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Posts posted by momto10blessings

  1. How about just buying super cheap underwear? LOL I cloth diaper so I have a sprayer attached to my toilet. LOVE it for potty training!! They can be a little pricey though.



    I havent found any really cheap underwear. Even at walmart it's not cheap enough to throw away. I did throw away one pair today. I JUST COULD NOT STOP GAGGING! And I have diapered 8 kids!!


    I cloth diaper too, but don't have a diaper sprayer. I just my sister's sprayer once and ended up having to clean the walls... Apparantly I don't do it right, even though she showed me how. lol

  2. Disposable underwear for potty training kids. Not like pull ups, but cheap underwear that will still let them feel #1 running down their legs, but you can throw away for when they don't get to the potty in time for #2... So sick of cleaning it out of his underwear :tongue_smilie:


    Maybe this is my million dollar idea? lol

  3. A little history... We had whooping cough about 4 years ago. My kids do not get the vaccination due to a family history of reactions. We got it from vaccinated kids who caught it from other vaccinated kids.


    I was talking to my pediatrician the other day and they are really pushing the vaccinations due to being penalized by insurance companies for unvaccinated patients. She told me that even though my children have had whooping cough, they are not immune and have it again. She said it would probably be a milder form, but they can definitely still have it. We were interrupted by the nurse at that point and started talking about something else so I forgot to drill her more about that.


    So, are you really not immune if you have had whooping cough? I'd really hate for me or my kids to have it again. It was tough and scary. But compared to the effect the vaccine has had on other family members it was really a drop in the bucket...


    Is there a blood test to see if you are immune?


    I don't want to discuss immunizing vs not immunizing.



  4. We live near DC and only go to the zoo every 2-3 yrs. We just don't enjoy it very much. It's disappointing that they do not have any bears. Well, they do have one- I think a sloth bear, but he's never out when we are there)


    The elephant trail construction is taking forever. You can definitely see the elephants from all angles though.


    The parking is $22 I believe.


    Hubby drops us off at the top of the zoo and parks at the bottom. This way the kids dont have to walk up that huge hill at the end of a long day.


    Go early and see the tigers/lions being fed. And the orangutan crossing. Must sees!


    Pandas are neat. Go during feeding time and you can get great views.


    A trip tp DC is always fun- monuments, monuments all lit up at night, museums, Nationals stadium...

  5. I know this is rather unpopular here, but after five pitocin-induced labors (my water would break and I would not start contractions on my own), and over 60 hours of active labor, I would choose an epidural every single time. I have no regrets at all. One baby was posterior with horrendous back labor, one was 10.5 lbs....I am an epidural-loving mama! :lol:


    And I know I am an anomaly, but every time I got an epidural, my labor sped up. I think I have issues with relaxing!



    My water always breaks and even waiting 2 days with one baby I never started contractions. Not sure what I would do without Pitocin!

  6. B.

    I think it would be offensive. It's definitely crossing lines IMO...


    My s-i-l's kids have very bad hygiene and there's really not much you can do except handle the situation while they are there. If they spend the night at my house they take showers and I wash their clothing... But I think that my s-i-l would take offense to me sending home a poster telling them how often they should wash clothes, take showers, etc...


    BUT- you could always incorporate it into their lessons. Having them copy or read a sentence saying "You should take a shower at least a couple times a week" or "Most people wash their clothing once a week"... This could lead into a conversation of how often your children shower or how many loads of laundry you do per week and why it is important to wear clean clothing.... remind them to wash their hands after they use the restroom at your home.


    good luck

  7. I'm going to disagree with this when the safety of small children is involved.


    When I would look through the listings of cats available through the local animal shelter there were some designated as not for homes with small children. I don't fault any parent who puts their children's welfare before an animal's.


    I understand that the OP is an animal person and feels that she would be "a disgusting human being" for not keeping the cat. But she would feel much, much worse if one of her children gets scratched in the eye or worse. Even modern medicine can't fix everything.



  8. It's hard to say.. I was married, working full time, going to college part time and due with my first child when I was 20. We were young and stupid and had no idea what we were doing, but we were doing it.


    I think you should be supportive of her, but not too overbearing. She's an adult now and needs to make her own decisions. She will mess up. You live and learn. You should have clear expectations of her when she's living in your house. She should contribute towards food, household responsibilities, etc

  9. I voted end of pregnancy. You're huge and exhausted. You're nervous about the impending birth. You have to pee every half an hour. You can;t sleep. You're busting out of your clothes.


    Newborn stage is demanding as well, but you're high on adrenaline and the sweet sounds and faces your newborn makes is worth every second of the getting up 5 times in the night to feed, change diaper blowouts or comfort a screaming baby

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