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Posts posted by IdahoHomeschooler

  1. If the gentleman who wrote the article has a better, more perfect, and trustworthy copy than all of the "bad copies, rewritten over hundreds of years" that the rest of us have, I wish he would produce it, in order to support his argument.


    Otherwise, he should shut up. It's fine to debate, but that is not what he is doing. He is arrogantly proclaiming others with different understandings as inferior to his high-minded beliefs. He simply states that later "creative scribes" added and changed scriptures, but he produces no evidence of the "right" interpretation, which is, of course, his. "No one" has ever read the Bible, but never fear....Mr. Eichenwald is here to tell us what it REALLY means, praise be to God! He knows only what he has seen in what has survived of early works; however that is clearly sufficient for HIM to make authoritative statements, but not for the rest of us. Then he drops abuptly drops that topic, as if his few caustic remarks are sufficient "evidence" of anything, and moves on to the fact that slighly different translations exist. So what. Big deal.


    I guess in my poor, befuddled, believing mind, I just trust God enough to get to me what I need to know in this day and age, and the rest will take care of itself. I loathe heresy hunter types, those who virtriolically denounce Christian believers with their slightly different beliefs and feel it is their duty in life to expose others publically, while keeping their own dirty little secrets well under wraps.


    The tone of the piece says it all, but then we know the purpose is to move magazines. He isn't rationally discussing various interpretations and problems he sees with accuracy in a balanced way; he is denouncing all others but HIS "perfect" understanding and crudely caricaturizing believers . This guy is actually preaching to the secularists/atheists and others similarly deeply hostile to the faith, and that is where he gained his support. He clearly has an axe to grind here and he does it.


    Not worth the time I spent reading it. There are so many actual scholars who have something important to say.


    And despite his false proclamations, some of us have actually read the Bible.

    Oh, the irony....

  2. Sorry for the poor formatting, but I'm on an iPad.


    This is a new idea for me and I'm trying to picture it in my head. I understand you to say that the energy released during the origins of the universe is a force that binds us to one another. Is that close? By extension, we would be bound/connected to every thing in the universe as well, right? Do you extend the idea of soul to every thing that was created, or just living things?


    Yes, on a physical level we are all made of the matter and energy from the Big Bang. In that way, we have always existed, in some form, and will continue to exist indefinitely, in some form. Again, this is what I have come to understand. There is a fabulous documentary on Netflix that does a much better job of explaining this, lol. So, in that way we are connected to everything in the universe. We all are, essentially, stardust. This is physical, scientific basis of my beliefs. My knowledge in this area is, admittedly, rudimentary, so if a physicist would like to come along and correct me, I will bow to their superior knowledge ;)



    What kind of force does the energy of positive thought/prayer work on (wait, energy works through a kind of force, right?)? Can it affect any object, or only another living thing, or only certain living things? Is there a limit to the distance that this force can work?


    There have been numerous books written on what is, essentially, energy manipulation. I can't begin to do it justice. I don't know the extent or limits to energy manipulation, but I believe more is likely possible than we are aware of. I believe that prayer/positive thoughts help focus that energy to achieve a desired outcome.


    I'd love to have this conversation over a couple drinks. It's not quite 5:00 yet, so I'll join you later. ;)


    Lol, it's a date :) In the meantime, I'm taking advantage of the opportunity to tear apart, purge, and organize my daughters room, while she is with her grandma. Gotta have a place to put the new Christmas crap! Lok

  3. It's exactly what I was looking for. I don't know how an answer could be satisfactory enough, kwim? It's such an open topic.


    Can you explain the comment about being connected to each other by that energy? I'm not sure I understand.

    What FraudyCat said, pretty much. My belief is both physical and metaphysical. On the physical level, since we all came from the energy released in the "bang" that started our universe, we are connected thru that energy, much like we are connected to our family by blood/DNA. On a metaphysical level I believe we can influence and manipulate that energy. This, I feel, is where the power of prayer and positive thoughts work. It is also where we can muster up superhuman feats, such as the ability to lift a car off a trapped child, or what have you. Stuff that shouldn't be physically possible, but becomes so anyways. It is also the connectedness that causes people to perform heroic feats for another whom they have no other connection to. I don't believe that it is limited to humans, as there are numerous examples of animals doing similar things, and human/animal relationships that are extraordinary, like the Lion Whisperer dude.


    Hopefully, that is a little clearer. We really should be having this conversation over a couple of drinks, lol. I'm pretty sure alcohol helps me wax more poetically ;)

  4. IdahoHomeschooler did, I think, when she said, "I came to this conclusion after learning how the universe came to be, via the Big Bang, and my rudimentary understanding of the physics of the whole thing."

    Ha! I tried to, in a concise way, but I know it's not a very satisfactory answer, lol. It would be impossible for me to list all the sources and experiences that have contributed to my beliefs, so I answered with the most scientific one. Anecdotally, my experiences with dying people have shaped my belief that there is *something* that separates from the body at death. During a code (I'm a nurse), I can feel the difference between someone who will survive the code, and someone who has already checked out, so to speak. This is something that is obviously difficult to quantify, as it occurs at a metaphysical level. I choose to describe it as an energy, because I know that is something that our entire universe was created from. We are literally made up of the energy that released in the moment the universe was created. We are all connected to each other by that energy. That, to me, is our soul.

  5. As a Christian, I was encouraged to believe the soul is a part of the human that is separate from the physical body, that somehow houses the personality or character, or at least the "essence" of the person. I no longer think that (and can't figure out how to define in any practical way, the "essence" of a person anyway). The idea of a soul being a source of energy is sort of new to me. Do you think this energy is responsible for the personality or character of the person? What about animals? Do they have souls?

    I think that it is at least partly responsible for personality. I, personally, can't imagine animals *not* having souls. Even when I did believe in heaven/hell, I couldn't imagine animals not being there, with us. What kind of place would a heaven be, if my dog wasn't there, you know?


    I see the energy or essence of a person as the voice in our head. I know that when I allow that voice to be negative, it affects those around me. When I make a concerted effort to be positive, it affects those around me. That voice and our energy are intertwined.

  6. To me, a soul is the energy of the person. I believe that it is the energy of the universe; it came from the universe and will be returned to the universe. I came to this conclusion after learning how the universe came to be, via the Big Bang, and my rudimentary understanding of the physics of the whole thing.


    I was raised in a fundamental, evangelical religion, and became an adult convert to Catholicism. I would love to believe the doctrine that there is afterlife we will be rewarded in, and will *hopefully* see our loved ones in. But, I don't believe, no matter how hard I try :( I just can't make myself.

  7. Yeah that was my second child. I am not having more children, but if I were I would know better next time not to call them.


    Absolute ridiculousness.

    It's ridiculous until it isn't :/ Unfortunately, it can be *incredibly* serious for a newborn to have a fever. You can't really take a "wait and see" approach, because it could be too late.

  8. Yeah, this is a good time to flip out! I'm not sure what I would say in your position, but it would definitely include the phrase "Are you f---ing kidding me?!?!?!" There is no need to be diplomatic or spare feelings. Call this woman out! She should not be allowed to drive in a carpool! I would be beyond pissed if somebody knew this is how she treats the safety of children, and didn't tell me. If my child got hurt and you knew it could happen, my response to you would also include the phrase "Are you f---ing kidding me?!?!?!"

  9. My 9 year old is still going strong, and I know a couple of 10 year olds that are, too. I feel no need to squash that belief, because once it goes, so does a lot of the 'magic' of childhood. There is plenty of time for reality, but such a short window of time that allows for that pure, innocent belief that anything and everything is possible. I have intention of going to any great lengths to encourage the belief, but as long as she wants to play along with it, then I am more than happy to, as well.

  10. I'm a NICU nurse, and have often dealt with repeat families, some of those of the 'problem' variety. I have never been less than welcoming and professional, and have never observed my coworkers being anything but welcoming and professional. Yes, you may likely be remembered, but so what? Healthcare providers are used to working with people under less than ideal circumstances. You can and should be expected to be treated with the same level of care and respect given to non 'problem' patients.

  11. This thread has some seriously gross comments. It is one thing to continue to watch a show starring a sex offender, but it is entirely another thing to defend the sex offenders by blaming their victims. That is disgusting and thoroughly shameful behavior. In much the same way that the behavior of Collins and Cosby has tainted otherwise good shows, those that are posting in defense of theses scumbags are also tainting my view of them as posters here at a forum that is dedicated to CHILDREN. Yuck.

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