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Posts posted by CadenceSophia

  1. I only got three of my 4 things done yesterday. The car is still not cleaned out although some armfulls of things came out. I woke up feeling like garbage today so I am trying to guide the kids through school as independently as possible. They each have a math lesson they can do alone, TTRS, 30 mins of history reading from a book of their choice, and handwriting.



    .... I got distracted in posting and most of school is done! Just a few more things to go...

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  2. We are here! Home from our crazy trip. It's just starting to sink in that I drove 100 hours (just the drive time, not including all the stops to pee, etc) to see a 2 minute event. I was awake the last 40 hours with only a couple little naps so I am still pretty worn out today but I need to get ds caught up in his astronomy class, make an appt for ILP's with the charter school, and unpack the car. Oh and plan/make dinner. That's enough for one day I think, just four things.

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  3. Morning :) Just checking in because I don't want you to be alone, Critter.


    We listened to 1/2 of SOtW Ancients today. I only brought 1 & 2 on this trip and now I'm regretting it. We could have covered the 4 year history cycle this week hehe. It's ok I have Hakim and a bunch of science books on audio. Navigational error whole I was napping resulted in 18 hour drive day. 13+ tomorrow. I'm slightly questioning my sanity...

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  4. We are running late on our departure! Should have been ready to leave Tues. morning, but we had lots of interruptions and I always underestimate how long it takes to pack the car for a trip like this. (hint: forever).

    New plan is to leave Weds. morning so tomorrow's schedule is








    Hang out with DH a little bit


    DS had his first class at Athena's today!  Super exciting :)  I'm so pleased with it all so far. This is a perfect experience for him. 



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  5. There have got to be a lot of MLM folks reading this and just being too shy to comment, probably because of forum rules. I'll jump in because I am not involved in any right now. I did beachbody for about 8 months and my experience was nothing like the rant going on here. Signing up to be a coach is what's they call their version of buying into the business. If you want to use shakeology, it is cheaper to purchase as a coach so that is savings #1. If you work the business you are making some income to make your own product less expensive, free, or earning money. There is no opportunity to lose money provided the shake and exercise programs were something you wanted anyway. Young Living and H2O at Home work the same way. I became allergic to shakeology and had a huge flare of my immune disease or I would have kept going. I made about $1700 in 8 months only posting on Facebook and while I am sure some people were annoyed, many many people came up to me in person and thanked me for my posts, asked health advice, were curious about my disease, and even donated money to the research foundation for it. Basically the entire thing was super successful on all fronts, except that I am a introvert and didn't actually want to talk to anyone lol.

  6. Curious: do you carry a filter/lifestraw? Or do you drink the stream water unfiltered? Is that safe in Alaska? No Giardia?

    We do have giardia here.



    Personally, on a short hike, I just carry water purification tablets my first aid kit as I don't expect to run out of water. If it is worth the weight (multi-day/multi-person/remote area) I have a katadyn filter.

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  7. Keep in mind that when they say "lose money", it probably means from a tax perspective. That means start writing off all the things that are allowed to be related to the business so you don't have to pay extra taxes on the earnings. Some people are very liberal with that -- writing off a portion of their electric bill, clothing, even while parts of their houses. I have done a couple MLM's and "lost money", but I got all of my product for free plus everything I could possibly consider a expense. It was pretty far from a losing endeavour but it looked that way on paper, on purpose.

    Those high cost of entry MLM's probably do cause many to lose money, but most women do make at least a little from the others that don't expect you to have inventory on hand.

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  8. Her antibody screen tests were negative, so Kaiser is resisting doing any additional allergy testing. We will pursue that through our naturopath - she has a thorough test that she likes that should screen for a large number of potential allergens. Celiacs is also a potential issue, as I and my dad both have it, but again they are refusing to order an endoscopy because of the negative result on the screening test. So frustrating that they rely on screening tests with a known high false negative rate and then use them to refuse further testing.


    I haven't tried antihistamines or H1/H2 blockers yet. It's definitely on my radar, but because we are still trying to figure out what's wrong, I've been trying not to muddy the waters with medications until we have a clearer picture of what is going on. But it's definitely an option to consider, apparently it can help control EDS symptoms as well.

    ACK!  EGID doesn't have any factor that shows on a screening test.  Only possible method of dx is biopsies. I don't know much about natropaths -- patch testing isn't 'alternative', my real regular allergist does it.  I know a lot of people like the various screening tests and blood tests, but there is nothing like actually patch testing.  It is the only reliable way to diagnose what are sometimes called type 4 allergies. Even if the patch testing doesn't solve everything, it is very likely that at least one or more foods are contributing. 

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  9. Don't edit! Not right away. Great place to teach that the first draft is never the final draft. No matter how wonderful it is. Never the final!

    Off soapbox.

    Sounds like a great day! :hurray:

    Feel free to give writing advice any time! The only thing I did correct was that she was writing know as now. And then I volunteered to type a couple of sentences (handwriting or typing is the limiting factor on the length of her stories.. Heaven help us if I gave her a voice to text option..) And I talked about correct punctuation, capitalization and use of quotation marks as I did it. She seemed to like that.



    So school on Saturday! That's what you get for having sleepovers mid week and also for privilege of taking a two week solar eclipse trip right when school is supposed to be starting for the year. Math tests (kids LOVE them), finish introductory assignments for Athena's (including more wiring practice) for DS, working on story for DD, and whatever school DS5 wants -- he surely won't want to be left out!


    For me, finishing all this and Costco before 3pm, when we possibly (probably? I can't let myself think about it this morning) have to put the cat down :( I was a wreck yesterday and I'll be a wreck again after.. Then my mom flys in tonight.

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  10. I can't bring myself to reply individually, but there are many thoughts in here that have given me ideas and I appreciate that, as well as your good wishes and sympathy.


    We have a "quality of life" discussion scheduled for 3pm today at the vet. My vet had one more idea that we might try, or not, when she sees her... Or we'll send her on at that time :( My poor baby :(

  11. There is a very that comes to your house here, but I really like my vet so I think I'd be afraid to meet someone new for something so important, you know? I don't know. My 6 year old actually said she wanted to come watch the cat be put down but I don't actually think that is a good idea. My 9 year old is super sensitive and has already been grieving for a couple days knowing this is coming. It's going to be harder on him than anyone.


    I do know cats are good at hiding pain. That probably is the hardest part because she still wants to hang out and generally looks like she isn't ready to go :(

  12. I keep forgetting to post in the morning, but school accomplished for today.

    Yesterday each kid a good about of writing, which I was really happy about. DD is writing a story called Little house in the woods. I tried not to edit too much but I'm trying I get fewer sentences too start with "and then" or "so"..Sometimes the basic plot progression of her story is a giant run on sentence made of "and then.. and then...and then" :) DS is getting forum posting lessons as he is getting started in his course at Athena's.

    Today DD finished her LU, DS will finish tomorrow. They also watched a bunch of videos for eclipse prep ava now they are terrified that the eclipse glasses I got are fake and they will go blind hehe.

  13. Time is running out for my beautiful kitty. She has mammary cancer and we've known for a while and specifically the last two weeks that time was really short. Today her tumors look really bad and she seems to be in pain (although she's still eating, going up and down the stairs, and handing out with us).

    I'm waiting for the vet to call me back but in the mean time..


    Can anyone give me advice on whether there is any way this can happen that is easier on the kids? We are going on Tuesday to see the eclipse. I'm not sure if it is possible for the cat to make it that long but if we have a choice, would it be better to take her sooner and bury her together? Or wait until we are gone and have DH take her while on our trip? My own emotions are hard enough to deal with, I just can't figure out what to do about my kids.



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  14. Are these only available on CD (like this http://www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr/Catalogue/GALLIMARD-JEUNESSE/Ecoutez-lire/Le-professeur-a-disparu )?


    I'd love to have something like audible for French.

    Well of course there IS audible in French :) You can make an audible.fr account and some amount of French content is available on US audible if that is where you are.


    I've never used it but a quick search showed audioteka.com as a possible alternative, but it looks wildly expensive.

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  15. Gallimard-jeunesse.fr has a good list of audio books then. Roald Dahl, the Petit Nicholas books, Harry Potter, Treasure Island, Pinocchio, etc.

    Actually, scratch Harry Potter because Bernard Giraudeau did full voices for every character, which sometimes goes really fast. The others, you can listen to audio samples and see what you like.

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  16. So I kinda blew it this week.. We did do school Monday and mostly Tuesday. I forgot to check in though. We had a 911 call in the middle of the night for my K'er who had a spasmodic croup issue. We missed the whole night's sleep. He's completely fine now and the way he retells the story you'd think we called EMS just for a fun ride and let him hang out in the ER for some pampering lol (..and I had my own CURTAIN, and my own BATHROOM, and they gave me ORANGE JUICE!). Tuesday one got invited for a sleepover, now the other got invited and I couldn't say no but I wanted to because it means I won't get school done tomorrow either. This is the last week for sleepovers for the kids in b&m schools before school starts so I guess they are all in a frenzy to see their friends and stay up late.

    We will be doing full school days Friday and Saturday I guess. The bigger kids should have finished their light units at the beginning of the week and they are still not done. I need them to finish so we can take and aim to complete a fresh LU on the eclipse trip, which we should be leaving for on Monday or Tuesday next week. I don't want to drag around extra papers. I have audio books lined up (eclipse, astronomy, and explorer related) and some plans to do oral spelling games in the car.


    For me.. Guh.. Survive? I made up a nice Self Education Plan (hehe)for myself a few weeks ago but life has been so nuts I'm only getting about 20 minutes a day. Hopefully I can work through some things soon. I start to get a little antsy without a mental challenge or project, and "just cope" doesn't really count. Speaking of that, is it ok to be accountable for self education goals here (and maybe talk about them a little bit?) Or would you rather I start a thread elsewhere?

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  17. The only thing about dollar store workbooks is that I find them to be very heavy on tracing letters. Even when they teach numbers and math, they have pages and pages of having the kid actually trace out "eight", which she's not so into! :)



    Yup!  There is very little for an interested kid to do in the cheap workbooks that is developmentally appropriate.  If your kids just like to scribble, who cares what they scribble on. My kids actually wanted to have the instructions read to them and then be able to follow them. Most of the cheapie workbooks I have found go something like:   "Here is one thing. Trace the number 1. Write the number 1. Trace the word 'one'. Write the word 'one'. Copy this sentence about one duck."   Uhmm.. not so much. That is why I was so impressed with the Star Wars PreK. It was something like 80 pages of counting, comparing, circling, and matching. At the wrong age, it is busy work. At the right age, it is gold. 

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  18. That crossed my mind, but I don't (think I) have any other signs really.


    What's I3C?

    One of the active components in cruciferous veggies. There are studies -- you can probably dig them up as easily as I can link them for you but it was shown up reduce estrogen. Not necessarily your problem but a particular problem for many women which can manifest in extra belly fat, extra breast tissue, women's cycle issues, etc.

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  19. Just because there is a book that offers you vocabulary in a list, it does not mean that you need to learn vocabulary in that fashion or learn every word.


    I would never flash card single words. If you or your student actually likes anki you could add the sentences in there with the target vocabulary clozed, but that sounds brutal to input with not much benefit.

    At an intermediate level, anything that doesn't reappear repeatedly probably isn't worth memorizing. Only at an advanced level is it helpful to keep a list of interesting or rare words and expressions because they don't come up as often.

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  20. *quiet voice*


    Am I the only person who doesn't care one whit about a solar eclipse?



    Actually what I find harder to believe is that people are settling for 90+% occlusion. To me, that means they live only a tiny distance from totality but don't care or don't know what they are missing. Neither is understandable to me so I was just sitting here quietly bewildered.

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