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Posts posted by LunaLee

  1. Well, I didn't vote because what's best for my dc won't be best for your dc, kwim? Maybe you should retitle your poll "Which grammar program do you use and why?"


    I can tell you that I use R&S for both of my dc. It's a very comprehensive program and I like how the review is built into each lesson and I can use it orally as well.


    We used FLL 3 last year for ds and it didn't go well because it was too scripted. Same with Shurley. I also thought Shurley was more teacher intensive. I liked Easy Grammar and may use it as a back up if R&S doesn't work for ds. It was easy to implement, covered everything that needed to be covered, I like the Daily Grams, and it's not too expensive.


    Good Luck with your quest.

  2. I second using SW for Science as well, but not SW technology. I'm going to use the Star Wars Essential Guide to Aliens and Speicies and the Star Wars Essential Guide to Plantes and Moons when we do classification/habitats/animal studies this year.


    I haven't got the plans down exactly, but the species essential guide breaks down each species type: cephalopod, cetacean, feline, canine, gastropod, reptialis, avian...etc. And the moons and planets one does the same for habitats.


    I was telling someone that they could laugh if they want, but Star Wars really is a classic in every sense of the word. If you really stop and think about it you could use Star Wars as your only curriculum (or mostly as your only) and cover pretty much everything: philosophy, mythology, literature, art, architecture, math, science, plant studies, animal studies, ship building...George Lucas are you paying attention!


    I was also going to use the Star Wars and Mythology book DK has when we study Ancient Greece & Rome later this year. And then in 9th gr. revisit the Star Wars mythology thing in more depth with that history channel special.


    Sheesh, now I'm rambling. Umm can you tell where ds gets his Star Wars fanatisicm from?

  3. Folks are crazy. That's all I can say. Here's my list of names I've encounterd over the years:


    Used to work for a 50ish something lady named Velvet Bowes.

    Friends of dh's named their ds Sterling Spurling.

    There was a man I knew through work who was Dermott McDermott-they were from Scotland, so I don't really hold it against him.

    Then there was a friend of my Aunt's who had the last name Lee, and he was dead serious about name his first child UG. :confused:

  4. I don't think there's a law...but, having worked for many dr's over the years, I can tell you that this ultimatem (sp?) probably stems from a liability issue. Let's say you don't follow his advice and then you die (heaven forbid) your family can come back to sue. I think more dr's are acting this way as a CYA kind of thing, but you should still try to find a provider who is willing to work with you not against you.

  5. I heard that there are HST yahoo groups that already have some curriculums entered and you can just download the file or something and poof it is in HST. I heard this about TOG but maybe there are other ones too?



    Well I just visted the HST forum, and there was a section specifically for TOG, Sonlight, and Abeka. Alas I didn't see one for the LfC, but I didn't do a wholehearted search either. I'll hit that up after I visit my plans for CA...you know, it's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Oh wait...I do:glare:

  6. I am attempting to add my Singapore 4A Standards Edition to Homeschool Tracker. It's not time consuming, just tedious. 1 unit down, 4 to go.


    Then after that I need to finalize my CA history plans and put the binder together. Then after that, I need to finalize what I'm going to do for writing, this is me wishing that the workbook 3 for WWE was available now:willy_nilly:, and then I need to pop on over to the HST boards and hope that someone already has plans for Latin for Children A to share. AND...I am attempting to put a Quater 1 binder together.


    Must have more coffee...and a Red Bull.

  7. 1. Yes, I do think timelines should have the same scale for consistency.

    2. I used this free Charlotte Mason one http://simplycharlottemason.com/timesavers/boc/

    3. I printed it on heavy cardstock and put it in a binder. I had to tweak it a bit in the printing to get it to print back to back, but I liked how each century had a two page spread. I also like having it in a binder so that it's easier to add new pages.


    Good Luck.

  8. Hmmm, I've just been sitting here thinking of what to say. First of all I can't commend you enough for writing that letter, which is hard enough to do in itself, but to post it on here and expose yourself to all of us like this.... well, to me writing is so personal and I just want to tell you that it took a lot of guts for you to do this. YOU GO GIRL!!!!


    If you are wanting constructive critisism, I'll give it to you, not like I'm a published writer or anything-but I'll tell you what my handy dandy writers manual says about query letters:


    Paragraph 1 should be the attention getting introduction- I'd say condense the 3 you've got into one.

    Paragraph 2 should give the details of your book, again condense those last ones into one.

    Paragraph 3 should be a little about yourself.

    Paragraph 4 is for last minute sells and niceties.


    Do you have a book or something that will tell you how to write a really good query letter, I know I've seen a many articles in the various writing magazines I collect that tell you what editors are looking for. Maybe you could consult with one of those.


    Again, it's not like I speak with authority or anything, but since you did us the honor of sharing this with us, I thought the least I could do was give you a response.


    Please keep us posted. It always inspires me when I read about the writers on this board. And, by the way I think your idea is refreshing and innovative- I for one would like to read more.

  9. I think your pland sounds great because I was just going to suggest:


    Option 1:chocolate brown, sky blue, and apple or moss greeen or


    Option 2: orange, sky blue, and apple or moss green


    I love those colors. Or... our schoolroom is our kitchen which is red, turquoise, and lime green- sounds funky, but it works.


    Good Luck.

  10. It's okay Mindy, really. I know you feel bad, but what's a mother to do sometimes.:grouphug:


    Both of my parents were Marines, so there was NO sympathy in my house. I have tried to break the cycle, but it is just hard sometimes. I guess we just do the best we can and then we have these little incidents to humble us for a little while. For instance:


    Last year dd broke her wrist snowboarding with some friends. She was casted for about 4 weeks then recieved the okay that she was all healed and she could resume her sporting ways. I kid you not, not even 3 weeks later, she slid into second base and "hurt" her thumb. So here I'm telling dd "Shake it off...get back in the game...you're okay..." I'm thinking she just jammed up her thumb, no biggie "C'mon, stop whining." Insert disclaimer here: DD is one of those kids who has a history of complaining and making up ailments for attention-end disclaimer. Anyway's it takes a bit for it to start swelling and me going "it's just jammed get back on the field" before I relented and she did sit the rest of the game. Needless to say Monday rolls around, because I am NOT paying for an ER visit for a jammed thumb, and I take her to the Dr's where we are sent to x-ray to find out ARE YOU KIDDING ME...her thumb is broken. This break, the ortho said, was not related in anyway to the first, just rotten luck.

  11. We are using both CKE and RS4K Level 1 next year for Biology. I will be using CKE Biology for the spine and using RS4K, among other things, as a supplement. I liked RS4k because the student text is awesome. Colorful and not overstimulating, it explains difficult science concepts in a way the kids can understand without talking down to them. Unfortunately, not only does the RS4K not cover a lot of biology topics IMHO, but you could easily finish it in a quarter or so as other posters have said. But at the same time I don't think the CKE goes into a lot of depth on it's own(the "teaching" pages are usually a paragraph or two). I think that CKE is a great spine because it gives you great jumping point and a lot of resources to explore things further, but also, if I don't have time to plan and science starts to fall by the wayside, if CKE was the only thing I did, it would be okay, kwim? Not to say though that if you got CKE that you would have to do a lot of planning to make it a good program. Am I making sense? Sometimes I ramble...


    Anyhoo, I haven't really looked at the CKE Chemistry, so please keep in mind my point of reference is only for the biology. However, I have seen RS4K Chemistry Level 2 and it is quite thicker than level 1, I assume because it's meant for 7th-9th grade. Almost more like a "real" text.


    I guess, you could just use both if you wanted too, or could afford it, but I think if I had to choose just the one it'd be CKE.

  12. Umm I do both homeschooltracker and write it down...And yes I probably do make more work for myself than I really need to, but it's just the way I have to do it in order for it all to be worked out in my head.


    Actually, I have some stuff that's do the next thing like SWO & R&S so those are easy to plan. But mostly, because I can't ever find a program that has exactly what I want, I tend to combine a lot of things, especially for Science, History, and Language Arts. So for those things if I didn't "plan" it and write it all out-we'd be lost.


    What I usually do is write it all out first, then put it in HST+. For my younger ds I use it mostly for organizing. For older dd who will be in 9th grade next year, I'll use it more for transcripts and grades.

  13. Well...I think so many of us forget to look at the big picture when it come to WS.


    We used Level 3 our first year hsing and although I personally didn't care for it (I need somthing with more structure like a 5 paragaraph format) dd did great with it. And the most important thing...it got done. When we were finished with 3, I switched to Write Source because that's what I was more comfortable with and plus, starting in level 3, I didn't think WS was enough for Jr. High. Dd did it okay, but Write Source wasn't really for her.


    After going back to WTM and reading what SWB had to say about WS and going over all of the WS levels, I decided it was a good program for dd and that it would prepare her for hs if we just stick with it. So half way through the year, I switched back to WS. After I looked at all the levels again, I kept thinking, "This is great, why did we stop using it?" DD is more of an abstract thinker which I think WS is great for, not to mention I like how it combines literary elements with the writing making the study of both more holistic. Also, dd can do WS independently with me just looking over her work and offering evaluations.

  14. My youngest is like this. He has little to no impulse control, he's always been like that. Although he is getting better. I tell you it's been very trying. When he was in ps school he would do things like oh..punch the music teacher and flush the toilets in the boys bathroom until they flooded just watch what happens...:glare:


    With his school work, it's difficult. He doesn't like being "taught"-it's like he can't wait for me to read/teach/instruct him and he has no patience for demonstrating concepts he's already mastered. I have to choose his materials very carefully because of it.


    As far as trying to curb it, I don't know if you can. I've just learned to accept that this is the way ds is. I don't try to change him, I just try to help him help himself. I try to point out the consequenses of his rash behavior, like how rushing through somthing and not getting it right because he didn't wait for instruction just results in more work for himself. Or if he is impulsive and breaks something, well..that's the end of that. Don't expect another one, until you earn enough money to replace it. Mostly, though, it's just lots, and lots and lots of patience.


    I wish I could offer you more advice, but I can't. Take comfort in the fact that you are not the only one with a child like this.

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