some money isn't a big inconvenience.


    I've been buying beef from a local farmer, all natural, organic, hormone free and found his meat to actually be cheaper than buying beef in the store. Granted I have to pay a large amount in one lump sum, but I'm paying $2.50 lb for ground beef, round steaks, pot roast, stew meat, t-bone steaks, filets......whereas in the grocery store those items cost much more.


    I use green cleaning supplies so those coupons don't even benefit me. My cleaning supplies generally consist of white vinegar, peroxide, baking soda, and lemon juice.

  12. We school year round. We generally take breaks when we need one for reasons of burnout, illness, holiday's, etc.


    We school year round because the children tend to forget everything they learned if we take prolonged time off and the children seem to need the structure. They get into too much trouble when left with free time all day. It gives us structure.


    School year round also gives us time to catch up in any subjects where we fell behind because we needed more time to master a concept.


    The first year we homeschooled "officially" we had a new baby born right at the start of the school year. For the first 6 months we didn't get much done between the needs of a new baby and me being exhausted all the time. We made up for that time over the summer.

  13. My third child (just turned 2) would never sleep anywhere but in my arms or on my chest. I was at my wit's end needing to bathe, eat, cook, you know the usual stuff. I was holding this kid 24 hours a day.


    He screamed in the crib.

    He screamed in the swing.

    He screamed in car seat.


    Since he liked sleeping on my chest I laid him in the crib on his tummy. GASP! What kind of mother am I? He slept. I showered. It was great.


    I basically made sure that our room was not too warm, he was not well bundled, he was not dressed too warmly. I made sure the air temperature and his body temperature were fairly cool and there was nothing for him to bury his face in.


    I will say that I ran in and checked on him every 10 minutes because when I've got a new baby I'm always really crazy with hormones and get like that.


    Here's a few suggestions to consider:



    RE: Dry Erase Marker Stains on Clothing


    I sprayed my white board cleaner with the kind used to clean dry erase boards and then let it sit for an hour. Then I used Palmolive dish washing soap and rinsed under warm water. The stain came out completely. (01/10/2007) By Rachael Vieth


    RE: Dry Erase Marker Stains on Clothing


    Rubbing Alcohol. I accidentally marked across my brand new solid gold tie. I blotted the tie with a paper towel dipped in rubbing alcohol. I kept blotting with dry towel to help it dry. The marker was gone. I had no stain from the alcohol or wrinkling of the material. (04/21/2007) By Ray Depta


    RE: Dry Erase Marker Stains on Clothing


    I got a dark blue dry erase marker across my cotton button-up shirt (very expensive!) so I did this to remove the stain in just five or so minutes: I soaked the stain in rubbing alcohol for a few minutes and then scrubbed it with cotton balls. This got some of the stain off. I then doused cotton balls in dish washing liquid and then scrubbed for a few minutes and the whole stain was gone. (08/22/2007)

    By Peetreeman

  15. When I was a child my parents used to just get crazy when the school expected us to sell garbage to raise money.


    My Dad always said "If the choir needs new robes or the cheerleaders need new uniforms, just tell me and I will gladly donate".


    He and my mom didn't like their children being used as door to door salesman. They also thought it was unsafe.


    The school also always made a big to-do over the kid that sold the most stuff. This bothered my mom. We could never be the kid that sold the most stuff because Mom was a SAHM and Dad worked at a small private company. Other parents would take the forms into work and sell the garbage to all their co workers.


    I didn't like it because I was shy and I didn't want to go knocking on doors and speaking to people!


    My parents are a bit strange about a great many things, but on this subject I agree with them. Kids should not be used for door to door sales of useless garbage to raise money for the school. And as others said, the school gets tax money. I am forced to run my homeschool within my budget, the public schools should do the same.

  16. That's the class I volunteered to teach at Co-Op this term! Well, it was my second choice. The other Mom's felt the kids weren't old enough to for a Civic's class.


    I passed on Red Rover because it involves pushing and some of these Mom's would probably complain.


    Duck Duck Goose

    Red Light Green Light

    Musical Chairs

    Ring Around the Rosey

    What Time is it Mr. Fox?

    The Farmer in the Dell

    Shadow Tag

    Simon Says

  17. I expect all my children to sit at the table with us for the entire meal. I expect them to eat what we eat. I don't make foods that they hate, or at least not a whole meal of foods they hate. I do serve them only a very small portion of a food they dislike.


    Everyone is expected to sit up, facing forward, feet in front of them, chew with their mouths closed, no talking with a full mouth, use a napkin. No toys at the table. The older 2 (6 and 8) are expected to ask to be excused.


    Now when they were really little, there was a lot of foods that they didn't like, so if Dad and I wanted to have steaks, and the kids hated steak, I made them a burger or hot dogs. I'm not wasting good steaks on people that don't like them.


    I have a "friend" whose children are little nightmares at the table. I actually hate to eat with them. They climb in and out of their chairs, turn around, eat with their hands, won't eat most food (they survive on hot dogs and macaroni and cheese), pick at their food, trade food, wipe their hands on the walls, touch other people. The six and half year old still drinks from a "sippy" type cup.


    Honestly, my two year old has better table manners than their 6 1/2 and 3 1/2 year olds.

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