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Posts posted by LNC

  1. My 9th grade daughter progressed nicely from Duke Tip Sat in 7th and 8th to PSAT in 9th. Enough to believe that NM is a reach, but feasible.


    I am hoping CB will release enough practice in time for her to get used to it. She missed an easy context vocab question but got all the algebra problems so far right. We looked at the link over lunch!

  2. I just keep going and it comes off in whoosh eventually. I lost 75 lbs 5 years ago. Gained 10 back slowly. Just restarted Terry Wahls Paleo Plus - stricter that reg paleo (no potato, no fruit etc) and didn't lose for two weeks, then 5 lbs for weeks 3 & 4. Wierd, but that is always how it was before too. I expect to plateau again then big loss. Don't know why...

  3. This is for rising 10th grader who NEVER uses her paper planner. She stays on top of online classes, but gets behind in my syllabi.


    1. Categories for Evernote notebooks?

    Make a new notebook for each class? Include syllabus, notes, papers etc.

    2. Weekly to-do notebook?

    Mon-Sat notes inside notebook for to do lists?


    All due dates, tests, extracurriculars in Google calendar...


    I really want her in a paperless system to integrate between phone, tablet (in case of e-texts) and laptop by college.

  4. This is for rising 10th grader who NEVER uses her paper planner. She stays on top of online classes, but gets behind in my syllabi.


    1. Categories for Evernote notebooks?

    Make a new notebook for each class? Include syllabus, notes, papers etc.

    2. Weekly to-do notebook?

    Mon-Sat notes inside notebook for to do lists?


    All due dates, tests, extracurrulars in Google calendar...


    I really want her in a paperless system to integrate between phone, tablet (in case of e-texts) and laptop by college.

  5. I have read a ton this year, on book 30..

    Read When We Were on Fire by Addie Zierman in one sitting yesterday. I would love to talk to anyone who read it. I didn't grow up evangelical, but became a Christian in high school and I matured in my faith during my college years. So, I couldn't relate exactly.

    My biggest take away is that it made me sad that her Christian identity was so wrapped up in boyfriend relationships from age 14 onward. It reinforced my belief that the main reason I want my daughter to delay serious dating isn't bc I don't trust her. It is bc I want her to know who she is, develop her gifts and callings, become really grounded in her faith and THEN choose who to get to know. I am probably not making sense, but that book rattled me. Well written though...

  6. The PSAT will be revised in 2015 so I think that would be the best way to see what the new SAT might look like.

    2015 is my daughter's National Merit qualifier year. Nice year for a new format PSAT. :(


    She did great on the old format, but she is the kind of person who needs lots of practice tests to get prepared. So disappointing. She was really hoping for NMF to get full shcolarship to our alma mater.

  7. I am leaning towards tbe original 1993 set bc:


    More content condensed into less volumes



    I see that the revised has color, which I am not concerned about. Can anyone tell me more about the differences???


    {I am using it for older children just to read through missed cultural literacy gaps - art and music appreciation, poetry, idioms and sayings etc.}

  8. Elizabeth, I understand your point about context clues and I am glad that was all yoj and your daughter needed to thrive. My son's reading comp program approached vocabulary in this way, and we used readers when he was younger as well.


    However, we need an additional approach now -which is why I am asking about stem based workbook programs. If anyone has more advice from my original post I would greatly appreciate it! Still deciding between WWiW and Vocabulary from the Classical Roots.

  9. I am pretty sure I want roots. I have the link the the Vocabulary Workshop I-words. My son is working through book A and B words for free.


    I think I may go with Vocab from the Classical Roots using the methods in TWTM. The reviews I read in WWtW imply that the first 20 lessons are just LOTS of roots. I think he will benefit from a slow and steady approach since he will have a lot of language arts. These are the main twoprograms I am deciding between.


    My daughter used Amsco vocab. I liked the variety of exercises, but I would also like tests too.

  10. I REALLY need to supplement vocab w/ my son. He is taking Blue Tent Honors English 1.


    I posted before about considering Sadlier Oxford Vocab Workshop. The drawbacks are how many workbooks and the price of the teachers manuals.


    A nearby private school uses MCT Word Within the Word for 8-10th. It looks challenging but good. It seems like it gets so-so reviews on the boards though.


    Vocabulary From the Classical Roots A-E looks more user friendly. 2 books a year sound right??


    I REALLY need to help his vocab. I think bc of his earlier artic speech issues and "glue ear" as a preschooler, he has a slight language processing delay. But he is very bright. I remediated reading comp with Jane Ervin's program and he is in the last book with 100%. Maybe a root/stem based program is the quickest way to make a big difference with vocabulary?


    He could finish all the Words Within the Word volumes or Vocabulary from the Classical Roots volumes before his 11th grade PSAT.


    I would really appreciate vocab remediation advice!! Thanks!

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