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Posts posted by Tabrett

  1. Hummm...I wonder if she actually invited her boyfriend. I had a boyfriend show up when babysitting one time. I was so embarrassed! I made him leave after about 30 mins. I would have been very hurt if someone fired me without asking what happened. Sometimes guys just show up if they know where you are.:glare:

    Thinking back, I probably shouldn't have let him in, but I was 17, put on the spot and didn't want to be rude.


    The lady I babysat for knew my boyfriend, so he wasn't a stranger. Don't know if that makes a difference or not.

  2. Oh goodness. I've never heard anyone complain about it. I keep lamenting how somehow I got the only kids that do this. Glad that isn't true! Of course, he's driving me batty as he does it so often and then he has the highest pitch squeal of a scream.


    Anyway, Tabrett, crib bumpers are illegal for foster homes.


    My kids were out of cribs by 18months old. They were also *my* kids so knew I meant business by that point. But even now, I don't think I'd take a birth child, unless super easy, out so early. Maybe I'm just too old and lazy? I don't know. But there is no way on God's green earth, I'm not using a B crib for this kid. I have enough trouble with the other 3 kids back there!


    (btw, I have FOUR kids who don't sleep through the night. I can't have a 3, 4, or 5 yr old in a crib but if I could, I might consider it. The only one sleeping well these days is the 6month old!)


    I'm sorry. I didn't know about the foster child rules. If it helps you feel any better, my 4,6 and 7 year olds are horrible about going to sleep. I used to try to sit outside their rooms in the hallway till they fell asleep. This didn't work at all. I finally gave up and let them all crash in the playroom while watching tv. It became their "bedroom". It was the only way I could get some sleep because they actually stayed in the room till they fell asleep.

    Unfortunately all my dc only need 9>hours of sleep, which is the same as me. I never get any down time. I know you probably can't do something like that because of foster child rules, I just thought it would help to know that you are not the only one with problem sleepers.:D

  3. Why can't you use a crib bumper? This happened to my dc all the time. I took a mesh crib bumper and wove it between the bars. It was the only thing that would help.

    At 18 months, I would take your dc out of the crib and use a toddler bed. Mine were calling out of a crib by 18 months:lol:. I put a gate at the door of their room to keep them contained.

  4. How do you schedule AAP? I am starting book A with a bright 1st grader and a struggling 2nd grader. The are only 66 levels in book A. Is the book to last a year or are you supposed to do 2 books a year?


    I'm a little worried because the words at the end of the book are rather advanced.

  5. I'm using Beyond with my 1st and 2nd graders.

    Here is my plan:


    My dd couldn't keep up with the HOD readers, so we are using R&S 2 readers only. I don't know why, but they work better for her. Maybe it is because it has more repetition of words and a controlled vocabulary. I also have several phonics workbooks that I will use with her as needed.


    Adding RS4K Pre-Level 1 Chemistry with Study Folder. I am going to stretch it out over the entire year. I think combining 1 book of RS4K plus HOD's science will make a nice combo since the RS4K book is not a complete years worth of material and HOD's science is light.


    Using MUS instead of SP. (Hoping this will help my non-mathy girl;))

    I am using Alpha for both since my girl needs to do 1st grade math again:glare:.


    Adding TGS just for fun.


    Adding Artistic Persuits.


    I plan on adding one "extra" a day.


    My schedule is:

    Monday- TGS

    Tuesday- RS4K

    Wednesday- Artistic Persuits


    I think it will work.:D

  6. Singers with training have been taught 'vocal diction'. It is standard pedagogy for any voice student. Trained choir directors will teach their choir members how to sing with correct diction. There is only one correct English diction for voice. Therefor, if you have been trained to sing with proper diction, you can't tell what country a person is from (America or England). Trained singers who sing in other languages are also taught vocal diction for each language. If trained properly, you should not be able to tell if a person is singing in their native tongue or a foreign language. The language being sung should always sound like it is being sang by a person who is a native speaker of that language.


    I have a VERY heavy southern brogue accent when I talk. I have no accent at all when I sing. :D

  7. Hi,


    I attend a very small church which has all kids in one room for children's church. We are looking for a curriculum that could serve PK3 through 5th grade. We have crazy attendance. One Sunday we may have two 4 yo, one 6yo, one 7yo, one 10yo and one 11yo, so splitting up into age groups would be impossible.


    Any suggestions? Homeschool or Sunday School material be fine. We are a Non-Denominational Protostant Church.:D

  8. Last night, I was talking to an adult friend and she was saying before she got a migraine, she would start to see one line of letters or shapes fall and it wouldn't stop falling for a while. My oldest dd (17 years old), who had vision therapy when she was 9, said that the same thing happens and then her vision is very blurry for a long time. My dd just informed me this is what happened when she blanked out and failed a big test at school. She has never mentioned it to me before because she thought this was normal.:confused:


    Anybody know what this is called?

    Is there any therapy or help for this problem?


    My adult friend has 20/20 and so does my dd. My dd has reading glasses with a prism to help her eyes focus.

  9. We are going back to HOD next year :001_smile:!


    She adamantly believes that present day Israel is a fulfillment of the end-time prophecies about Israel's regathering. I do not believe that. I believe God will fulfill those prophecies but I don't believe He has done so today through the nation of Israel as it currently exists. I do not believe that Zionism is the fulfillment of prophecy, atleast not in the sense that Mrs. Waring would promote.


    I know it's just a little thing but it matters to me. What one believes about that really does impact their view of all of modern History. As I said, not an issue that most would probably have a problem with.


    And, I really like the curriculum anyways. :D

    I don't believe that either. Is the curriculum steeped with end times prophecy or is it something that is occasionally inserted and can be ignored?

  10. Now just to ask (because of course I'm always fascinated by people's stories), was it an opthamologist or developmental optometrist who did the VT? Because so far it's the opthamologists doing VT where I've seen oddball results (just from talking to people, nothing statistical).


    And if you decide you'd like to try some VT stuff without the expense, Kenneth Lane has a book Developing Ocular Motor and Visual Perception... that, even at $40, wouldn't be as bad as VT.


    So does that mean they have convergence excess? We didn't need the prisms, because we had convergence insufficiency. If you know exactly what their diagnosis is, you might try googling it along with terms like tracking and see if you find any additional suggestions.


    It was 10 years ago and I had to drive an hour to the only person in the area that did the therapy. My oldest dd's has a slight astigmatism, and her eyes have to work very hard to stay focused while reading. The prism helps her keep focus. My younger dd has astigmatisms in both eyes and slight convergence problems. The doc thinks she might out grow the convergence problems by 8. Actually, my doc was glad I homeschooled. She said that a regular classroom teacher would not have caught the problem. My dd is very bright and her problem would appear, in a classroom setting, as a dc who was goofing off and not trying.

  11. Those issues for us resolved with vision therapy. http://www.covd.org The dyslexia remains as far as how she processes language, etc. etc. But the tracking, copying, etc. are all vision and correct with vision therapy. You go to a developmental optometrist to get the evaluation.


    If you're radically opposed to VT, sorry to offend you. If you haven't checked into it, you might like to.


    I did vision therapy with my oldest and didn't see any results.:confused: My oldest has to have a prism in her glasses to keep her eyes tracking properly. No therapy can correct the problem. My 2nd dd is having the same problems, but not as bad. The eye doc did give her corrective lenses and a prism to help her eyes focus, but I am afraid this is a heredity problem that won't be fixed with vision therapy and I don't have the $ to pay for the therapy. So...I am looking for strategies.

  12. I came pretty close to choosing this for us for the future but I'm not sure. She is very focused on some things that I disagree with but the issue is one that is just a personal "pet peeve", I guess you could say, of mine. It's probably a very minor thing for most (an issue of interpretation of prophecy). And, I'm still not completely ruling it out. With all of the very meaty books that she recommends, I imagine it would be easy to provide alternate viewpoints of various things just by sticking to the curriculum as it is written.


    Could you tell me how she interprets prophecy? I use HOD and her audios are used in upper levels. I am not sure if I want to use her materials because I have problems with people trying to impose there personal beliefs on other people.

  13. Let me start over. I think did a bad job asking my question. By strategy, I mean what are you doing specifically to modify your curriculum to make it work for a visual dyslexic? For example:


    1. I use a white bookmark that I move from line to line (my dd can't keep the bookmark in place) and when she starts to get visually tired, I start tracking with my finger above the words. I am slowly trying to wean away from tracking with my finger and then I will wean away from the bookmark. When I start tracking with my finger, she really speeds up!


    2. I have in the past cut up math problems so she only sees one problem at a time.


    3. For copywork, I have her write directly beneath the word she is to copy and I highlight the line she is to write on red.


    What other strategies would help a visual dyslexic?


    Also, how do you modify the writing programs to teach whole to parts instead of parts to whole? Could you give an example?

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