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Posts posted by Zelda

  1. I am so sad for him and I wish we lived closer. He is going to a specialist today and should have a clue as to what treatment options are available. He is 70 though and in poor health otherwise so I don't know what all the can or will do.


    I would appreciate prayers for him, not only for healing, but more importantly for him to come to know the Lord.


    Cancers in seniors tend to be slow moving so hopefully he will have some options for treatment. So sorry for your plight. :grouphug:

  2. "Does this sound extreme?"


    Yep. So extreme as to be completely impossible to enforce. What are they gonna do, build brand new jails all over the place to fill with Mums and Dads and Nannies and Librarians and Teachers and little old ladies who knit booties for babies? ;)


    I don't know a whole lot about this (other than what I read here) I figure they'll fix it. They're not gonna put millions of people out of business, run charities into the ground, all that sorta stuff. That would be nuts and people would never stand for it anyway.


    Sure, nothing crazy and unspeakable has ever happened while the rest of the world watched and said, "That could never happen. Who would allow it?"

  3. We spend more time because we want to. There is so much to History, that I can't imagine how it is all covered in 3 hours a week over 4 years. Science is dd's favorite subject, and she often asks for extra time to study one or the other of these subjects. I do wish I could fit in more independant reading time.


    ETA: DD is easily distracted, and I think very often assignments take longer than they need.


    I think there's a pressure to have a "shorter than public school" day in the home school world. To show how efficient it is. I really sweated this last year. I don't this year. It takes us as long as it takes us. I'm dealing with attention issues and various grade levels and temperaments. Today will take us FOREVER because I'm also on a "natural consequences" kick and my kids have made bad choices. I think we will be doing school up until dinner b/c we will have to leave for dance and swim this afternoon.

  4. The dr. wants to do an MRI to figure out why my L5 looks "odd". (And no, I'm not doing any searching the web to figure it out on my own, kwim?) He's given me some Valium. I have to have it done with contrast. Is there any reason I should be concerned about the dye going through me? This is all new to me. Also, any tips for surviving the MRI are appreciated. :001_smile:


    Its not as bad as the anticipation of it. They blow cool air on your face so you don't FEEL contained as long as you keep your eyes closed. This is key. If they offer you a blind, go for it.


    Things to know. Its LOUD. Almost hilariously loud. Like Star Wars. I was thinking, "Great. The Death Star is attacking and I'm stuck in the MRI machine."


    The contrast made me very warm and made my tongue and lips tingle for an instant. Then it went away. It happened twice so I know it wasn't just a fluke. But, there are different kinds of contrast.


    All in all, very tolerable. Good luck. :grouphug:

  5. I was not spanking anyone. I am not one to rant against public schools. I just wanted Joanne to know that I agreed with her view that if someone wanted to express their view about a problem they may have with public schools they should be able to.




    I know. I'm saying YOU got spanked by someone who thought you were being naughty and needed to be corrected. Lot of that going around. I'm on your side.

  6. I just opened two thank you cards from my nephews- 8 and 5. They were the fill in the blank "Dear___________, Thank You For the __________. It's the BEST! From, __________" type of card.



    What are your thoughts?




    I let my kids use these when they were new to writing...5-ish. My 6 yo is using regular cards this year. I think they are an effective stepping stone. I'd be alarmed to get one from a much older child.


    Although, I get so few thank you cards from children that I think I'd take what I could get at this point.

  7. Do public and private schools today still have male students swim in the nude? At Forsythe Junior High in Ann Arbor, Michigan in mid 1960s, nude swimming for males in gym class was the norm.


    You know, my dad, who has had a major stroke that has severely limited his memory and communication, was visiting me over the break and was trying to tell me about swimming lessons/class when he was a kid and kept insisting that it was nude. I thought one of us must be very confused or that he was saying nude but meant something else. I'm going to call him now.

  8. I do think there is a difference between being truly respectful vs being simply polite. But since this is a discussion board, there is a lot of room for discussion of differences in opinion as opposed to being simply polite and keeping my mouth shut to the mom i pass in the grocery store or at the park.



    So true. This idea that we have to be respectful of every cockamamie thing in the universe is, wait for it, STUPID. There is ample evidence in this thread alone that NO ONE is walking this walk no matter how much they love to talk about it. :rolleyes:

  9. I'm not suggesting otherwise. Having criticisms of the public schools (or a particular public school) is a far cry from calling teachers Nazis. One is decent, one is not.


    I remember a thread where there was a poll where we were to ascribe the insult towards school children we felt was most appropriate. Was that respectful? I didn't think so, but I was told it was all light-hearted fun.


    I have no idea who Joy Behar is (do I have the name right?) but the woman evidently made some stupid remark about home-schoolers and the roof nearly went off this place. So her bigotry is insulting, but...


    I'm not for silencing people, but folks who say stupid and hurtful things shouldn't be surprised if they aren't met with universal approval.




    When you said one did not have license to say things that are disrespectful or indecent, as you define those standards, it implies that those things should not be allowed.


    Is wing-nut respectful?


    The way the terms "Nazi" and "Joy Behar" are slung around these days they've both lost a lot of the negative resonance that the original bearers of the names once inspired.

  10. Being in a majority on this board (or anywhere else) does not excuse failing to act in accordance simple human decency, nor does it give license to spout bigotry.


    Why anyone who vents their prejudices and finds there is push-back is surprised by that is beyond me.



    I agree that if one makes a statement of opinion on a forum such as this one should anticipate responses both supportive and otherwise.


    I don't agree that one doesn't have license to spout anything they like. This general sentiment could apply to the OP. There is room here for people who have serious issues with the public school systems that their tax dollars continue to support even if they do not partake of the services. There is also room for those who would counter their criticism. Neither needs to be silenced. Both need to anticipate arguments against their positions.

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