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Posts posted by grantmeawish

  1. Now I don't want to finish the book for risk of being traumatized, but I will. Than you for the suggestions and book recs. ds thinks he may have read all the good books in the juvenile fictionn books section. : ) My ds has read all the books recommend and all roald Dahl books which I agree can be dark. I will still wait to have him read it. I honestly don't know if he is the type that would be disturbed or not. I know life is not all rainbows and do my best to not shield my kids to that fact but still there are some things at this age I think I would rather them not think about yet.

  2. Stupid, stupid question here...

    My dds both wear exactly the same size clothes, including the same length pants, and they are the same height/weight. Can I get one bike that would work for both of them?

     YES!  Have them sized at a shop for a bike and then do a search on craigslist for used ones.  You can get great bikes for a lot less used.  I would expect to spend at least $250 on a good used bike (not competitive riding or hardcore mountain biking, otherwise you may need to spend $1000+) New you may be spending closer to $500.

  3. My house and yard are turned into to forts everyday.  I should be doing school right now, but they are playing so well, and the 3 year old is engaged.  I really want to get through some more subjects but I hate to tear them away!  Its already been a stressful morning with ds8 .  I think he is bright, but if something doesn't come easy to him, he doesn't want to do the work like math.  He wants to do all the problems in his head and if he can't he melts down saying he can't do, BUT when I have him write it out, he knows exactly how to do it.  He just didn't want to do the work involved!  So that is also why I am content to let them play right now.  I am getting some laundry done.  No point to this post just sort of venting :001_smile:

  4. I feel very blessed to live in a neighborhood where all the kids come out to play everyday until dark. We all have open doors for the kids and it is not unusual to have a random child walk in during dinner or after school looking for someone to play with. I have friends who's kids have no one to play with after school and are constantly trying to to d things to entertain them. I know how lucky we are to have kids all around.

  5. This drives me crazy!  One of the many reasons we started hsing was to avoid these crazy mornings.  When he was in k and 1st, no matter how early I would get him up it would take him forever to get dressed, brush teeth, eat breakfast, and get out the door. Last year I would let him sleep and he would wake up and read and come down when he was ready.  I did have to nag a little to get the day going. Now we are in 3rd grade and have a slightly longer day. (We need to finish by 3pm because the neighbor kids are constantly at the door to play and I lose my kids attention by then anyways) I am also now hsing my dd(6), and I have a busy 3 year old.  SO I would really like to get started before 9:30am!  I don't know if he is getting distracted or just doesn't care.  I think its the latter.  I give him consequences if he is not down at a certain time.  I nag, which I hate to do.  I have tried a timer.  I don't want to start our mornings off bad.  I don't know what else to do!  We take lots of breaks after more challenging subjects and to entertain the 3 year old. Today I told him he won't get as many breaks and will have to go to bed earlier so he can get up (doesn't mean he will actually go to sleep earlier).


    I am just tired of this.  Its old.  Does it get better?  Any ideas to help him get it together?



  6. DS has asthma and takes a maintenance inhaler daily, so this puts him at risk for oral thrush.  My understanding is thrush will cause white lesions in the mouth. On one side of his mouth his upper gums have been progressively getting more inflamed and painful over the past few days.  We thought he cut his gum at first, but now it hurts more.  There are no white lesions.  If there were, I would call the dr, but since there are not, I am unsure who to call.  WWYD?

  7. I tried the deva method and it didn't really work for me.  The deva gel is ok.  I bought a huge bottle of it (big mistake), so I am trying to use it up.  It makes my hair dry and crunchy.  WHen I am done I will go back to my regular gel Aveda Confixor.  I have used it for over a decade and it works reasonably well for me.  I can't see a difference going no poo, so I use a moisturizing shampoo twice a week and condition the other days with Pantene (GASP!)  My curls look nice and soft when I take the time.  If the products aren't wowing you, then I would keep looking.  I know it stinks to try stuff all the time.  Some stores let you return opened products, so maybe you could do that.

  8. My ds (3rd grade) hates the physical aspect of writing as well. He detested WWE.  Especially the dictation and the narrations.  I think he felt the narrations were too easy and why write them if he can just tell me.  I see the value of these skills and we still do narrations for other subjects but he is more willing to do them now that we have switched writing programs.  We did WWE2 last year and started with WWE3 this year, but I could see we were getting no where fast.  SO, I bit the bullet and purchased IEW.  He loves it!  He asks to do writing and can't wait to move on the next lessons.  I don't tell him, but its more physical writing than WWE!  I don't know what it is the he likes about it but I am thrilled. 

  9. I want to do it all.  CWP, IP, WB, TB.


    He is bright and math comes easy, but he needs repetition so we typically do all the problems in the wb and most in the tb. My thinking was to do the IP chapters after we finish the corresponding chapter before beginning new chapter in the text.  Currently we do 30 min. of math from the TB and WB and then later we do 30 min of math from a word problem book.  I just want to make sure he is getting it all and understanding everything and being challenged.  Maybe I am trying to over do it to compensate for my insecurities about "doing homeschool right".   

    Any insight on how to get the most out of SM?  (more time?)  He is 8, so I am thinking an hour of math is enough per day.



  10. I went to my first homeschool convention and managed to be swayed by only one program, IEW.  I was already curious about, but it seems overwhelming.  My ds(8) did wwe2 last year and we have begun wwe3.  I make him write his own narrations because he is capable and it helps him see his mistakes, and helps him utilize what he has learned in grammar.  Here is the problem.  He hates the physical aspect of writing, if it is something he is not interested in like narrations.  He will write a full page letter to an author every other week because he is excited about it.  He says writing is one of his favorite subjects, but he is not talking about WWE.  His narrations have gone downhill.  He writes the briefest possible sentences to get through.  I demand more, but it is always with a struggle.  I like what I saw looking through the IEW workbooks.  My biggest obstacle is $$.  This is an expensive program.  Time is another issue.  I know it is teacher intensive.  Also, I am not sure what to buy.  Do I buy dvds my ds watches or the ones for me to watch?  OR maybe I will stick with WWE.  

  11. After my third child, I knew we wouldn't have anymore so I knew I would have a little more time to focus on myself. I didn't have time for the gym so I started running with a couch to 5k program. That was 3 years ago, and now I run races and am considering a triathlon. All this provides a little excitement and adventure to my life and something to look forward to. My dh and kids even started racing. My ds8 is loving kid triathlons and running a few 5ks with me. Also, you don't have to be in excellent shape to start. Anyone can do it.

  12. For my dd(6), I have taught her what the symbols on the vowels mean and how to use that to figure out how to read the words in the list.  She does a lesson a day.  We are on book 2.   For my son, he is 8, he reads a passage to me twice a week and we go over vocab and comprehension.  I also use it for copywork.

  13. My ds(8) has very limited computer access.  I would like to give him more freedom for research and simply learning how to use a computer.  There are 2 main reasons I haven't allowed more access.  I feel he should be more active outdoors at this age rather than being glued to screen and I am concerned about what he may find on the internet.  I know there are programs that can safe guard that (any recommendations?).  My dh is a little concerned that he will be behind in those areas in the future, but I think he will be fine.  He can pick up those skills later and be fine, right?

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