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  1. My Akita is a senior dog when she is really bad I have a prescription for her pain its inexpensive 7.00 for 30...I wonder if they could just prescribe something on Monday just to have on hand.



    I don't know about movement either, but my gut would say to let him up and move around, our dog gets worse the more she sits not better. We have used "towel" carries for our dog, loop the towel under the back end of the abdomen near the groin on either side of the belly (not through the legs)like a sling pulling upward gently as he tries to walk? He does seem really young for back pain...I don't know much about Dauchlands, but have they checked for lymes or eurlichiosis?


    Sorry no advice for the weekend, though my mother - in - law did give her German Shepard aspirin, I would never suggest it with out knowing the dosing for your doggy :(


    I hate to see my dogs in pain too...

  2. I always kept two double fleece blankets in the car and had a fleece Columbia all in one that my DD2 wore. We live pretty far north, so sometimes it just went on as clothing and then I packed a cooler outfit to change her into once we were inside.


    I toted coats, but when my girls were really little we didn't put them on until we arrived at our destination.

  3. Mmmm, I forgot about the "husband-coached" part (I don't think they would have said "led"). My dh definitely did not LEAD my births. He played a major role (timing, encouraging, reminding me of things, telling me to listen to what my midwife was saying, massaging, letting me hang on him, etc) but he definitely let me and my needs set the pace.


    My area is sort of weird. There are MAJOR crunchy/natural folks around here but it's also a university town where the medical community is very, well... medical. I haven't had a baby here but it seems hard for people to find good natural-birth options besides home births (there aren't many or any midwives who deliver in hospitals or OBs who are natural-friendly). So I guess my vision would be to teach privately in order to equip those who lean towards a natural birth but want to use the hospital... how to advocate for themselves, how to be confident about the stages of labor, etc.


    I took private classes hosted in my home with a midwife who taught Bradly she definitely used the word led (lead). This was a poor dynamic for us immediately, what I like about Birthing from Within was the strong roll the woman played in her own birth. I am not anti-Bradley, but I had a very hard time with a lot of outside stimulus in labor. I did best closing my eyes and blocking out everyone and everything. I definitely think it would work and work well for some couples, it didn't for us.


    There have to be some midwives in the area, is it possible that you could work as a birth educator/assistant with one of them? That might be the way to go. Perhaps you could get some MW referrals through NARM (North American Registry of Midwives)?

  4. I hate to ask this but is it possible he has parasites? They do cause gas, I had an old lab that just couldn't seem to keep from getting into things it shouldn't. You could try some canned pumpkin on his food (a couple of spoonfuls). That was my first thought...we live in the country, so now I give Drontal twice a year.


    Also, could they just be nervous or upset about something?


    My newf is a worrier...he gets sick on any schedule change; my akita just likes to copy the other guilty parties in the room.

  5. Guitar, Swatch, and Forenza sweatshirts....three separate Christmases they all stick out in my mind. When I was growing up my grandmother's poteca was the item that was in the highest demand; we used to hide it from each other in a variety of creative places.

  6. I personally liked the "Birthing from Within" classes. I am not sure that I could have tolerated a husband led birth...his energy was too nervous (poor guy) ; still he came through and caught our first DD. Does that help?


    I think it will depend where you live and what demographic population you are trying to reach. Do you know if you want to work through a birth center or hospital? Privately? Those questions would have a lot of effect on your choice I would think...

  7. Its an interesting topic....I wonder if all 48% are from the SAME church ;o). My guess is no. Since I have watched parents on hands and knees from EVERY religion and faith pray for lives of their children, some live, some die; all parents quite devout in their faith I have come to believe that god doesn't play favorites...so if I am saved, I am saved by grace (not faith) and so are all human beings. That would be my "christian" perspective, though I embrace all faiths and persons who are committed to good in the world and whole heartily making their life a testimony to love, not by words, but by actions.

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