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Posts posted by LunaLee

  1. I had the same trouble finding other grades, so I poked around and found this:




    Apparently there are new editions and old editions.


    I am intrigued by this, Luna. Thanks, I will definitely look into it further.




    Yes, Rainbow only has some of the newer editions I guess, so you'd have to look in the old editions section for the other grades. I actually got mine on Amazon for about $6 + shipping. If you did an amazon search you'd probably want to use the ISBN for the exact copy you are looking for. Sometimes Rainbow will list the ISBN, if not http://www.greatsource.com has them.

  2. I really liked it. I used it briefly with my 7th grader last year and although it wasn't a good fit for that particular child it's definately something I'd consider using for my ds at another point in time.


    Not to throw another option at you, but have you looked at the Daybooks for Critical Reading and Writing from Great Source?




    They look a little less teacher intensive IMO. They remind me alot of WEM and How to Read a Book because they teach children to respond directly to the reading in the book to make comments, or jot down thoughts and also discusses literary elements. I actually have the one for 4th grade to use this upcoming year and I chose it over Jr. Great Books (this time) because ds reads a lot on his own and this didn't seem like we were adding yet another book to the mix because it comes in notebook form. I also really liked how we could apply to the other books he was reading. And the pages are colorful, but not overwhelming, which he really needs.


    I know what you mean, though, some kids just need more than notebooking to help with sorting it all out.

  3. What about other... sshhh... don't tell anyone but I rob banks and use my ill gotten loot to fund our homeschool.


    Just kidding. Actually I am fortunate enough to work at a homeschool book store, and what I buy gets taken directly from my paycheck. Everything else I pay cash or check debit for.


    I budgeted about $100 from our tax return for some things, but I am such a curriculum junkie it seems like I am always buying something. It's a problem yes I know, but at least it's books and not booze.


    It too is my dream to be able to buy our new stuff with proceeds from the old but I'm a procrasitnator and I keep meaning to open a paypal acount so I can sell the stuff that we are done with or didn't work out. You know like FLL 3 TM, or the Homeschool Through the Woods Exlorers CD, but I am such a procrasitnator.


    We don't have credit cards-we learned the hard way.

  4. I chose to do independent studies in high school. I did that 10-12th grade (90-93). Even though I had a teacher that gave me my assignments I could do them at my own pace and basically taught myself. It was really cool, I could do a semesters worth of work in 2 mos and I got to do some really great electives.


    My mom did wish she could have homeschooled my brother and I, but as a single mom it wasn't really an option so she was very supportive of my choice to do independent studies and to homeschool my kids.

  5. Lets See...


    The oldest in each generation on my side is supposed to have Lee for a middle name. I always thought it was short and boring, but not wanting to completely buck family tradition I put the Lee in her first name. And my daddy picked out her middle name-he's a mountain man so her middle name is Sierra.


    DS's name was supposed to be Bennet Jacob which were just names dh & liked and agreed on, but when he was born, he soooo did not look like a Bennet or a Jacob, so he didn't have a name for 3 days while we were in the hospitial. DH wanted to name him Jr, but I don't go for jr's and dh did not like any of the Gaelic names I wanted.:glare: So in the end we chose Alexander because it's a fine strong name and dh's first name for his middle. Now my mountain man dad suggested Nevada for his middle name, I said heck no back then, but in retrospect I kind of like it.

  6. I'm in the same place as you. We did 4 years of SOTW and loved it. But now we want to do something else for the next 4 years and I am seriously considering History Odyssey.


    Can you compare it to SOTW? I'd love to know what you like/don't like. You just say you like it "ok" which doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement?





    Not Mrs. Mungo, but I have HO Ancients Level 2 for next year, so please keep in mind I haven't actually used it yet. I guess maybe it could be considered dry after coming from SOTW. True, it uses history pockets, which is a little hands on, but there aren't the cool activities that SOTW offers.


    This will be ds's first time through the history cycle, and we aren't going to do SOTW because I was thinking more long term, but I decided to combine the SOTW activity guide with HO to make it fit ds a little better.

  7. About homeschooling...


    When we decided to pull dd out of school her then teacher said, "But, you are too smart to be homeschooled."


    One of my dh's aunts (the same aunt who bought us a can of Slim Jim for Christmas one year mind you) asked my dd " So how many friends do you have dear?"


    Ummm...how many do you have?


    And my favorite, but it doesn't really count 'cuz he was 4 at the time, was from my son -He said my stretch marked belly looked like the Grinch. :glare: I told him they were battle scars.

  8. Treasure Island, good. I was afraid that might be too much for my son. But he does love pirates.


    What about The Time Machine or Journey to the Center of the Earth? I never read these and I wonder if they are appropriate. My son wants to read them but I'm just not totally sure.




    I try to use the Usborne Classics Retold when doing the abridged classics. That's what Treasure Planet was. Sometimes though, I can't find the titles that I want so I also use the Edcon books too. They have a really good selection-that's what War of the Worlds was. The Edcon books are more like a workbook and have comprehension questions after each chapter, but I usually skip them because he just reads the book straight through. The also have a black and white picture for each chapter the he enjoys coloring and making his own.

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