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Posts posted by somo_chickenlady

  1. Bad here also. I just get over being sick last weekend and now I have another cold. I also have been having a ton of seizures yesterday and today. My DH and I got into an argument last night, and it sent my normally low blood pressure soaring, so I dealt with a massive headache all night. Hopefully this weekend is better. Plus, the weather changed so my fingers are killing me. I'm a hot mess right now.

  2. A symptom of my type of seizures is what you call confusional arousals, and it is the manifestation of my seizures in my sleep (although I get my regular ones as well, I think when I am not in such a deep sleep). I sit up, and mumnle stuff to my DH, but I can't get a coherant sentence out and nothing I say makes sense. Then I just lay back down and go to sleep.


    Also, you said he feels dizzy or high...that is exactly how my seizures feel as well. I get a feeling of deja vu, like what ever I am doing or seeing at that moment I have done or seen before. Then I get the dizzy feeling, usually the room spins a little, and I feel really flush and usually get nauseous. I can completely function through the whole thing, but they are really uncomfortable. Depending on how bad it is, it completely wipes me out and all I want to do afterward is sleep. Some are worse than others.

  3. Oh and I have been told that it isn't so much the sleep deprived part - it is the fact that they want them to "go to sleep" during the EEG, so they do the sleep deprivation thing. She was pretty sleep deprived by the time the afternoon rolled around, but not like we had her for her other EEGs.


    ANd, it sucks driving 3 hours to a sleep deprived EEG and trying to keep them awake - btdt.....


    I was told the same thing, but I was unable to fall asleep during mine. Insomnia and INSANE sensitivity to the conditions around me in order to sleep kind of prevented that. I can be ready to pass out b/c I'm so tired, but if things aren't just so I can't fall asleep.

  4. Don't get me wrong -- I have nothing against people who take the time to eat cleanly, cook every single meal from scratch, and who never eat anything even remotely resembling junk food -- I admire their hard work and dedication, but...


    I can honestly tell you that I never met anyone like that until we started homeschooling, and none of my friends IRL are that way, either, so I'm wondering if I'm the only one on this forum who tries to eat pretty well, but also eats out frequently and considers Beefaroni just fine as an occasional lunch option. Am I the only one who does not consider cookies, cake, chips, and candy to be Forbidden Foods, and who always has snack foods and soda in the house?


    White sandwich bread seems to be another thing that is considered to be somehow absolutely horrible, so I don't even want to know how deadly and sickening people must think it is with some salami or ham on it. Sure, most of our bread comes from the bakery, but it's not usually whole grain.


    We don't bake our own bread, own a grain mill, have our own chickens, grow our own food, or milk our own goats. We keep trying to like quinoa, but it's just not happening.


    We like Italian food (but don't like whole grain pasta,) and we like French food, and burgers and fries, and food with sugar and salt and fat in it. We eat dairy products. I drink coffee and tea and other caffeinated beverages... and I put milk or cream and sugar in them


    We're not overweight, our blood pressure is fine, and our cholesterol is low. We are considered pretty healthy by our doctors and by the people we know. But we aren't eating only whole grains and organic everything, and we all hate hummus.


    Don't get me wrong -- we try to eat a balanced diet, and compared to a lot of the people we know, I think we do pretty well, but it's not some sort of "super diet" where everything that goes into our mouths is 100% healthy, and I'm fine with that -- but I sometimes feel that I'm just about the only person on this forum who feels that way.


    Is anyone else in the same boat I'm in?


    And please know that I'm not criticizing anyone, and I do know that many people have special dietary considerations that require them to follow special, specific diets. I'm just wondering if anyone else goes out for pizza and a soda as a matter of course, rather than considering it to be some sort of big, rare, special-occasion junk food splurge.



    Well, you basically described our diet. ;) We do try to eat healthier b/c our bodies seem to appreciate it (less digestinal distress, iykwim), but we do eat out quite a bit, we only keep white bread in the house (I prefer wheat simply b/c of the taste but neither DH or DS will eat it so I don't bother buying it), and I agree that beefaroni or ramen noodles are a good quick lunch. I have a huge sweet tooth, so I do eat a lot of cookies and candy, but on the other hand I eat a ton of fresh fruit as well. I also LOVE soda, and it is the only thing DH will drink other than coffee.


    Yes, there "is" always that possibility, but "usually" spikes show up "if" there is anything. But, you are right, it's not 100%. My dd's neuro said that new research in the last 1-2 years indicate that if someone will seize it "should" show up in the "slice of time" during the eeg. How long have you had szs? Just wondering if it was since childhood or as you entered adulthood.



    They started about 3-4 years ago, I'm 35. I also have tonic clonic seizures, but they are only triggered by drinking hard alcohol, so that is easy for me to avoid. Those began when I was a teen. *blush*

  6. I have Complex Partial Seizures and nothing showed on my EEG b/c I didn't have a seizure during it (they are really sporadic). Still, based upon my symptoms my neurologist was able to make a diagnosis.


    Sleep deprivation definitely affects me, as well as stress. I haven't been getting very good sleep this whole week, so yesterday, during my sleep last night, and today I have been having seizures pretty frequently. They tend to come in clusters for me.


    Good luck!!

  7. Thanks for your help everyone!! After talking to a sales rep last night we decided not to go with Sprint anyway b/c they don't have 4G LTE in our city, and we can get LTE phones through Verizon for the same price per month. I'm actually looking at the Samsung Galaxy Stratosphere 2, instead, b/c it has a slide out keyboard like my current phone, and the Walmart we shop at has it for only 96¢.


    Thanks again!

  8. My dd receives mobile therapy. We were rewriting her goals for the next 4 months, but everything i mentioned was met with "normal for her age." I accept that I must do these things, but her therapist is supposed to help with independence, coping skills, and social skills.


    If you have a 12-ish year old, can you chime in?


    Morning routine- should I have to repeat or follow her around when her schedule is in writing? My 8 year old can follow his schedule.


    Should I still have to stand in the doorway while she glares at me and argues brushing her teeth?


    Should she be able to accept an answer of no?


    She has proved perfectly capable, so should I have to check on room cleaning progress every 5 minutes?


    She likes to sleep wrapped up in her blanket like a soft taco; is it terrible for me to still expect her bed to be made?


    She takes out the trash, ds lines the pail; should she notice that she has to step over a full trash bag to get into the bathroom? (I'll tie the bag and put it somewhere hoping she'll take it out without a reminder.)


    Any reason I can't expect her to pick up her clothes off the bathroom floor? This is not the bathroom we bathe in. Most mornings her pants and bOOKshelf are on the floor.


    When she eats something, should I have to remind her multiple times to sweep the floor or is hopping over spilled popcorn acceptable?


    Is 2 hours of internet access reasonable as long as school and chores are done? She can use her ipod from 2-4 if she's finished with what she has to do. She has not earned it yet, but whines daily.


    She a 12 yo be whining and having (what I call) mini tantrums?


    Yes, I'm seriously asking about these things. Her therapist makes it seem like everything dd does is normal 12 year old carp and I have nothing to compare to. My 8 year old may be in your face with his behavior, but he can manage many things on this list. He's started keeping his room clean on his own. He even vacuumed it yesterday with no help, including dragging the vacuum up the stairs!


    I'm tired of having to remind her of things every few minutes. If I back off, the tasks are never done. If I do the tasks myself, she fails to notice.


    My DS just turned 14, but everything you mentioned describes him. Even the soft taco sleeping, he does the same thing. Yes I have to stand there while he brushes his teeth, and I have to keep on him every two seconds to get things done in the morning even though he knows what needs to be done. I have to check his room cleaning progress every 5 minute, otherwise he doesn't get any cleaning done. I have to ask him to take out the trash, otherwise he would just ignore it. I have to remind him every day to take his clothes out of the bathroom. He is a major slob and he always gets food everywhere when he eats but doesn't pick up after himself unless I tell him to. He sleeps like a burrito, but I don't bother telling him to make his bed.


    She sounds perfectly normal to me, but I could be wrong.

  9. DH and I need to get new phones. The ones we have now are through the Walmart Family Plan through T-Mobile, and while they worked well when we lived in Missouri, we don't get service in half of Omaha b/c their coverage is so terrible. Plus, we still have MO numbers, and we'd like to get NE ones, and my DH is tired of his flip phone b/c it SUCKS to text on. We also want android based phones again b/c we have had them in the past and our current ones aren't and we don't really like them.


    We are looking at going through Sprint, and if we get it through our Sams membership it is $20 cheaper per month. There are two phones we are looking at, the LG Optimus Elite and the Samsung Galaxy Victory, b/c both are only $.96 when we sign the contract. They also have the HTC Evo 4G LTE, but my DH read that unless you are in a 4G area they are really slow (any opinions on that??).


    Does anyone have either of those phones? If so, what do you like about it? Is there anything you don't like? How hard/easy are they to text on? My phone now, and the one before (Droid2) both have slide out keyboards, so I am worried about texting on a touch screen. That fact is leaning me more toward the Samsung simply b/c it is bigger. I am writing this post on a Kindle Fire touch screen with huge buttons, and it is hard enough. I don't typically text dissertations, though. LOL


    Any reviews and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We are hoping to get them tomorrow. Thanks!

  10. Sure my husband looks...that certainly doesn't mean there is anything malicious or lustfull about it. I look too. We have eyeballs and use them, it is as simple as that. I wouldn't prevent my daughter from wearing something she is comfortable wearing just b/c someone might *gasp* LOOK at her. Nothing like teaching her to be ashamed of her body b/c of other peoples' actions. People would most likely still look at her, even fully clothed. I get looks at the grocery store in my sweats!! As a PP pointed out, if someone is looking in a malicious way, it really wouldn't matter what the person they are looking at is wearing.

  11. I think we should have a weekly "how are you feeling" thread, that way it doesn't get too long and things get lost. They do this on another forum I go to, and it seems to work well. Every Monday they start a new thread, and if there is an active coversation going on in the previous thread they copy and paste it into the first post of the new one so it can be carried on. If snyone has specific questions to ask, they can start a new thread. I don't care either way if it is invite only.

  12. Please stand up for your children and do not allow this to continue. If you do, it could seriously damage them (words can do just as much damage to a person as a hand does) and could most likely damage YOUR relationship with them. Trust me when I say that your children will grow up thinking that your fiance is more important than they are b/c you refused to protect them, and it will breed MASSIVE resentment. Not to mention, situations like this may start off as just words, but they don't often remain that way.


    Please protect them since they are unable to protect themselves. Please.


    ETA - I wish my mother had stood up for me and protected me from my father, even though I was in high school when it started happening. I am 35 and I still have serious trust issues with her. Our relationship has never been the same.

  13. Why must he be outside? Our dog goes outside to pee then comes right back in, (even when we lived in the country) and if we can't supervise him he is put in his kennel until we can. The only time he is in his kennel is when we are gone, sleeping, or showering, really. When we were homeschooling, he just sat at our feet or did his own thing. He just turned 1yr, btw.


    I would just keep him in. A fence isn't going to stop him from barking, and it isn't a good idea to leave him outside that long anyway.




    It's a common misconception, for some reason, that greater seclusion will result in a safer situation. But, really, you are much safer near a busy street where there will be a high potential for passerby to give you assistance and notice a struggle. And if there are buildings for you to run into.


    In our neighborhood we have adult crossing guards near all the schools. But I remember in one neighborhood growing up, the oldest kids in the school were the safety patrol. They were probably fifth graders.



    I didn't mean that about it being safer from predators...I meant that there was only local traffic, so less of a need for adults at the intersections (getting ran over and such.) At his school, all but one intersection was visible at the school, though.



    Hoping you are feeling better now! Or have someone home this weekend to pamper you.



    Thanks! I am feeling better now. I ended up calling in sick on Friday, then we had a snowday yesterday, so it gave me plenty of time to recover. I hadn't been that sick in a long time! I spent the whole weekend either sleeping (I slept from 9:45pm on Thursday until 2:15pm on Friday!) or just sitting on the sofa watching tv. I didn't have enough energy to do anything else.

  16. Yeah that's what I thought. Since when did you send ten year olds to patrol crossings without an adult?



    At my son's elementary school, the 5th and 6th graders did the safety patrol with no adults other than by the front door of the school. The school, though, is set back in a neighborhood and not anywhere busy streets.

  17. We can paint here, but if we move out we have to repaint to the original color or we lose our deposit. Check your lease for clauses like that, or to see if you even can paint, b/c some places you can't. I would love to paint here, but DH doesn't want to go through the hassle of painting again when we move.

  18. I have just looked after a 6 year old school friend of my sons for two days. He is a sweet boy and he has been no trouble BUT it is clear from his conversation that he has watched and listened to a lot of stuff my son hasn't been exposed to. I am noticing more and more that my idea of what is appropriate for a five or six year old differs markedly from even people who go to church with me. Zombie computer games, harry potter movies (all of them), obscene and/or sexually explicit songs, comedies meant for adults etc. Am I just being unreasonable?


    I forgot the point - I really am worried about sending him to other people's houses.


    It depends on what you consider to be obscene or sexually explicit. Personally, I think that a 6 year old is old enough to watch the earlier Harry Potter movies. For your child, though, only you can determine that. Only YOU can determine what you consider to be appropriate for your child, and don't let anyone change your mind!!

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