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Posts posted by chocolatechip

  1. The door to our backyard is off our kitchen. We trained our dog to understand that she can come in to the kitchen, but no further. 


    We didn't want to have to deal with fur, dirt, ect. all over the house. But she could at least come inside and be with us. She is a very good, content doggie. 


    ETA: She's an Australian Shepherd/Lab/Rottweiler/who knows what else mix.

  2. I have no advice, only hugs.  Watching pets age is so hard. 


    Our dog has become incontinent, but no dementia issues as of now.


    I'm so sorry.


    :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

  3. Mmm. . .So many good ideas to add to the menu! Thanks to everyone.  :drool5:


    We ended up having an easy dinner tonight. Various leftovers from the fridge, watermelon, and blueberry almond smoothies.


    Sometimes I just feel in a rut; uninspired about food, kwim?



  4. I wonder what is going on inside your child to cause this sort of behavior. I think it is important to note that control issues often result from other issues, e.g. attachment issues, trauma, sensory issues. I have considerable experience in this! I would look at the behavior and try to figure out what it is communicating.


    Uhh. . .could be that the kid is just. . .4. And stubborn as all get out. 


    I wouldn't be surprised to hear I did something similar as a child. I was beyond stubborn. My poor mother. 

  5. What worked for me is the Neutrogena Complete Acne Treatment Kit (not sure if that's the name?) It comes with a face wash (active ingredient salicylic acid), a lotion (active ingredient benzoyl peroxide), and a special sunscreen, since benzoyl peroxide makes the skin more sensitive to sun. It's all in one box. You have to stick with it for about two months to really see what it can do. I used it morning and night for about a year. Now I only use it when I shower, which is anywhere from every other day to every morning. 


    This worked better than Proactiv. Maybe it's because it combines salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, whereas Proactiv is only benzoyl peroxide? The other plus is that it's easier to get than Proactiv: you can get the Neurogena at a regular grocery department store (be forewarned, it's pricey.) 

    I do have to say, though, perhaps I didn't try Proactiv long enough. I had to stop using it because the smell of the products I couldn't stand at all. It made me feel so nauseated.


    I tried so many things before this. Eliminations: dairy, sugar: nothing. Natural remedies: tea tree oil, vinegar internally and externally (I would even rub vinegar over my whole face. It stung so bad. I would also drink water with Apple Cider Vinegar in it.), a natural face wash & lotion supposed to help acne, hydrogen peroxide. Nothing. Salicylic washes & lotions. Nothing. 


    It was such a relief to find something that really works. Hope you can help your daughter! 

  6. Roasted/grilled vegetables and rice?

    Lentil curry & rice?

    Quinoa salad? We do a Greek inspired version with Kalamata olives, cucumber, tomatoes, red onions, and feta. You can, of course, leave out the feta. I think it also has parsley?


    You can always do green salad as a side. We like mixed greens with chopped avocado, apple, and sunflower seeds with homemade dressing. (One downside is the avocado gets brown, but oh well. It tastes good!)


    Dessert: Rice pudding is an awesome idea. If it's hot weather in your area right now, there is also a nice coconut ice cream on the market called Coconut Bliss right now: vegan, gluten-free, and awesomely delicious. 


    If you're adventurous, you could make vegan gluten-free chocolate cupcakes. I did this for a friend who had just had a baby. See if your library has the book Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World



  7. If you find the answer to this question let me know. I'm thirty and still waiting for the first go around. Some days it seems hopeless. Thankfully I am happy the way I am. Though I would not mind being married and having a couple kiddo's

    Don't lose hope! A nice young lady from our church just got married last year to a guy she met online. They are so perfect together. She's in her 30's.  :)

  8. Not sci-fi, but:


    P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster books (personal favorite: The Code of the Woosters) as well as his Psmith series (favorite: Leave it to Psmith). Words can't describe the perfection. Love.  :001_wub:


    (If you read the J&W books and like British TV series, the 1990-93 BBC series with Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry is excellent (and hilarious!!))


    I also really like Watership Down by Richard Adams. It's about rabbits. Don't let that deter you. We gave it as a birthday gift to someone once. She later told us she had thought: "Rabbits. . .ok, that's strange. . ." But she read it anyway and really loved it. It is masterfully written. He also did a sequel, Tales from Watership Down.


    Hope you can find relief, or at least distraction, from your nausea. Prayers for endurance for you!  :grouphug:

  9. DD10 just handed me a list of chores she's willing to "help" with for extra allowance (she's saving up for a puppy.)


    This is what it reads...


    Clean kitchen $5

    Vacuum kitchen $5

    Vacuum living room $5

    Vacuum family room $5

    Fold towels and put in closet $5

    Walk, brush, and feed dogs $10


    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

    Wow, she's expensive for vacuuming. . .


    Around here, housecleaning runs $10/hr. That's some rate for each room!


    Or you have really giant rooms that each take 30 minutes to vacuum!  :lol:

  10. Do y'all have any words that you/your spouse/children/acquaintances really mispronounce, like a "lazy" word? I don't just mean mumbled, actually changed.


    For example, sometimes I catch myself (and I'm sure the rest of the family does it too) saying "pry." But it doesn't mean pry: it means 'probably.' As in, "We should 'pry' make sure the windows are shut before we leave." (That looks so bizarre in print. . .but if I hear it/say it I don't give it a second thought/it makes sense to me.)


    The other (less strange) I've recently noticed is "trunna," as in 'trying to' (similar to "gonna"/going to.)


    Or maybe I'm just really bizarrely lazy with words?  :D

  11. Hmm, strange. 


    My cousin had horrible eczema for many years. They finally figured out it was caused by a very strong sensitivity allergy to citrus, and thus also citric acid. 


    Citric acid is in Ev.er.y.thi.ng. When my aunt put her on a strict diet avoiding everything with citric acid, she improved dramatically.


    Your dd has hives caused by citrus, which would lead me to believe citric acid might be problematic, but that very strict diet doesn't seem to be much of a culprit for hidden citric acid. :huh: . . .Which leaves me with no ideas.  :confused1:


    :grouphug: to you and your dd, though. I hope you can get her some relief. That is no fun at all.

  12. It does get better. I started running in March just as a way to get back in shape. I was sure I was going to HATE it. I had always hated running games as a kid because I was always the slowest. 


    Like Tammy, I though I was just going to drop to the ground after only about 60 seconds!!! It's kind of funny to think back to my reaction at that time. 


    I kept with it, though, and found out that I actually LIKE running. Then I got shin splints. Ugh. 


    Got over the shin splints, and seem to be progressing reasonably well. 


    I second the clothes and hydration, and especially the advice to avoid the heat. Get up early, run late, but don't run when it's hot. You will regret it!!! 


    Did you make sure your shoes are good?



  13. We are living with bad internet and it is HELL, lol. Don't do it, no matter what. My 14yo dd had to take several D's from The Potter's School this year because their testing software did not work with our internet. Can I just say Frontier is the worst company ever????

    And the teachers wouldn't work with you???  :huh:


    We've used the Potter's School and always have had a great experience. Very flexible, very helpful, extended lots of grace, ect, ect.


    I'm sorry. Internet can be so frustrating!  :glare:

  14. Watch your step on your back peddle.


    You said:

    "But the point is, individuals and their businesses should have the right to refuse service. It's just plain ridiculous to think that the government thinks it can force them to provide a service for any person or persons (unless they have signed a contract with said person(s). That's a different situation.) 


    Forcing them to provide service because of "public accommodation laws" is just another way of taking away their right to refuse service."

    True. Good point. 


    Honestly, I think it's important for businesses to be able to refuse service. But I also think we should be kind and loving to everyone. However, I think it's possible to be loving and kind to the person and yet not wish to provide a service to them that the business owner perceives to be condoning a behavior they think is wrong. It's like what I said on the last thread about being able to love and hurt with women who have been terribly wronged by rape but still not support abortion for them. 


    It is a difficult, hot-button issue. I even find it difficult to express exactly what I do think because it is so complex.


    I think that usually, there aren't many problems with businesses and their right to refuse service EXCEPT when the case involves some sort of moral conflict for the business owner. This all comes right back to the HL case. . .

  15. I think there's a difference between a 'walk in service,' like a bus, lunch counter, ect. and a custom service such as a special order cake. If a couple walked into a bakery and wanted to purchase a ready-made cake, then it's way worse for the proprietor to refuse to sell the cake then it is for the proprietor to refuse to contract for a special order. 


    Don't get me wrong. Racism is horrible. But I think that situations like the one forcing the bakery to make a custom cake for a couple they don't wish to contract with cause too many potential problems. 


    Situations like black people on a bus don't involve anyone condoning anyone's behavior. Situations like Asians, Latinos, and Jews in a grocery store don't involve condoning anyone's behavior. I think the bakery feels like that in making the cake, they'd be condoning homosexuality. I see a difference there. 

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