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Posts posted by GraciebytheBay

  1. I wake up peacefully. This last for about 5 minutes. Then I begin to really wake up (i.e. my brain turns on) which leads to panic. The day usually seems overwhelming to me, and I often dread getting up. For some reason all the responsibilities of my day already seem like they may not get checked off the list. Thus, the panic. I am not depressed, but I do suffer from anxiety. One way to combat it is to get right up when the alarm rings. However, I also wake up very tired and hit the snooze alarm. Sigh.


    If you wouldn't mind, will you please pm me and tell me what your doctor prescribed for you? I've been close to accepting a prescription but always chicken out. I'd be interested to know what you were given and perhaps if it helps (after you begin taking it). Don't feel obligated to share this with me if you don't want to, btw. :001_smile:

  2. This is a huge pet peeve of mine. I usually reply with the link to Snopes. It's not right to ask people to pray or waste good thoughts for something that isn't true! Not everyone appreciates the link, though. One person on FB took it personally, as if I was calling them stupid for posting it. I wasn't, but there were already a few people responding with promises to pray, and it really bothered me. Btw, it took me 10 seconds to find out that it wasn't true and had been circulating for 6 years.

  3. As I type this, I have my Sunbeam electric blanket on! We have this one:




    It has a controller for both sides, so dh can have it warmer than I or vice versa. This will be our fourth cold weather season with it, and it is still in excellent shape. It is machine washable (just follow directions). I highly recommend it!


    I sure hope it will help with your pain.

  4. Oh no. DH posted last weekend "...had a wonderful time with the Bucks on the wine tour!" AND we posted pictures. I would feel terrible if someone felt bad about this. Come to think about it, we often do this when we do something with people. Aaaack. I need to think about this a bit. Never occurred to me that it would be considered bragging! Ugh. Now I'm stressed.

  5. In our old neighborhood, I posted a sign on the front door. "School is in session until 3:00" and told the kids that when that sign was there, they were NOT to knock or ring the bell unless it was an emergency.


    We had the same problem with kids swarming! Seriously, my oldest didn't even want to go outside because they were always right there. Dh and I had to set boundaries by saying, "Sorry, this is family time. Maybe Adam can play later. Bye bye!" It was kind of sad when they would stand on the sidewalk and watch my boys and dh play basketball in the driveway. Sometimes, of course, they could join in, but if dh had been away a lot, he really just wanted to hang with our own kids. (Part of the problem was that the neighborhood kids had little discipline in their lives and could be so wild - ugh.) There were times when I would have to say, "Okay, now it's time for you to go home." because they would just stand on the front porch. We were always friendly to them, often allowed them to come in for playtime and snacks, had them over for supper. But family and school time had to be strictly enforced. They just didn't understand! This was a difficult time for this introvert - very stressful. I understand exactly what you're talking about. Set boundaries, the sooner the better. That's my advice.:)

  6. I have been lucky enough to find a local mill who grinds their own grains. I bought 25 lbs of freshly ground flour, it is marked All Purpose. The miller did tell me that cooking and baking with it would be slightly different than the store bought flour.. as that flour is so old it is "dead"..


    I made some bread with my new flour today.. It's denser and didn't rise as much.. it's on it's second rise..


    Have you cooked and/or baked with fresh flour? What changes do I need to make when using it?


    I'm storing it in the freezer, as the miller suggested, to prolong it's shelf life..




    What kind of wheat was used? Is it whole wheat flour? Perhaps some vital gluten would help, especially if it is coming out like a brick (dense). Did you make a sponge first? I find that helps. Have you made bread before? Let us know exactly how you did it, and maybe we can diagnose the problem. Bread baking is fun, even in the experimentation stage, so enjoy!:)

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