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Posts posted by emzhengjiu

  1. Both my daughters are in a day camp this week! Both! At the same time! That's unheard of around here. So, I want to go to a movie by myself and eat my popcorn without help. And watch something that's not animated and not G rated. Wow, is that possible? I would like something with a good ending and something that's not scary or gory. Any suggestions?


    Thanks so much.


  2. Bridge Math is new to me. From the website description, it sounds really good and affordable. My daughter will likely be through with Alegebra one by the end of the year. Maybe next summer would be a good time for Bridge Math. I remember how hard it was to apply math to science courses now that I think about it! High school was a very, very long time ago! Back in the age of dinosaurs according to my 9 yo old. She asks if we had electricity way back then! Ouch! Thanks again.



  3. Great information! Thanks. So... would you guys suggest Rainbow for the first year for the physics and chemistry then move to Apologia after that? My daughter loves science and is good in math. I want to be sure she has enough background in both if she decides upon a career in science.


    Thanks again.


  4. I see Rainbow Science talked about frequently here. Would you please tell me it's strengths and weaknesses. I really liked what I saw on the website but was taken aback by the price tag. Any help would be most appreciated. I'm trying to find a science program for my rising 7th grader that's more workbook / text book based at her request.


    Thanks so much.


  5. Thank you all so much! I'm doing better this morning. The apartment manager came last night to talk to us. She's a very good manager, thankfully. We had too many who were lousy at the job. We got our towel back and my daughters' friend is ok. She was upset until my girls distracted her with a movie.


    I have had second thought though about confronting the person. She was in a group of people supporting her. KJB you are so right. Her behavior could have been because of drugs, alcohol or even mental illness. The situation could have been dangerous. So.... how do you know what to do. Do you let people who act this way toward anyone much less a child get away with their behavior or do you confront them? I wish I could say I prayed before saying something but I didn't.


    Thanks again!



  6. I would very much appreciate some virtual hugs tonight! My daughters, one of their friends and I were at our apartment complex swimming pool. As we were leaving, their friend realized someone had moved or taken her towel. Kids are often picking up items that are not theirs. We looked several places but finally saw it behind a woman lying on a chaise lounge. Their friend went over to ask for her towel. The woman began verbally attacking her, actually getting in her face. This woman was a very tall, large, dominating person. Thankfully, I was following close behind the child. I sent her over to a couple we know, then told the woman to leave her alone. A heated discussion followed. I don't tolerate someone verbally abusing a child in my presence. Now I'm feeling a bit shaken. As a Christian, I know a gentle answer turns away wrath but I also feel bullies have to be confronted at times. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent.



  7. My daughter has been using NEM for a couple of weeks now after completing all the Primary Math books. NEM is not that similar to the Primary Math series. The first 4 or 5 chapters are review of general math. As far as I can see, bar diagrams are not used at all. The diagrams were used in the Primary Math books as an aid to solve challenging problems before algebra is studied. So far, she likes NEM a lot and is doing well.


    edited to add: There's a placement test on the singapore math website for NEM. From what I've seen so far, I don't think it matters if you had used the PM series or not as long as the student is ready for this level of math.



  8. Well, I don't know. I'm not a mathy person either. As I mentioned, my daughter is strong in math but not gifted. She's doing well so far with NEM but we're only in chapter 4 or 5.

    I've had to read and reread some of the information. I find how NEM explains topics to be terse and hard to follow. If I were better in math, it would probably be clear but ..... I'm finding it a hard go so far. If I have any money left over after buying other subject materials for next year, I'm going to order Discovering Math. By the way, the people at singaporemath.com forums are wonderful resource! The way I'm going now, I'll be using the forums often.



  9. Until this weekend, I thought I had next year planned for my rising 7th grade DD but she is asking for more textbooks and workbooks. She likes how the Life Pak workbooks look in general. She also likes the Apologia General Science and Physical Science texts. Keep in mind, we not actually used either. I would very much appreciate some other ideas in science, history, grammar and logic. Math is covered with Singapore NEM. I'm not going to use texts / workbooks for everything but I would like to accommodate her request in some areas. I'm feeling a bit lost. Thankfully, I've not actually purchased much for next year.




  10. My daughter has just begun NEM. It's very different than the Primary Math series! I've been told that the approach used in Discovering Math is more similar to the Primary series and begins with easier problems first building to more challenging ones.


    I bought the NEM materials at a great used price or I would have ordered Discovering Math. My daughter is good at math but not gifted. So far, she really likes NEM though. As for me, I'm ok at math but it can be a struggle. After spending some time with her going over the first four or five chapters, I'm beginning to understand how NEM approaches teaching math.



  11. I chose to allow my 12 yo daughter to read the series because so many of her friends were talking to her about them. She's maturing rapidly and becoming very interested in boys. I didn't want the books to become forbidden fruit. If I thought they were wrong for us totally, I would not have hesitated to forbid them but as of today, I'm glad I let her read them. If she's exposed to the material through her friends anyway, I would much rather she be able to talk openly with me about them too. The books have started many wonderful discussions about what was right and wrong about the Belle and Edward's relationship including Belle's insecurities and how they may have affected her decisions as well as the consequences of her decisions.



  12. Chiming in to agree about keeping your blood pressure under control. I'm on BP medicine daily now but hope as I lose weight and get into better shape to be off medication this year. I've lost 12 lbs so far but need to lose about 30 more pounds. In addition to reducing salt, I find deliberately eating colorful foods has helped. For all of you who eat healthy foods anyway, this probably sounds silly but it has helped me visualize what I should be eating. You know eat carrots for orange, tomatoes for red and so on.


    Also consider slow breathing techniques. I bought special tapes that synchronizes your breathing to music. You only need to practice about 15 minutes / day. Although I can't say the tapes have made a difference on their own, I've noticed that my BP is much more stable now than.



  13. As much as I enjoy company, I would be irritated if the moms of my daughters friends expected to stay during a play date unless I had specifically invited them. Between working from home and everything else I have to do, there's just not time to entertain another adult on a regular basis. My daughters are 12 and 8 so their ages are a factor. I'm also ok with the children being picked up a bit late as long as its still during the day. We often have children visiting into the evening hours. Since we have a strict routine on school nights, the kids have to leave by 9pm at the latest. I'm usually shooing them out right at 9. The other moms in our neighbor don't expect adults to stay either but rarely do the children need true supervision during their play. I have made a rule though that a 4.5 yo girl can't come with her 7 yo brother. She does need much more of my time. Her mom sends her and I send her back. I've feel badly about turning her away from playing. She's a sweet child but I don't want to babysit a pre-schooler.



  14. We've never tried the free version since my dial-up connection is too slow. But Timez Attack is the only product that helped my older daughter learn her multiplication facts. She's dyslexic and was having so many problems with memorizing the tables. Otherwise, she's strong in math. My younger daughter is doing well with the program too. If you decide to purchase the software, check for a $10 discount. There's usually one available.



  15. My just turned 12 yo DD finished 6B a few months ago. We've been reviewing and using pre-algebra worksheets for practice. I've also been undecided about our next step but found a cheap NEM with the Solution guide. She loves it; I don't. NEM is very different than the Primary Math series. Since she likes it, we're going to continue at least through the first text. After that we'll see but we'll definitely be changing after NEM 2. I am lost without the Solution Guide. I'm editing this just to add that I think we'll eventually move to either Chalkdust or Singapore's Discovering Math. From what I see, I think either would be great for her but for now it's NEM.



  16. My lovely, sweet, intelligent 12 yo DD is not at all competitive. I hope I'm not doing the wrong thing, but I've just signed her up for the summer swim team. Swimming is by far her best area in terms of sports. This swim team is only two months this summer. Since it's offered through our recreation center, it's not as competitive as some of the school teams are. It's also not very expensive. My thought is to give her an experience that is outside her normal routine. I've often wished I as a kid that I had been on some type of team even though I'm not competitive either. So what do you all think? I'm having second thoughts this morning.



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