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Posts posted by BillieBoy

  1. No offense to friend, but is she got caught in Cali , it would be a big fine.


    That is a big whopping no.

    :iagree: I think here in Washington we have some of the strictest seat-belt laws in the country. Kids have to be in their own booster seat until they are 8 years old or over 4'9". I have never heard of double seat-belting until this thread, wow!

  2. Let's see...I ran 14 miles on Sunday afternoon. Yesterday and today I spent two hours (each day) basking in the 90+ degree sun while my guys did swim lessons. Both days I've been working in the garden. Monday I also put up new wallpaper border in an upstairs bedroom ~ the bedroom that gets snow drifts in the closet during brutal northeasters. It's an oven right now, of course. (My guys sleep outside more often than not in the summer.)


    I love seasons! I can mentally cool off right now, thinking about the days when our toilet water freezes over. And when we're surrounded by flood water or I trapped by blizzard conditions, I can think back to these glorious days of dripping sweat. Embrace it!


    Now I'm green with envy! Great Attitude....I.just.can't.quite.get.myself.there.....:ack2:

  3. What?! No, we're not. Well, some men may be, but not "husbands."

    Here ye, here ye! I've got one of them! I couldn't ask for a better husband and father. We are not Christians but we do have what most strive for in a respectful and loving relationship. Eighteen years and not counting! I'm sorry for everyones else's perils. My wishes are that these boys grow up and become real men.

  4. UGH! And I spent my childhood in Saudi Arabia! This stinks! It's 83 inside right now. Tomorrow it's supposed to hit 100 in Snohomish county. Yesterday afternoon we decided to take the airconditioned Jeep to Costco to hang out and do a "little" bit of shopping. I somehow managed to spend $500 for 2 hours of AC???? We also went to see Harry Potter because of the AC theater. While it was cool, for the first time I wasn't terribly impressed with the movie??? I guess I'm just crabby. I have to go peel dd off the leather couch, she is claiming to be stuck....

  5. Not this version of the flu, no. It doesn't seem any nastier than the garden variety, it's just that we know where it came from and having been tracking its progress. If it were too suddenly mutate to a more deadly form, then yes.


    If it does mutate, which as I understand it, this strain is more prone to do than others, then whatever current vaccination there is will be ineffective anyway. So no worries. :001_smile:

  6. I tend to be a numbers kind of gal and I'm not liking them. The World Health Organization issue a statement on Friday estimating this pandemic over the next two years could affect 2 BILLION people world wide, that's 1/3 the world population. Our own (US) Center for Disease Control says it could get up to 40% in the US with a possible death toll of several hundred thousands. Mind you most deaths are attributed to complications arising from pneumonia or some such. I worked for years in the health care field but I am not prone to jump on any scare wagon. But this looks like a different animal. I would be most concerned with young children, the elderly plus anyone working with the public or in your case riding public transportation. HS kids are lucky they are not in schools; they are germ breeding factories. I would wait as long as you can before getting one, most people get them too early and are left unprotected in the late winter. Our clinic staff tried to hold out till late October, even when we had positive cases come in. This of course is MHO. I know a lot of people are adamant about their vaccine beliefs and I in no way wish to undermine their choices. But for me, having seen a very sick child days before they died of influenza and a mother dealing with the fact she did not vaccinate, has skewed my opinion. Not an image I ever want to witness again.

  7. (but went on to tell me she met someone once who was homeschooled, and he turned out ok, tee hee).


    I think there are others on the boards who actually use them, but I'd recommend trying to see them in person.


    :ohmy: Thanks for the heads up Colleen. There seems to be a lot of other publishers at Prufrock that I'll look into those as well.

  8. "You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille, four hundred children and the turnips won't peel....."


    Yes. I thought these were the lyrics until sometime in my mid-20's.


    Apparently it's really, ".....four HUNGRY children and A CROP IN THE FIELD." Huh. :001_huh:



    :blushing: Seriously?? I thought it was 400 too!

  9. I've noticed that a few people on this board are very against anything that has to do with God or Christianity. Why then do you choose to post on and read a board that was started by an author who says in an article she resently wrote "It's true that as parents we are made in the image of God..."? Isn't this board going against something you very strongly believe?


    I seriously am just curious. It doesn't make any sense to me. I have nothing against people who aren't Christians being here. I just wonder why the adamantly anti-Christian people come here at all.


    First let me say I am not Christian. Second if I have ever came across as "Anti-Christian" it was in a direct response to someone telling me I was wrong for my beliefs. Purely defensive. However I am not anti Christian, I am anti bigotry and in my eyes that applies to people who think, act upon and preach intolerance.


    I follow the WTM secularly and believe in SWB's pedagogy, regardless of her personal beliefs. For all I know she likes tomatoes and I don't; hopefully that wont influence what I take from her methodology.


    I come here looking for advice from those with similar HS interests. Sometimes I may even have something valid to say from my own experiences. I have been lurking on these boards for four years. Then the tone on this board was most decisively Christian. So much so I literally was afraid to ask questions about secular curriculum. Now there seems to be more representation from many view points, and to me that just can't be wrong. I feel a lot more comfortable posting and asking questions now.


    But because of this post should I again feel unwelcome?

  10. I'll bite! :lol: Team Edward here! I like the protective guys! I think Bella starts coming into her own in Eclipse; she is more aware of what she wants. Jacob actually annoyed me in all the books. The only time I actually like him is when he admits to Bella that Edward is like a drug and he realizes that she can't live without him.


    Have you read the first several chapters of Midnight Sun (Twilight from Edwards perspective?) on Stephanie Meyers site? That really threw me hard onto team Edward, his internal musings are great but when he becomes aware of his love for Bella just chokes me.

  11. Whoa! I feel like someone just laid a kind hand on my shoulder and put me back into the seat I was jumping out of. :blush: That was the most honest, compassionate and laid back response I've read on these boards. Thank you very much. I've always been an over reactive planner. No wonder nobody but you has answered on two boards. :001_smile: I'm taking a deep breath and am going to go ponder some things.

  12. Julie,

    You're just a sweet momma at heart; you try to find the good in everyone especially children. :001_smile: In this case though I'd have to agree that this was such a horrific crime that we should place our sympathies on the child that was victimized. I agree that the perps. will now be at the mercy of the courts and may well become it's victims but they made that choice, even if they did not fully understand the consequences. At any age, in any race, in any religion, or in any judicial system, aggravated gang rape and kidnapping is not okay.

  13. If you homeschooled all the way through high school do you have any recommendations of curriculum sequences that worked well for you from the grammar stage up, or disappointments?


    My dd is a gifted learner however I do not plan on letting her accelerated more than 1 or possibly 2 grades. My plan (with awesome advice from another poster) is to go wider and deeper in each grade. I follow the WTM mostly and we are secular. We are currently in the middle of 3rd grade and she is doing Singapore Math + all extras, History Odyssey Early Modern level 1, My Pals are Here (new) ¾ + all extras, VIE 3, Sequential Spelling, Latin for Children A, Artistic Pursuits, Self-made geography, philosophy, and music appreciation curriculum. I plan on adding IEW writing and picking up another grammar. ??? Our goal is to do Latin all the way through Wheelock’s and incorporate Spanish in there somehow too. I’d also like to stay fairly rigorous in Math and Science; keep history chronological and I also want her to be very prepared for the SAT’s and ACT’s.


    I know it sounds crazy to be thinking that far in advance but I just got her CAT’s back and she got a perfect score, so I feel like my responsibility level just quadrupled. Thank you so much for any advice and input. I truly value the opinions of this hive.

  14. The best advice though, is to get yourself debt free first, it makes all the difference in "making it" when you get to your homestead. This will also allow you more options once you get to your homestead in what type of homestead you decide to purchase. We purchased a real "fixer upper" that needed tons of tons of work, but we got it for such a great price it was worth it to us.


    Many people we knew over the years who homesteaded, went into huge debt to do so and ended up loosing it when hard times hit to foreclosures or they had to eventually sell their dream property to survive. So, that is why it is important to get rid of debt first, learn to live on less, lots less and learn to enjoy the simple things in life. Learn to live on a cash only budget, learn to budget groceries, bills, scale down your lifestyle and learn the real difference between true needs and wants.


    Start learning to live on less now, it makes things much easier later. Teach yourself as much as you can before you hit your homestead, we read tons of books and researched everything while paying down our debts before we went shopping for a homestead. We didn't want to rush into anything without being prepared, we wanted this homesteading lifestyle not to just be something to do, but to be a true way of life for ourselves.


    Teach yourself to garden or if you live in town to container garden. Teach yourself to do small home repairs, read lots of books on do it yourself projects. Teach yourself how to live on less, get rid of the cable or satelite now and save that money towards your homestead, you won't have much time for them on a homestead anyway, we sure don't and it will save you a fortune in the long run. Teach yourself to hang out clothing on a line or if you can't in your area, hang it to dry in a room in the house, we used our mudroom and added a line to it for winter weather hang in's. Just learn to live more simply. It really does make all the difference, in fact, you will learn all these things from reading Countryside Magazine and Small Stock Joural as well as Five Acres and Independence.

    :iagree::iagree::iagree: Great advice, that's how we did it too. Worth every minute!


    I still have all my Countrysides starting in the 80's and 3 editions of Carla's books. :001_smile:

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