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Posts posted by kagmypts

  1. My daughter is going to finish her current science book by the end of next month, and I plan on doing an ecosystem/biome unit study with her for the last two months of school.  Does anyone have any good resources or books to recommend?  Thank you!


    On a somewhat related note, does anyone have a good resource for food chains/food webs?  I would love to incorporate the role of producers, consumers, and decomposers into our study, but I don't have a good resource.


    ETA - DD is in fifth grade.

  2. I posed this question to Rainbow Resource last week, and here is the response from Deanne:


    "Thank you for your email. We have different resources for teaching Jacob’s Elementary Algebra. Item #009966 is the SM from Dr. Callahan. This course offers supportive instructional DVDs and this newest Solutions Manual which offers solutions for all the  problems. Item #010026 is from Jacob’s, this Teacher's Guide contains lesson plans and (most importantly)

    answers to the problems. This is only the final answer to the problem and not step-by-step solutions. Worth mentioning, this TG is not currently available, as Jacobs ran into publishing issues."
  3. I have this same discussion in my head every year, and I always end up ordering directly from ZB.  I have found that I would rather pay the extra $5 in shipping and end up with something I like.  I am with you though; I really wish that ZB would offer their products through other distribution channels.

  4. By way of background, we have been using CLE for our kids, and it has worked very well.  I supplement with Singapore CWP to make sure that the conceptual understanding is there.  However, my daughter will be finishing CLE 600 this year, and I want to move her to a different program.  I am just not sure where to go from here.


    Since we are not sure if DD will be going to a traditional high school, I would to pick a scope & sequence that would make that transition as smooth as possible.  I have seen many programs incorporate geometry into other subjects/texts, but I really want to keep geometry as a stand alone subject since that is what most of the schools in our area do.  For the next three years, I would like DD to study the following:


    1) Pre-algebra

    2) Algebra

    3) Geometry


    As a rule of thumb, I lean toward traditional math.  Both my husband and I are math-inclined so I do not need a program that includes teaching DVDs, etc.  Any suggestions?

  5. Thank you so much for the responses.  My initial reaction was for her to redo the assignment, but as I sat there explaining it to her, it hit me that she really doesn't know any better.  I am confident that she will not repeat the same "mistake" again.


    This is the second year that I am doing IEW with her, and this is the first time that we have had anything remotely close to plagiarism.  Her KWO outline this time was extremely detailed... I should have stopped her there.  This was a learning experience for both of us, and I really appreciate the comments.

  6. My DD is currently using Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons from IEW.  It's been going well, but I am in a predicament.  On her most recent assignment, her final paragraph is almost exactly the same as the original.  Without a doubt it would be considered plagiarism.  We have talked about plagiarism on previous occasions, but it has always been in general terms.  After seeing her writing assignment this morning, we had a heart-to-heart.  I walked her through everything sentence-by-sentence.  I showed her what she had done.


    Having said all of that, I am feeling very torn about what to do.  She did not copy from the original.  She wrote from her KWO (key word outline).  Her KWO was extremely detailed this time, and when she translated that into her own work, it was virtually identical to the original piece.  I have spoken to her about making sure that her notes are her own, not copying exactly what was said without quotes, etc.  I firmly believe that her plagiarism was completely unintentional, but it is plagiarism nonetheless.  Should I make her redo the assignment, or simply use this as a teaching moment?  I do think that her age and the fact that it was unintentional should be considered.  If it happens again, she will be redoing the assignment and have a significant number of points deducted from her grade.  However for a first time offense, I am not sure that is the right answer.  I would love any input.

  7. Are you using HOD Bigger?  I did that last year with my second grader, and he retained absolutely nothing from the history box.  Honestly, I thought that the spines were so incredibly dry and boring.  I think that the language and vocabulary made it hard for him to follow.  I switched to SOTW 1 this year, and he loves it!  He is also retaining much of what we have read together.  If you are using Bigger, I would recommend doing something else for the history box.  I really wish that I had cut our losses at some point during the year.  I like HOD, but Bigger history was certainly not a success here.

  8. We used SOTW in the younger years, but I didn't start doing a timeline with my children until logic stage. I believe that is what TWTM recommends as younger children's minds just don't work that way.


    Thank you!


    While you don't have to do a timeline for elementary, if you are interested in one you can certainly do it. Sonlight cores G & H use SOTW so they have timeline figures you can purchase to fit with SOTW. Also there is a yahoo group "Hannah_hs_helps" that has files for memorization cards and timeline figures to go with SOTW that you can print out.


    I cannot find the timeline figures.  Do you know what the file is called?  Thank you.


    I use our homemade timeline for the wall with all of my kids. My youngest one particularly enjoys coloring and placing the figures. I have directions on my blog on our Classroom/Wall Timeline Page. Scroll to the bottom to see how we made it.... Fairly simple if you have the space, even if it's in one of the kids' bedroom!


    Thank you!  Do you have a link to your actual figures?

  9. For those of you using SOTW, what do you use as a timeline program?  We just started using SOTW 1, which my DS absolutely loves, but I am not seeing a timeline program.  We have the activity guide as well.  Am I missing it?  If not, what do you recommend?  Thank you!

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