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Posts posted by Seasider

  1. Actually, it is a pretty serious problem. When they get too big, many pet owners release them into the Everglades where they have no natural predators. As a result, they are taking over and killing off the wildlife that is indigenous to the area. People who own these snakes as pets really need to be more responsible.


    :) Beachy


    Yes, it is a huge issue for the Everglades/South Florida. It's a full time job for nuisance animal officers.


    They're mainly in the Everglades, not around Disney. Although I wouldn't mind a few making their way up to where I live in Tampa in 2 weeks to swallow some protestors and/or media who will be here for the political convention. ;)


    The Everglades is not for the faint of heart - a few weeks ago, a guide had his hand bitten off by an alligator down there. They tried to re-attach his hand, but it failed. (After he got out of the hospital, he was arrested and charged with feeding the alligators.) Those poor people in his airboat tour got more than they bargained for!


    Yeah...there are good reasons for laws against feeding the gators! The guy lost his hand but think of what he would have lost if one of the small people of his tour had been injured or killed instead of him. (Not trying to sound mean...I just think it foolish for those tour operators to not foresee consequences.)


    Yes, it's a very serious problem. I thought they passed a law recently that all exotic pets are supposed to be chipped. That way if one is found "in the wild" the owner can be tracked down. Not sure how effective that will be.

    This is a good idea. But there's a huge underground trade in exotic animals. Think piranhas - there are many laws regarding their import/exhibition, but I've known lots of folks with tanks full of those little beauties!




    Ew. No. Just no.


    Actually the whole cake looks cool, but gives me the willies when sliced.


    I once heard a story about a little village boy (it's a long ago and far away kinda story). He was trapped by a constrictor and to free himself, he chewed through the snake wrapped about him. That's what the sliced-cake picture brings to mind.



  2. Based on my experience...


    Most of the sprinkler system components are reasonably priced. But the overall system cost can vary greatly depending on whether or not you are having a designated well drilled for accessing water. If you are installing a well, prices can vary based on how deep they have to go (depends on how high your local water table is).


    We have had wells drilled that cost $15 (for the drilling charge) when we lived on the coast and had an estimate of about $5K (just for the drilling charge) when we lived on a bluff. In the first case we opted for well water, for the latter we opted for using city water.


    Ask the neighbors about their experiences. We prefer a well, when the cost is reasonable, so your water bill is unaffected. I love love love having a sprinkler system for the lawn. I like having my flower beds on a separate cycle, so I can either choose to do it mechanically or enjoy some watering can therapy on a pretty day.

  3. 6-7 weeks!!! :svengo: I think the extra $5 is definitely worth it.


    Me, too!


    ok so I want to know what makes these so much better then a digital writing tablet for the PC? or why they seem so useful considering there is no save function.




    Considering I neither have nor want a digital writing tablet for my PC, and I don't intend to save anything, it meets my need.


    They had these at a Staples store I visited, only it was under another brand. They're nifty, but I would have only paid $10 for it. No colors, only useful for small things. At some point it's better to save for an ipad or go back to the trusty whiteboard.


    Whatever, if it's gonna be the next new thing, thought maybe people would like to know they can see it at some Staples stores.


    Again, it's exactly what I was looking for. I spent many years stopping to erase and clean white boards and hunt for pens with fresh ink. I am excited about a new method.

  4. I ordered the 8.5" size. In case anyone else is interested, this size is on sale for $29.99. HOWEVER (there's always a catch, dangit!), if you take the special deal price, shipping time is 6-7 weeks! I went ahead and paid the regular $35 price and will have it in a couple of days.

  5. Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins recently broke up. I believe Kurt and Goldie are still going strong. You are right, my mistake!


    And given that marriages can end after decades together, I don't really see how not being married would apply to Susan and Tim breaking up.


    I didn't really mean to call attention to it with regard to their marital status (or lack thereof), it was just a stray comment. Sorry to distract from the actual topic.

  6. Our doc started my 65# daughter with about a half teaspoon in the evening, dissolved in apple juice. He said to increase it a bit daily until we saw results. He said the effective dose was variable for each kid, and that the sugar in the apple juice was actually a good stimulant for...y'know.


    I would think you could start an 11yo with a full teaspoon, since he's larger and the other things haven't helped. BTW, when you're taking extra fiber, you need LOTS of extra water, or the fiber will backfire on you (ime, anyway).


    He also recommended not doing it on a school morning (meaning a morning she might need quick bathroom access).

  7. A person named Seasider needs to qualify which type of boogie board!! I was completely confused by your post! :lol::lol::lol:


    Haha!!! Point taken! We are well stocked on the type for water use.:D


    I'm talking about that fun Amazon electronic scratch pad. I think of it as a 21st century etch-a-sketch! I hope to reduce paper waste and keep a fun edge to some of our subjects (kind of like that special box of fascinating toys that used to only come out when Mommy needed some down time).

  8. And I thought the infamous, "Are they all yours?" was bad enough. "Same Daddy?" So rude!


    Sidetracking a bit, I am curious now about the origin of official marriage ceremonies. At what point did mankind make the leap from bonding with a commitment sans officiate to requiring a pastor/rabbi/justice of some sort to declare them married? When did marriage certificates become required? I know in ancient cultures, daughters were given in marriage with contracts, peace treaties, etc, but I do wonder, when did that all start? Even today, are there cultures that require little more than a simple decision to be together for the rest of life? Are there studies that reflect marriage longevity according to various customs (ie, marriage by ceremony vs marriage by acclamation)?


    Just something to think about on a Sunday afternoon...

  9. I would resign. Life is too short and too filled with REAL important things to waste the next 9 months on drama.


    But that's just me. If you stay aboard, stay off the fb group. A friend close enough to have you as her Matron of Honor should have your phone number. She can call you about the necessary details.

  10. She has someone staying w/her, asolutely NONE of the ppl she'd normally check in w/has heard from her, incl the woman staying at her place.


    That's where the concern comes from. I really hope that she's out visiting, and it didn't occur to her that her stating she'd be home Sun, and not turning up would be a concern.


    Well, this is a longshot, but - any chance she & your mom are conspiring, perhaps planning an intervention? IIRC you recently went no contact with your mom?


    Also, I apologize for my Thelma and Louise comment - I was really just thinking that when my kids are grown and gone I'll be prone to such jaunts myself.

  11. This happened with us many, many years ago. We had money tied up in an investment that wouldn't be released until too late for closing. But we knew that money was coming. So, a family member provided that amount in cash to fill the time gap, with the intention of receiving it back as soon as our investment cash cleared. At the time we were doing an FHA loan and the mortgage company asked our family member to write an affidavit stating the money was a gift.


    The bank calculates a debt-to-asset ratio that is part of the loan approval process. They have to know whether that "gift" is actually a debt or an asset, so they know where to place it in that equation - unfortunately lots of folks get "gifts" that aren't actually gifts, making them officially liabilities instead of assets.


    Refinance rates are low, but lenders have seem to have gotten really picky about qualifying people. Too many foreclosures in the past.


    (sorry if someone already shared the above, I didn't read all the replies before answering)


    ETA - read all the way through, wow, now I see they are asking how you spent the "gift." All I can say is this is the sad state of the home loan industry in the wake of the real estate market crash and all the government fixes. I am starting to think that loan processors are getting paid by the hour.... Sorry you are having to deal with such a mess. But restarting with a new company would not necessarily guarantee a trouble-free process.

  12. Am I the only one who sort of things, "Well, you've reported it to the police, just let them handle it and not worry about what's happened to her as long as she isn't on your doorstep?" Or is that just showing what an awful person I am?



    Honestly, I don't think quite that way, but I do find myself thinking that it's a bit ironic....


    We fight for the freedom to be treated like adults by our parents. But often times when parents do the kind of things we once anticipated (or occasionally still fantasize about!) the freedom of doing - like taking off on a spontaneous road trip with a BFF - we get all flustered that they aren't acting like our parents!


    Imp, I understand there are many complex layers which make your situation with your MIL a bit different. I am mostly thinking about my own folks, who I often cannot reach for days at a time. They usually return my call when they get back, "Oh, we just took a little trip to see such-n-such..." They live cross country, so they don't advise all their friends and family of their plans. That's perfectly reasonable for an unfettered set of grown-ups. But I confess, when I ring a couple of days in a row with no answer, I get that squicky feeling, kwim?


    Anyway, I do hope she is found safe. But she is an adult, so hopefully she is off at a casino or somewhere with a friend and just didn't want to tell anyone she was going to feed a slot machine and overindulge at the buffet.


    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: You've done all you can, all that could be reasonably expected of you. Try to keep yourself busy with your beautiful kids while you wait for further news. Hope you get some soon.

  13. :iagree:


    As for your MIL, toss her. Seriously. Showing up to make demands and be critical is not acceptable. She can do that by email (which you will, of course, direct straight to the trash folder). If she's not helping with the load, she's adding to it. Not. Acceptable.


    I do think kids learn a great many things while caring for elderly relatives. But their regularly scheduled lives do not need to stop and be replaced by living the life of an elderly couple. Teach them how to support others while being their own people.




    I would ask dh to be sure he shares with his Mommy Dearest that there is no possibility of inheritance or financial gain. She may just vanish herself upon hearing that news.


    As for your kids, they will learn much by your graceful example, but to ask them to sacrifice *everything* is a sure ticket to resentment. Perhaps you can make arrangements for them to participate in a limited fashion.




    Meanwhile get that bottle of valium and report her words to her doctor.




    Yes, confiscate it and let her think she misplaced it (unless she truly needs it for pain management, I am not advocating withholding needed meds, just trying to eliminate that loaded gun she's holding).


    I would absolutely play the valium card with her doctor. As her caregiver, you can make an appointment with her doctor to share your concerns. He is bound by privacy to not share her medical information with you, but he doesn't have to close his ears, either. An appointment with him may be helpful, even vital, in proceeding according to this next bit of great advice...


    If one is showing signs of dementia, then your dh needs to start paperwork to become the guardian. Having power of attorney is not enough. My mom learned this in the last month while dealing with issues related to my grandmother in the early stages of dementia. Then you are involved with doctors, and are in control of things like home health aids. You/your dh need to be named medical power of attorney (MPOA) .


    You need help. Your children need your attention as well. If they stay in your home, you need someone to come take care of you - laundry dishes, cleaning, prepping meals, etc. Or you can hire someone to come take care of them for a certain number of hours a day. The gp can't fire who you hire. You need sitters to stay with them so your children can still have a life outside of the home. If your church doesn't want to help, then it is time to find other resources and people. Ask other homeschool families who they would recommend. If you live near a college, ask if any nursing students would be willing to work with them a few hours at a time. It is great experience.


    You do need to groom an assistant (not meaning one of your children). You have to be able to leave the house, especially in the event of an emergency.


    :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: It is so very kind of you to accept the challenge of their care, but it cannot come at the cost of your immediate family. Your husband and children need you!


    And as for your church, JMO but if that's the way they feel about you, it's time to shake that dust off your feet, too.

  14. My screen does that if I am pushing my mouse around (using my finger on my mouse pad) and I accidentally touch the pad with a second finger. The fix (if that's your issue) is to put two fingers on the mouse pad and move them away from each other.



    This worked! I could not for the life of me figure out what I had done to shrink things, but the mouse pad on my laptop is very sensitive, that's surely what happened.


    Thank you - my tired eyes thank you!

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