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Posts posted by Juniper

  1. Ugh! That is a hard one to call as it is a holiday weekend. If the area is hot to the touch, tight and painful, I just might. Dd had what I thought was a spider bite that turned into MRSA. I was in the same boat on a friday and took her in. Even then her Dr told me if it got any larger to go straight to the Children's Hospital.

    Granted it was quite a bit larger than yours. ;)

    Then again you might be able to make it till Tuesday, but if it is still infected then I would go.

  2. I will make a suggestion about the booklist. Rearrange the order, add in a couple that you really love for Pre-K, and re-title as your own drawn from AOG and personal preference.


    Make it your own, and then give it away ;) Your not selling it so there really is not much to violate.


    I think this may be a question worthy of the GB or curriculum board. :D

  3. I believe in one God, Father Almighty, Creator of

    heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

    And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of

    God, begotten of the Father before all ages;

    Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten,

    not created, of one essence with the Father

    through Whom all things were made.

    Who for us men and for our salvation

    came down from heaven and was incarnate

    of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man.

    He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate,

    and suffered and was buried;

    And He rose on the third day,

    according to the Scriptures.

    He ascended into heaven

    and is seated at the right hand of the Father;

    And He will come again with glory to judge the living

    and dead. His kingdom shall have no end.

    And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of life,

    Who proceeds from the Father, Who together with the

    Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified, Who

    spoke through the prophets.

    In one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

    I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

    I look for the resurrection of the dead,

    and the life of the age to come.





    These things are non-negotiable.


    :iagree: These are MY non-negotiables and what I consider right theology, but I also recognize that God is much bigger than what I can understand.

  4. I think what I struggle with more than anything is sliding back into the Protestant mindset that God MUST be mad at me for every little mistake I make. When I went towards the more "touchy feely" grace based, Evangelical approach I avoided the Hellfire and Brimstone God, but I haven't been as successful without that constant reinforcement of grace. I realize that what I am struggling with is actually a foreign concept in EO. :D

  5. I am not sure I am going to be able to get this out in a cohesive way, so please bear with me. ;)


    I am starting to feel a bit down. I know I am a sinner, that I fall short. But lately, idk, it is different. In my evangelical days I would describe this as feeling "dry." There is a certain feeling of life, joy, happiness, and hope when you "feel" that God loves you.


    My dh and I were talking, and he mentioned that there is a ton of grace in the EO when it comes to confession, but outside of confession it can get hard to remember that.


    How do I navigate this? I NEED to feel that God loves me, otherwise the world is an overwhelming scary place! I am not sure where I lost my perspective, but I would appreciate some help getting on the right track. ;) I know where to find non-EO sources to remind me of God's love for me, but I am not sure where to find this within EO.


    I hope this makes sense to someone! :001_smile:

  6. OP, do Muslims have a similar meditative prayer to what the EO use? Like the Jesus Prayer? I know that when I am in similar situations, I will do what is appropriate for the environment (bow my head), but I will probably be reciting one of the EO prayers. It is a great opportunity for me to focus on what "my" priorities are in coming to the conference, and it helps me distract myself from anything I might find offensive. ;)


    If those are too "heavy" for your group, I would highly recommend Michael Phillip's modern adaptions of George MacDonald's novels, especially The Baronet's Song or The Fisherman's Lady. They read like historical fiction (of course, they were contemporary fiction at the time they were written!) and they are excellent. (In fact, if you don't read them for your group, track them down for yourself. Unfortunately, they are out of print, but some you can find cheap secondhand on Amazon.com. I think you can get the original Sir Gibbie on Kindle for free, but the original Scotch dialect is really rough reading!



    These are some of my favorite books! I was very gratefully gifted all of them may years ago, and refuse to part with them. The Fisherman's Lady is my personal favorite. Highly recommend if you can find enough copies.

  8. :banghead::banghead::banghead:


    The woman referenced is not trying to dishonor her marriage; she is trying to SAVE it.


    I agree that ultimately, it could be a destroyer. But "you" can't be a good friend to this person without realizing that the reason she's considering an abortion is because she is *certain* a pregnancy and baby will destroy it.


    (I don't agree with the choice to not talk to the husband, but being a friend to her at this moment means understanding her thought process comes from wanting to prevent problems)




    What a difficult situation. When I was young, my mother was in a very similar situation just with an additional child already born. She tried to hide it from me as I was only around 8 yrs old. It wasn't long before I figured it out. I remember feeling so sad. Shortly thereafter the longterm relationship she was in ended. What was the most difficult was watching her cry and go through a severe depression every year around the same time. For all the talk about this being the best decision for us at the time, I watched her suffer for years afterwards.


    One evening was so distinct. I was getting ready to leave for college and I walked outside for a change of scenery. There was a breathtaking Az sunset. Then I caught site of my mother with tears streaming down her face. I asked her what was wrong and she said she was just remembering ******. She said she had to name her, remember her, this was HER day. I was looking at the stunning sunset, hearing the happy chatter of my younger siblings and faced with the stark reality that for all my mother's words about the rightness of her choice...she would have done anything to go back and undo it.


    No matter how scary the now is, I am convinced your friend will come to regret this decision. :grouphug:

  9. I remember hearing this, believing it, teaching it, becoming rather unsettled by it, feeling like it made God really small and limited in His healing, and finally coming to disregard it entirely.


    I cannot fathom a God that brings the dead to life, multiplies loaves and fishes, and has all the power of Creation, having the least trouble healing, replacing, or creating more pieces of anyone's heart. (to use the op's illustration.)


    I loved before dh, I love dh, and should anything happen to him I am sure I would love again.

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