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Posts posted by christielee7278

  1. We are using both. MOH 1 is our spine and we are listening to SOTW 1 cds.


    Right off I noticed something I really dislike with SOTW. I had to keep stopping the cd to explain things to my 5 yr old. The myths and stories are confusing him because he can't decide if they are real or not. The story of the Nile and the pharaoh coming back to life threw him for a loop even with me explaining! I'm seriously considering just letting my oldest (11 yr old) listen to the cds and just using MOH with my youngers. Although I like the flow of the cd and the stories myself, it definitely it won't be something they listen to by themselves.

  2. We use a seriously tweaked version of the workboxes. Each child has his own file box with hanging folders with the velcro numbers on each file.


    I do most of the filling only once a week. In a lot of their subjects, they do a lesson a day so I just leave the ETC workbook inside my 5 yr old's workbox and he knows to do the next lesson with me. My 11 yr old is pretty independent and only comes to me when he needs help or when we work together on English and math.


    Really the only thing I'm having to refill each day are the art boxes because of the different materials used each day and the *fun* boxes. However even in some of the fun boxes, I have a small variety of things to be chosen from so I don't have to fill them every day.


    Usually it takes me 15 minutes to empty and file their paperwork, then refill the boxes where needed.


    We have only been using the workboxes for three weeks so I'm still tweaking a bit. I am thinking about creating a to-do list for each folder just to help keep everyone on track even more. Just a simple list that shows what is to be done *next* in each subject so they can check off each day what they have done to cut down on having to look through binders to remember what the next lesson is. Plus at a glance I will be able to see how we are progressing.


    I just have to say how organized the workbox system makes me feel!! Probably the best change we've made in our homeschool!! Everyone, including me, knows how much work is left to do at any given time during our day. No more trying to remember what's left.


  3. I'm not sure how people are using MEP math, the money is writin in pounds.

    That's too confusing to me.


    I tell my 11 yr old to just think in terms of American money. Works for him. I will probably use some workbooks and a play money set with my 5 yr old just to make sure he gets the American money system and then tell him the same. Wal-mart has a cheap Time and Money workbook that someone here said was awesome for teaching money.


    With every lesson we do, I love this math!! My 11 yr old actually ENJOYED his MEP lesson yesterday!! He is NOT a math person. Lots of hand-on which is what he needs.

  4. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MEP for our math!!! My 5 yr old ds is thriving with it. My oldest uses Saxon, and I actually have the Saxon books for K and 1 too. We haven't done much with them. I think I may just use the fun activities, patterning, and such from those and use MEP as our main math for my youngers. My oldest went to ps for a few years and so Saxon fits what he is used to. We are slowly using MEP alongside Saxon for him and so far he sees it as *fun math* so we'll keep with it. Maybe we will be able to transition him to MEP exclusively but if not, I think he will do well with Saxon.


    Both, I think, are great math programs.

  5. We tried 100 Easy Lessons, but my ds HATED it...like pulling teeth to get him to sit long enough. I thought I liked it, but he didn't so we got rid of it.


    We tried Phonics Pathways and thought it was pretty good, but it is just a book full of words. lol While I thought I could teach from it, I was a little leary being as this is my first child to teach to read. I did not want to make mistakes.


    Now we are using OPGTR....LOVE it. He loves it, I love it, we all love it.


    I like the Webster's Speller and Blend Phonics but I am still not sure how to use either. I have Blend Phonics printed and in a binder but haven't really looked at it since printing it.


    I remember learning from a pure phonics program when I was in kindergarten. After looking over Webster's Speller, I'm pretty sure that is what my school used (I went to a very small school and had less than 10 in my class). Excellent program.


    We are going to stick with OPG and ETC. He loves ETC for fun review and handwriting practice.

  6. I plan in 5 week segments, and then break down weekly. The five week plan is typed out but I don't print each set until we've reached the end of the previous so I can see what needs to be changed. Then I print five blank weekly planners behind that and plan daily each week. I just use my 5 wk plan to keep me on track and I mark off what we get completely every week as we go. Does that make sense? lol

  7. We do all that you stated and then my oldest can shoot off to his room to start his independent work. The littles and I do the calendar thing with days of the week song, 100's chart, weather, and such.


    I have told my oldest that he can hang around if he wants because I don't want him to feel excluded during a fun together time, and sometimes he does sit on next to us and do his copywork. He did today and I noticed his head bopping a little to our days of the week song. :lol:


    I try to make it fun and they do look forward to it. They are very encouraging to each other about memory verse work, and we have a good time.

  8. Closed. Always. And I can't stand it. We live close to a assisted living place, sort of a halfway house. The people who live there have NO rules except to stay off the highway. More than a few have been known to just walk into homes if the doors are open (and occasionally even if they aren't!!). Most of the folks there could truly use a little guidance but that place isn't willing to make the effort. Our city council is trying to find a way to either make them comply with more rules for those who live there or close them down.


    I would LOVE to leave my front door open though. I love natural light and the open feeling. *sigh* When we get out in the country, my door will STAY open!! :lol:

  9. I have a friend of a friend who lives in TN and wants to homeschool. It looks like TN's laws are much more strict than AR.


    Could someone pass on some info, best way to go about filing paperwork, what paperwork needs to be filed...basically what would a TN mom who wants to homeschool her 6th, 4th, and 3rd grade children need to do to make that happen?



  10. I don't plan by the clock. I plan by the lesson. Most subjects are one lesson a day unless we need more review.


    My planner is just a simple grid and has each subject at the top in columns and the days listed on the side in rows. I just put what material that needs to be completed each day in the appropriate box.


    For example, my k'ner is doing OPGTR. Some days one lesson takes 10-15 minutes and other days it can take up to 30. I don't want to cut him off in the middle of a lesson because time is up and I would much rather just move on to the next thing if he finishes early.


    We use a variation of the workbox system so if I'm working with my oldest on something and my 5 yr old comes to a folder that needs my help, he just skips it and goes to the next folder. Since they have the little number tabs to move from each folder to their workbox grid, we can easily keep up with what was skipped and come back to it when we can.

  11. We're using Saxon and MEP. I MUCH prefer MEP. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! I'm considering completely abandoning Saxon and just use MEP as our main math curriculum.


    We don't use the meeting book, btw. I made my own calendar board with weather, 100 chart, and other activities on it. I tried using the script for the meeting time but it just wasn't working.


    Now my oldest is doing ok with Saxon. I would like to move him to MEP too but I think it may be too different for him since he has had ps experience. Saxon may fit his needs better.

  12. Oh wow. I was really thinking my oldest's writing issues were public school related. But it's a boy thing??? YIKES! I have three more behind him!! :lol:


    Really I'm hoping by having a jump start on my youngers, they won't have the same issues as the others. My oldest didn't get ANY writing instruction is ps, hardly any grammar. He didn't even know how to write a complete sentence!!


    We're working on it though. I decided, too, that this is THE year.

  13. I do plan on printing the posters, but I have littles that will use the program later on. Also I am printing one poster on each side of cardstock and laminating so they will be strong and last through my other children. =)


    ETA-we have already started using the program. My original thought was to not print anything but the student pages. I am finding that it helps (me anyway) to have the teacher pages printed as well. As I said already, I have younger children so factoring that in, my costs are still very low. Plus my 5 yr old who is doing MEP 1 LOVES using the poster!

  14. We are using R&S 5 for my rising 6th grader who had very little (if any) formal grammar in ps. We've only completed a few lessons so I couldn't tell you for sure if its the right level. I also purchased level 4 since I have youngers who will eventually use it anyway. Plus I found both used at very, very good prices. If 5 proves to be too much for him or if he needs some reinforcement in certain areas, we'll jump down to 4.

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