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Amy in MI

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Posts posted by Amy in MI

  1. We just finished with the Fractions book. My dd hated math, she used to get teary when I brought out the Saxon book :001_smile: She loves Fred, all the problems in the book have the solutions to them right afterward. There are not a lot of problems though, so if your child needs lots of repetition Fred probably won't work well. It is a funny story and my dd loves to read about Fred. We have continued with the Decimal book and will probably use it for Algebra.




  2. Good luck to you! I'm also considering going back to school to complete my degree. I'm going to take one online class for the spring semester and see how it goes. I won't have much time to study because in addition to homeschooling I also work part time. Hang in there, I'm sure it will be worth it.



  3. We are using Earth Science this year for 7th grade. We use the Student Text, the guided reading and study guide and the LabZone cd. I also ordered the teachers manual. I ordered it all through Prentice Hall, they sent me a form to sign that said I was a homeschooler and would only use the teacher materials within the context of homeschooling. They set up an account for me and now I can order any Prentice Hall materials directly from them. My dd has learned a lot this year with Earth Science, but I wish I would have gotten the smaller books instead of the one big book, it's very intimidating.




  4. My dd had vision therapy for about a year. It cost about $2500, but it was money well spent. Before vt she couldn't ride a bike, hit a baseball, or anything that required visual coordination. She would not look you in the eye when talking to you, so she was considered odd by her peers. VT made a huge change in her life, she has developed the coordination needed to do things she couldn't do before, she can talk to you while looking at you. A lot of the work with VT is done at home, but our vision therapist was wonderful. I did a lot of research before spending this money and vt is controversial with some MDs, but so are many other natural or holistic therapies.



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