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  1. Trying one more time for the Friday crowd:D
  2. Thanks, is there any reason why not to use the 2010 since I'm only using it here at home? I don't know exactly what is in it, but was looking for a fun thing to add in while getting them ready for Science Olympiad in the future.
  3. http://store.soinc.org/c-3-elementary-science-olympiad-materials.aspx
  4. I was curious to know if anyone has purchased the Elementary Science Olympiad books and/or dvds. Our co-op has a team, but it doesn't start until middle school. I looked at the table of contents for the Elementary level and it looks interesting and well laid out. However, there are no sample pages. Does anyone have experience at the Elementary level? I was wanting to do it here at home. Also, would the Fun Nights book be applicable at home? E
  5. I'm a little behind in responding to my pm, but here are my thoughts as requested. The decription from Artistic Pursuits is very accurate. It is NOT you typical art activity book, but rather a book for you to understand art through your child, as well as activities to help you get the process going (emphasis on the process). My husband esepcailly enjoyed it since it really talks about what your child is thinking as opposed to what your child should be drawing. The activites suggested are really a jumping off point for you and your child. The biggest value to this book it the communcation that I have had with AP. I have had several questions and they are great to work with. So, this is how I have done the lessons. For each lesson, I would introduce the concept and then back-off. Most of the time, the kids would run with it. Their interest on a certain topic might only be a few minutes, and other times I will have to end art time in order to do other things like eat and sleep. The constant factor with this book is that I always see the concepts come back. All of their art supplies (except paint), is at their level including a paper scrap box and a box with left-over "stuff". Watching them create is very entertaining for all of us. HTH Erica
  6. Sorry, I just found your message! I LOVE McRUffy. Very little prep and the lessons are very short and in full color. I just ordered our 1st grade set and it looks just as good.We will finish K next week and I am amazed with how well it worked.The set includes 30 readers, a teachers manual, 2 workbooks and games for K.The only thing that I left out was the writing assignments since my son doesn't like to be forced to write.I got tired of fighting with him about it, so I stopped asking. As a result he asks me for writing assignments on things he is interested in. I honestly don't care what he writes, as long as he is writing. That said, I think the writing assigments/spelling words do a great job in enforcing the lesson. Do you have any specific questions. Bottom line: It was much more affordable that SSRW and much more interesting than Explode the Code. Let me know if you want to know more.

  7. Thanks! This will be a good list for me to take to the convention this weekend. MFW and Sonlight will be there as well as the publisher for the Benges series. I will look forward to looking up your other suggestions too. THANKS AGAIN!
  8. Could you tell me more about McRuffy Phonics? I noticed that you ordered it a while back. Or maybe tell us a little more about it on one of the active threads?TIA!!

  9. What are your favorite and least favorite missionary books and why? Age group - 7yrs
  10. We have that one too. All good suggestions. Any others?
  11. We have those too. Right now, he likes creating with paper.
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