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Posts posted by grantmeawish

  1. My son is in the accelerated math class in 8th grade public school. It is algebra 1 and analytic geometry. They are currently working on quadratics. They do not have actual textbooks in hand but there is one offered online but they don’t use it. Everything is done orally and with the use of online games and videos. I tried to ask the teacher if she could recommend a text for my son to use at home but she took this as a personal affront to her teaching style? and sent me a long email about how she explains everything so well and gives adequate resources that he doesn’t need a text. 

    My son was homeschooled through 6th grade and learned great from the texts. I guess it’s just what he is use to. I don’t think Saxon algebra 1 would go into enough depth. Do any of you have other recommendations?

    thank you!

  2. There are nutritionists/dietitians that specialize in eating disorders. I assume you would be seeing one that is and not only will you discuss the nutritional aspect but also the emotional and life component of your eating habits. Hopefully this will help steer you away from disordered eating. You may check out the intuitive eating website.

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  3. I had similar issues for ten years and finally made an appointment with a urogynecologist, after being told by obgyn repeatedly to basically live with it because it happens to all women. Well, since the appointment was 3 months out, I finally decided to do some research. My symptoms somewhat fit interstitial cystitis so I followed the diet recommendations for it. I completely cut out coffee, tea, and carbonated beverages (I drank 2 la croix a day). It took about a week but I started noticing a change in my urgency and now after 6 months I would say I am 90% better. I sleep through the night! Before I would get up 2-4 times a night.

    When I finally saw the uro, I explained everything I had done and she said it sounds like I have overactive bladder and to obviously keep up the diet of avoiding bladder irritants. She also said I could do bladder training which further helped my symptoms.

    I do miss coffee so much😔 But it's not worth the trouble.

    I miss lemonade too. All I can drink now is water and milk. I have found chamomile tea is not very irritating.

    Maybe give the diet a shot.

  4. Oh my goodness! This is so frustrating. I have been dealing with this for over a decade. The urologist was suggesting multiple sclerosis on my first visit, which seemed a bit alarmist considering I have no other symptoms! I have a feeling it's prolapse and now I hope it is. It would answer so many questions. Now to decide if I want to go back to this guy or go to my female primary dr

  5. Is it possible to have had 3 vaginal births and yearly exams and the dr never notice you have a prolapse? I have had difficulty urinating since my first child was born and the gyno said that's normal. However I just happened to mention it to my primary and she immediately referred me to an urologist. He put me on flomax and I promptly took myself off it after the first night because of side effects. I will return to urologist and he will do a pelvic exam. He asked if I had a prolapse but said I don't think so because I assume the gyno would have noticed. Now that I think about, sometimes it feels like I have a tampon hanging out maybe after a bm. Would a prolapse feel like that? Thanks for any insight into this embarrassing topic😞

  6. Ahh six year olds! They know everything. Mine will ask questions and if he doesn't agree with your answer he will tell the "correct" answer.

    Lately he asks "is infinity a number?" No, I say. He responds with "yes it is". Then why do you ask me if you already "know" the answer! At least we get a laugh out of it.

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  7. We have done this and also we vacation without the let and his symptoms are the same. I know dust is a major trigger


    Do you have anyone that could take the animal for a trial period to see if he improves? That would be the first thing on my list to try, I would not want to have to medicate year round even if it's a beloved pet. And if he has symptoms year round, I would think that's a strong possibility.

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  8. Thanks for the ideas. Yes we need to change air filters and maybe try different medications. Might be time to try an air purifier for his room..haven't looked into it yet

    We have almost removed all the carpet in the house. We wash bedding, no curtains, we do have a small pet that unfortunately no one is willing to get rid of. It does not go in his room though. Wondering if there is a food allergy component to it but allergist doesn't think so. When he was tested he was found to be allergic to everything but mold and mildew...not sure how accurate that it.

  9. If you have a child like this, how do you treat it? My child has asthma too so he is on maintenance meds, Nasocort, and Zyrtec everyday all year! I hate that he has to take so many meds! He has allergy shots too but only receives half doses because he has had reactions (requiring the Epipen). Some days aren't too bad but this week is horrible and taking ibuprofen in addition to the other meds is the only thing that helps. Dr doesn't seemed concerned with the amount of medication and even recommended more. Is moving somewhere cold the only way out of this?!

  10. Ugh! I see myself as pretty non judgmental and am generally a quiet person. I am human and judge mental thoughts come to mind but I keep them to myself for the most part and try to not be that way. The other day a very close friend was lamenting about some financial troubles and not knowing what to do and sounded exhausted and like she didn't know what to do. She was rationalizing the extra expenditures her family has and I mistakenly felt like I needed to tell her that sometimes we have to make sacrifices for a short while and then explained what worked for my family. Well she shut down and I didn't talk to her for two days and finally did and apologized it now she feels she can't order a pizza without me judging. I feel horrible and don't want her to feel this way. I don't know if this can be fixed and we can go back to being great friends. I'm sad. Stupid unsolicited advice

  11. Our laptop is on the brink. We just need a computer to do research and write papers. All this is done at home so we have access to wifi. My kids are in 4th and 6th. We use Microsoft office. It is my understanding that Microsoft has an online version to use. What do you think about chrome books

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