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Posts posted by Needleroozer

  1. For shame. Call yourself a Duran fan and you don't even know their names?




    You are funny! And no, I would not call myself a fan- fans know things like names and faces, and who they date, and how many kids they have, etc.


    I just like the music!!!! I have a lousy memory, and can never even remember who performed what song- I just know what I like when I listen to my radio- and I am such a station flipper, I never stick around to listen to who did the song, anyhow.

    Now my dirty secret is out- I love to listen to music, but never know who does what to get it to my ears.

  2. Ahh, well, we are all adults--well, you guys are--I'm not. :) So let's just have fun with it. Tis not a big deal.


    And eyeliner went bye bye in favor of John Taylor, who is much better looking anyway and he's British!


    Okey dokey! Whatever floats your boats in your avatar! :DI just have never seen him before- is he in a movie I should see?


    And thanks for the info on all the little icons in the upper right hand corner, folks! Not like I will pay attention to them or anything,lol.

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