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Posts posted by Saille

  1. LOL, I'm hoping this will spur my kids to take the Exploratory Latin Exam as well!


    My ds9 gold medaled. I'm very excited about it, b/c he hates tests. He took the 30, the 10 extra (Ancient Beginnings) and the Odyssey sub-test. When I glanced at it, I figured he'd miss the question about Hermes giving Odysseus moly, but the other answers were sort of silly, so process of elimination was possible. He's very proud. I know he loves the medal.


    Have any of you done the ELE? They sell so many supplemental prep materials that everything looks like a really big deal. Ds is through the first BBofLL. I'm wondering how he'd do.

  2. I find the picture of Obama offensive. HE didn't kill OBL. All he did was tell our very courageous troops to go get him...which is what any acting president would've done. He doesn't deserve as much credit as people are giving him. And not to start a train wreck here...but I would actually go out and vote for Donald Trump for president. Seriously, what has Obama done for this country? I ask myself that every time I pull up to my local gas pump.


    Let's be frank...those gas pump prices were coming long, long before Obama was President. And all the folks who poo-poo alternative energy and keep on conspicuously consuming are going to keep that trend going. Last I checked, POTUS really wanted America on the renewable energy wagon. Saw it as a terrific way to bring skilled manufacturing jobs back to this country. I wonder what's holding him up?


    AFA Obama not having actually killed Bin Laden, I can and absolutely do consider him personally responsible for the incisive tactical skill with which this mission was carried out. I've said for quite some time now that I voted for Obama in large part because of his cool head, and I think he has now thoroughly proven my point. They watched this compound since last year; they got the best intelligence they possibly could. Obama insisted on a special forces maneuver instead of an air strike so we could be sure we got them. There were no civilian casualties, no casualties among the SEALs, and we were out of there before Pakistan even had time to scramble their forces in response. That mission was absolutely surgical, and that had everything to do with Obama. Even Limbaugh was willing to concede that point.

  3. The Birth & Women's Center? They are so bad, I actually would consider a hospital if they were my only option. I can't believe they haven't been sued out of business.


    Aubrey, who are you going to see? I only ask b/c you are clearly very unhappy with both your mw's and the ER's reactions. You don't sound content with the lack of information you are getting, and you really need/deserve proper medical care.

  4. I have to speak up for sweet Aubrey here. I am very angry at us here on this board for saying this over and over in this thread instead of saying it yesterday when it may have helped her.


    I hope I am not communicating any sort of blame. And I absolutely would have said this yesterday, had I been online. It was my youngest's fifth birthday, and I wasn't on the boards at all. I'm so sorry I missed the original thread.


    Aubrey, have you gotten ahold of the midwife? What does she say?

  5. Aubrey, I'm horrified. If I lived in Texas, I'd go storm the ER myself on your behalf.




    Even never having met you, Audrey, if I lived near you I'd be finding a sitter right now so I could take you back over there. It's not just their blatantly humiliating tactics, it's the fact that you still haven't received proper care. That needs to get dealt with before anything else.

  6. Aubrey, I am very disturbed by this. Please call your primary care provider right away. If you don't have one, call the hospital and ask for the ombudsman or the patient rights advocate and explain the situation.


    Common causes of bleeding in the second trimester include:


    placenta previa (placenta blocking the cervix)

    placental detachment

    cervical infection or growths


    pre-term labor


    Some of these are treatable, but not if the doctor screws around and refuses to treat you. Please see someone today, no matter what you have to do. Kick and scream. Bring someone with you to kick and scream for you. Please keep us updated.


    ETA that I just saw your last post, and the things they did could easily get someone fired. I don't know where the heck they are, that they can be so sheltered as to never have seen a second-tri woman without prenatal care who isn't on vitamins, but boo-freaking-hoo. They still have to do their jobs, and they can advocate for care, but they have no business acting the way they acted. Get the patients' rights advocate, ombudsman, EAP or someone involved right away, so they can't do this to anyone else. To figure out anything major, your mw is going to need their resources. I predict you need to go through the L&D/Obstetrics department, not the ER at all. When I had complications with my third, I went straight to them (I used lay midwives.)

  7. I asked my nine and seven-year-olds about this after I read the thread. The first words out of Will's mouth were, "Don't you remember? Snape snuck into the Shrieking Shack to see what they were doing, and Lupin was in werewolf form and tried to attack him. James saved his life!"


    I had completely forgotten about that.


    Will thinks this explains a lot of the resentment on both sides. Snape resents being saved by someone he loathes, James resents his fundamental ingratitude and his tendency to slime around with Death Eaters. Both behave badly.


    But what we saw was one vignette during seven years of schooling. And we know that Lily didn't approve, and told James so. I like the idea that he grew and changed over time, and that respect for Lily may have caused him to take a good hard look at himself along the way. I think he earned her respect, while Snape sought the respect of all the wrong people.

  8. That is horrific. Absolutely horrific. Why would you do something like that? If you feel you have to do that sort of activity, have each kid randomly pull a t-shirt out of a bag. Auction off one color. Don't use skin color, eye color, or any other genetic characteristic of those kids.


    That's the best suggestion I've ever heard WRT this type of activity. If I were one of the mamas in question, I'd be furious.

  9. There are genuine sales going on right now, but I've seen them other times, too, just depending. "School supplies" (as opposed to curriculum) go on sale in accordance with the public school year, but homeschool curriculum purchasing, in my experience, aligns itself with tax refund season.

  10. Oldest ds has been hs on the record for four years...things I've used for multiple years or completed with one child and plan to use again include:



    Explode the Code

    Singapore Math

    Getty-Dubay Italics

    Miquon Math

    Lively Latin

    Song School Latin

    Greek Code Cracker


    Trail Guide to Geography (World and U.S.)


    I'm not a huge curriculum jumper, as you can see. We started Michael Clay Thompson a year ago, and I see no reason why we won't stick with that long-term. I'm tinkering with 4-level sentence analysis forms to use with ds9's Lively Latin diagramming sentences.

  11. We did some experimental forays at commercial campgrounds last summer, figuring that we'd forget things/our youngest is four/ and it would be nice to be near some conveniences at first. This summer, we are looking to head for a tent-only site and do more of our own cooking over the fire.


    What supplies do you consider essential? What recipes do you cook/love? Any tips would be much appreciated.

  12. I can't get this thread out of my mind because it seems so incredibly disturbing. I guess what bothers me most is that it seems to underline the trend these days of not wanting to take personal responsibility for anything. Everything is always somone else's fault, my hands are tied, etc etc etc:glare:


    I think that speaks to a concern many homeschoolers do have: public schools as intrusive, Big Brother organizations. In this case, that appears to be what the parent wanted/expected. But, if she makes a big flap about it in the community, it's easy to see how her story might lead to schools trying to "manage" families more in the future.


    I do think that there's a trend in this country toward seeing education as a service industry in the worst possible sense.

  13. Read it. That's what caused the midnight window-locking incident.


    After I told my dh what happened, I heard him outside taking down the ladder. I looked out the window and he started laughing at me, and said, "Just in case." I told these friends while scolding them for making me so paranoid, and you know what they said? "He's right; they'll use a ladder if it's there, but they're not smart enough to think of picking one up and putting it against the house."

  14. So, I have a group of mama friends who turned out, under their well-adjusted exteriors, to be big fans of zombie movies. We have engaged in long discussions over the years about zombie preparedness. I hate, and I mean HATE horror movies. I couldn't get past the first zombie in Shaun of the Dead, and that was supposed to be a satire. These discussions have caused me to think about house shopping in terms of possible zombie exposure, and I at one point locked myself out of my house and had to climb an extension ladder to get in b/c I had locked all my windows to keep them shut at night...when I teach SAT prep, I demonstrate how one complex work of literature can be used to apply to a variety of essay prompts. One day, when a class was very stressed out and uptight about the essay, I used zombies instead of Hamlet. Last week, one of those students had a zombie preparedness poster delivered to me at work. (This class was two years ago, Hive. That's the kind of hold zombies have on people.)


    There are all these threads on the WTM boards about survival, disaster preparedness, etc.. Surely there are some gems of wisdom to be had here about preparing for/defending against/surviving a zombie apocalypse. Right?



  15. I like these guys:




    But no, I don't think you can really think of Westboro Baptist as "church people" in the same way. They have a charismatic leader who is the driving force behind the organization; his children are his most zealous foot soldiers. And I've heard interviews with the adult children who've left him that indicate he is extremely physically abusive. In interviews Westboro Baptist Church members allowed with some of their young children, the indoctrination process was extremely evident...exactly the type of thing people worry about when they think of radical jihadists. He has a son and daughter who've been trained to take over when he dies. They are a cult, and they aren't going anywhere. We just have to wait for them to *actually* violate the law. Which I imagine they would, if they were having trouble getting a rise out of people, but resistance feeds them. It's how they confirm their own actions.



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