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Posts posted by kagmypts

  1. On 8/13/2020 at 4:14 PM, Susan in TX said:

    Has something changed with his schooling? Do you know what it is about school that is triggering the meltdowns? I would try to figure out what is causing the trouble and then adapt as needed. He may need an untraditional approach to schooling or he may just need some accommodations.

    One thing I learned when I sent my struggling son to public school in 8th grade is that my expectations were a bit too high, and that he could have assignments adjusted as needed to meet him where he was at. For example note-taking was a struggle so instead of being made to struggle through taking notes, he was allowed to have notes that the teacher wrote for him. Spelling was something he had trouble with and so he was not marked down for spelling errors. So don't be afraid to change up the curriculum to make it work for him.

    Susan in TX

    We have not changed anything with our schooling.  We have been doing the same thing for 6 years.  I have no idea what is triggering his meltdowns, but I know that he despises anything that requires writing.  He cannot even write one or two sentences without a full blown meltdown.  With math, he is fine as long as he can do everything mentally.  As soon as he has to show his work, it's another meltdown.  He never used to be like this.


    On 8/13/2020 at 6:34 PM, PeterPan said:

    Yup. And what I realized with my dd and her low processing speed was that she was FATIGUING. She basically never got the breaks that come with being in class. She was always ON and ON THE SPOT. 

    So you think about the puberty and go ok, what would happen if he were in school and having an off day, a foggy year, fatigue with growth? He'd coast, answer one question the whole day. They'd get him through. And for some kids, that's the right call. Focus on what's really important (becoming a fine human being, learning emotional regulation, nurturing interesting hobbies, learning to self advocate) and just get him through. 

    I do think that fatigue is part of the issue, but even at the beginning of the day, my son is worn out. 

    On 8/13/2020 at 10:52 PM, kbutton said:

    Does he also have an anxiety diagnosis? It sounds like it might be part of the equation, especially with overwhelm and meltdowns. Anxiety doesn't have to look or seem like worry, especially with boys. 

    I say this gently because with what you've described, calling the year a wrap could be the best thing to do in many instances. But, avoiding things is not good for anxiety from what I understand, and his increased meltdowns (see quote below) make me think that there is some serious anxiety going on at this point, regardless of how little/how much anxiety he might have had when you stopped last year. Obviously, you would not have done anything purposeful to provoke anxiety, so please don't think I'm suggesting that or criticizing your ending the year early! And I might not be at all correct that he's anxious. It's just something to consider.



    He does not have an anxiety diagnosis.  When he was tested in March, his anxiety and depression markers were within normal range.  However, I do feel that we are missing a huge piece of what is going on with him.  He is my youngest, and I never experienced anything like this with either of our older kids.  My youngest is melting down at any and every writing assignment... even if it as little as 2 sentences.  I don't know how to handle this or where to go for help.

    On 8/15/2020 at 11:57 PM, Miguelsmom said:

    We got very little done 8-1st 10th grade. What subjects don't cause his stress? What does he love?

    He stresses when we has to write.  He likes listening to me read to him.

  2. We have home schooled my sixth grader from the beginning.  Up until the spring of this year, he had been doing well.  He never loved school. but he got it done.  Starting in February. he became overwhelmed at the thought of school.  We had a psychevaluation done in March, and he was diagnosed with a speed processing disorder, a reading specific learning disorder, and ADHD.  Because of COVID, we wrapped up our year toward the end of April.  Anyway, we are now on day two of this school year, and it is a complete disaster.  Every lesson results in a complete meltdown.  We cannot continue like this, and we cannot afford to write off this entire year.  I don't know where to get him the help he so desperately needs right now.  I would love any advice from parents who have been where we are.

  3. 1 hour ago, Paradox5 said:

    Have you thought of trying Writing with Skill? EIW teaches how to write specific types of papers. WWS and the proygym teach how to write anything. That is a terrible explanation so someone more eloquent than I chime in here, please.

    I second Wordly Wise 3000. It is straight vocabulary teaching. MegaWords is designed to help with READING, not spelling or vocabulary. 

    For a lit program, have you taken a peek at Mosdos? I have not used it personally so no reviews for ya.

    If he is fighting the guides, why not skip the writing part and just use the TM orally? Mine will fight tooth and nail about writing in the guides but LOVE doing them orally. Also, HLS does not have the kids write out all the questions. Pick and choose.

    Side note - I went to our homeschool convention this afternoon to browse the programs mentioned in this thread.

    It is interesting that that you mentioned WWS.  I used WWS levels 1-3 with my daughter in middle school, and it was a fabulous fit for her.  After completing the program, she is an extremely proficient writer.  With respect to my son, I worry that he will get bogged down in the complexity of many of the reading selections.  Also, his writing style (sentence structure, paragraph formation, word choice, etc.) are well below where they should be.  I really want to tackle his writing style before adding on the skills addressed in WWS.  Ironically, I did pick up WWE Volume 4 today!  It will not be his entire composition program, but it will be part of his daily work.

    I looked at EIW today. In fact, I lulled over it for about an hour, but I did not purchase it.  At the time, I could not put my finger on what my hesitation was, but I think that you alluded to it.  Does EIW place an emphasis on the parts of a specific type of paper?  For example, does it focus on the five parts of a friendly letter?  I am not sure if you are familiar with Rod & Staff English.  The program contains writing lessons, but I would not classify it as a composition lesson.  Is EIW the same?  I really want something that teaches him how to construct a solid, interesting paragraph - topic sentence, the appropriate level of detail, clincher.  However, I do not want his writing to look like this (Cannot figure out how to indent so I used quotes):

    "Going to the park is fun.  I like the slide. The monkey bars are also cool.  My favorite thing is jumping on the suspension bridge.  The park is an awesome place."

    If I asked him to add more detail and make it more vivid, he would write something to this effect:

    "Going to the park is extremely fun.  I like the red slide. The high monkey bars are also cool.  Interestingly, my favorite thing is jumping on the brown suspension bridge.  The park is an amazingly awesome place."

    Despite tackling these writing issues for the past two years, he has not improved.  I need a program that will teach him how to make his writing interesting and compelling without getting bogged down in formulas, our problem with IEW.  If he can master a paragraph, moving from a paragraph to an essay is really only a tiny step.

    On a related note, he does not have the slightest grasp of what an appropriate level of detail is.  These issues are making me insane.

    PS - I bought Worldly Wise 3000.


  4. 1 hour ago, mmasc said:

    We used (successfully!) Essentials in Writing this past year for my 7th grade DS. Also, we kept a thesaurus handy. ?


    How much grammar instruction is there in Essentials in Writing?  I have a separate grammar program for him so I do not want to duplicate work too much.  I was unable to get a sense of the program from the online samples.

    1 hour ago, MamaHill said:

    Have you considered Classical Composition's Fable?  Does the progym appeal to you at all?

    Take this with a grain of salt since we are only in the beginning stages of Fable (for my 4th and 6th graders)...  In my understanding, the gist of the program is that you take a fable and manipulate it many different ways.  For example, in one of the exercises you spend the class time brainstorming synonyms for particular words.  Then you rewrite the fable based on those tweaks.  Another class time, you brainstorm how to add 'figures of description' which describe various elements of nature, etc as to paint a better picture in the mind's eye.  Another class, you rewrite the fable with the sequence in inverted order.  The child writes a final draft based on just ONE of those elements (inverted order OR using the figures of description that have to deal with nature, etc.  NOT both)

    The synonym work sounds like it would be helpful to break him out of the "cool" words.

    I will be honest that it's taken me working through several lessons myself to wrap my brain around how this works, but so far I LOVE it.

    With my older boy, we used SWI-A and SICC and the dress-ups just became to much for us.  It made his writing very tedious and formulaic.  I just couldn't bear to carry on with it through another level.

    Maybe this could be an option for you to research.

    I also second Megawords.  Another idea is to look into How to Teach Spelling and use the workbook along with it.  I am using How to Teach Spelling to supplement Megawords for my 6th grader and R&S spelling for my 4th grader.  It's working beautifully for them, of which neither are natural spellers.  If I had known about the HTTS workbooks before buying Megawords or R&S Spelling, I would have just done that to make it easier.




    Thank you so much for the comprehensive answer.

    I will look into Classical Composition's Fable.  Is it meant to be a full year class?  The main focus of this upcoming school year is to improve my son's writing.

    Do you know how HTTS compares to All About Spelling (AAS)?  We completed the first several volumes of AAS, and my son did not retain anything.  Also, what level of Megawords are you using?

    • Like 1
  5. I am trying to finish ordering our curriculum for next year, and I have a few remaining subjects that are giving me fits. 

    My first conundrum relates to my seventh grade son.  I need help finding something for composition as well as spelling/vocabulary. With respect to composition, he is not a natural writer.  We have used IEW and have seen some improvement, but overall his writing is extremely bland.  His writing fails to use any sophisticated vocabulary (he is drawn to words such as awesome, amazing, cool, etc.).  One drawback with IEW is that is follows a handful of "formulas."  For example, each paragraph must include a certain dress-up (sentence opener, sentence structure, and so on), but it makes his writing feel even more forced than it already does.  We used Writing With Skill with my daughter, and it was a fabulous fit for her.  I am not sure how my son would do.  Any suggestions?

    Along the same lines, I need a spelling and/or vocabulary program for him.  Neither of these are his strong suit.  We used Spellwell with some success, but that only went through fifth grade.  Any ideas?

    For my fourth grade son, I need a reading program.  We have used Memoria Press in the past, but he is starting to put up a strong fight.  I am not sure if I have it in me to fight him this year.  I am also open to good books with literature guides.

    I would love any suggestions or advice.  Thank you!

  6. On 5/23/2018 at 7:43 PM, Carolinagirl1 said:

    I have no idea how to tell you to modify a Christian curriculum for a charter school, but I can weigh in on a switch from CLE to Saxon, because we did just that this year. It has been a disaster. We were so spoiled by the streamlined format of CLE with the self contained lightunits and the teachers manual. The problems were all written out in the light unit (workbook) all neat and tidy and it was so easy to check answers. The teaching was 1/2 to 1 page at most in nice little bite size chunks, and very easy for my 6th-7th grader to understand. We switched to Saxon because I wanted to use the same curriculum through Calculus and got great feedback from here on the curriculum. First, I felt the need to make copies of the answer forms so we could keep the work neat and straight. Then we had to wrangle a huge text book, a test and worksheets book, the answer key, and the huge 2 inch binder for the work. On top of that, the teaching is usually 2-3 pages, and then we need to watch the Art Reed DVDs (which we love - it is the ONLY (optional) part that we love). CLE is spiral and it just worked for us, but Saxon is spiral, and it is just overwhelming. I don't know if it is the level that we are on now, but it is leaving us both in tears, so much so, that my daughter thinks she needs to repeat 7th grade! I have an appointment at Mathnasium for extra help because we are so lost at this point. I am great at math, but to give my input and try to incorporate it with Saxon, trying to figure out where this lesson was on this and that lesson was on that - it's making us crazy. 

    I might add a disclaimer that I went with the recommendations to allow my daughter to use the solutions manual to correct her lessons while I correct the tests. Possibly, it would've been easier on us if I corrected all of the lessons but that would've required me reading 2-3 pages a day, which would've been ok for some people, but being used to only having to read the bite size chunks of CLE and having some other family issues to care for, I just didn't have the patience or the time for Saxon to work properly for us. All that being said, I do like the conceptual basis in the lessons. I regret our decision to switch, but I'm not sure what we would have done when CLE Algebra is over. BJU? 


    You saved me a significant amount of typing.  We absolutely love CLE, but in sixth grade, I decided to switch my daughter to Saxon.  It is my one and only homeschooling regret.  For the reasons stated above, Saxon was a disaster.  I really wish that I had thrown the book away a few months into the school year.  My daughter is extremely mathy, but I think that she actually regressed in her math skills while she used Saxon.  Never again.

    If you enjoy CLE, I would stay away from Saxon.

  7. 4 hours ago, nixpix5 said:

    Were you given the subset scores and which sections of the math portion they were most challenged by? The WCJ is broken into calculation, fluency, applied and quantitative concepts. They each target a different mathematical skill. When I administer sometimes math can be all over the place for kids. I see many kids do fine with calculation but fluency scores tank or applied math is challenging. It might be worth doing, if you haven't already...find out what tests in particular caused the most issue. 

    This is great advice. 

    If it is truly a math facts fluency problem, I would use basic flash cards.  I would start with addition flashcards.  After mastering addition, I would address subtraction, multiplication, and division in that order.  I suggest setting a timer and doing flash cards for 3 minutes a day.  Sort flash cards into piles - one pile for mastered facts and another pile for missed problems or problems that the child did not know immediately.  I would start the following day with the missed fact pile from the previous day.  Three minutes a day will make a huge difference.

    • Like 1
  8. On 3/16/2018 at 4:24 PM, Aurelia said:

    The Complete Book of Maps and Geography, maybe? 

    We love this book!


    It's not a book that I would complete in one year, but it is a book that could be used year after year to build map skills.  I start my kids in this book in second grade.  I assign 3 pages a week for the duration of our school year (about 35 weeks).  The lessons get more involved as the books progresses, and by the time my kids have completed the book, they have a fairly good grasp of maps and geography.  It takes about 3-4 years to finish.

    My kids have all enjoyed this book.  The pages are bright and colorful, and the activities, especially in the beginning, are quick and easy.  

  9. What you have put together sounds super! :) The more "traditional" and official your homeschool transcript looks -- and using a template is a great idea -- the less likely you are to run into problems from the school. ;)




    Ug. You may need to politely but firmly start applying pressure to find out what the school's policy re: accepting credits or placing your student appropriately.


    DD may need to take their test, but you might also ask if they would accept an SAT Subject math test score: SAT Subject test: level 1 Math -- tests Algebra and Geometry skills. (Here is the schedule of SAT Subject tests -- looks like the level 1 Math is offered on May 5 and June 2 -- and here is the test location search engine.)


    Another option to look in to if they refuse to place DD into the next math level is to ask about the policy of having DD take Math at her own level through the school's virtual course provider, or through dual enrollment, or other option that they will accept.


    Or, if your DD is NOT really "into" math, repeating Geometry next year might allow her more time and energy for transitioning to the new school and new way of schooling for high school, and for getting involved in extracurriculars. Also, if you know in advance that school will not allow DD to have the Geometry credit and will require her to repeat it with them, that could take some of the pressure off of you and DD for this spring semester, and not have to push to finish the Geometry, which could free up time for other things you want to complete or have time for before DD heads to the high school.


    Just some random thoughts! BEST of luck! Warmest regards, Lori D.


    Thank you for your informative post.  With respect to the part I put in bold, this is a highly competitive, private high school to which we are applying.  I don't want to start "arguing" about class placement before my daughter is actually accepted.  I do know that she will not be taking Geometry again next year.  If that is what the high school feels is necessary, we will just continue homeschooling.  Flexibility is a wonderful thing.


    Thank you again for your post and advice.

    • Like 1
  10. Thank you so much for the suggestions.  The high school just told me to send in "what I have" and that they will let me know if they "want anything else."  I decided to include course title, numeric grade, and letter grade.  I am also creating an addendum that includes the textbooks used (and associated author/publisher) for each course.  They didn't seem to too interested in additional information.  


    My daughter is taking Geometry this year so we will see how the school handles that.  They sort of brushed it off when we talked earlier in the application cycle.  Thank you again!

    ETA - I used a Word template from HSLDA.


    • Like 1
  11. You could use Notgrass's highschool text.  Skip the 5th day Bible lessons to give a little more breathing room.  (I'm not opposed to Bible lessons, just that sometimes they seemed forced or not the context I wanted them in, iykwim.)  


    Thank you.  The high school text looks much more appropriate for my daughter.  Do you think that the supplemental literature package is critical to the course?  I already have a fairly rigorous literature and composition program for her. 

  12. I am actually excited to see to see a mention of BJU math for those using CLE.  My daughter completed CLE through LU 605, and then we switched to Saxon Algebra 1/2.  Despite being extremely proficient in math, Saxon was a disaster.  I wish that I cut our losses as I actually think that my daughter's math skills regressed while using Saxon.  She then went into BJU Algebra the following year and did fantastic.  I love the layout of the BJU Algebra text, and the explanations were clear and concise.  I plan to use BJU Algebra with my other two kids.


    As for your original question, I am pondering this exact same thing myself for next year.  My son just finished LU 605, and I am contemplating moving him to BJU Pre-algebra next year.  I don't want to move on from CLE before we need to, but I do not like that pre-algebra is stretched over two years.  I am leaning toward BJU.  For us, BJU fit very well with CLE.

    • Like 1
  13. My daughter just finished year 4 in her history rotation.  She will be in eighth grade next year, and I am unsure what are plans are for high school.  I am not sure if she will be home with us or in a traditional brick and mortar school.  With that said, I would like to do a one-year American history course with her next year.  Does anyone have a curriculum or a spine that they recommend?  Depending on the book, I may have my sixth grader join in (he just finished year 3 in the history rotation) so that I can combine my kids in at least one subject.


    As a side note, I have Notgrass's America the Beautifulbut it doesn't seem to be challenging enough for my eighth grader. 

  14. Do you remember what the incentive to order at the conference was this year?  I went to local our local conference this afternoon and was expecting to place an order.  However, Nancy Larson didn't have a booth!  I am accustomed to the extra $20 discount, and without it, Science 4 is nearly $340 with tax.  I am not sure if I can justify that much.  


    ETA - Does anyone have feedback on Science 4?

  15. Definitely not the MP link.  


    This is the textbook I use:



    I have used this textbook with 6 of my kids so far.  Solid textbook with excellent word problems.  Foerster is the series I used to prepare my chemE ds for college.  I used Foerster through alg 2 with my math and physics majoring ds.  (He switched to AoPS after alg 2.)  (All of my older kids have used Foerster.  The others just aren't STEM majors. :) )




    Thank you. What else do you need beside the student book?  Are there any corresponding texts, answer keys (I am not worried about a solution's manual), et al?  

  16. Please help me pick an algebra program for my seventh grade daughter.  I went to our local home school convention this morning and was not enamored with any of my options.  Ideally, I would like a program written to the student.  Both my husband and I are mathematically inclined so I do not need (or even want) DVDs.  The other caveat is that I need to order something in the next 24 hours so it needs to be readily available.


    For the record, Saxon does not work for our family. 


    Thank you!

    ETA - Does the anyone know if there is a sample of Lial's Introductory Algebra?  Also, what else would I need beside the student book?  Aside from the type pf binding, is there a difference between the paperback and hardcover versions?  I don't need a solution manual, but an answer key is an absolute must to assist in grading.

  17. These threads always stress me out because I realize how many decisions I have left to make!  Here is where we are right now:


    Spelling - Wordly Wise 4

    Composition - WWS 2

    Grammar - Rod & Staff English 7

    Literature - A Beka seventh grade literature + undecided novel studies

    Math - Algebra (need to decide on a program)

    Science - Earth Science (need to decide on a program)

    History - K12 HO (Modern History); Need to find a program that covers 1914-current


    Yearlong drama class

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