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Posts posted by Antonia

  1. My dad and brother are like this, too. It used to drive my mom crazy, and does my sil. I know for them it was inherent in their personalities. They are unconventional types who don't want to do it the usual way, and are both very creative. I don't know if you will ever be able to change your dh, but you should insist that he take your comfort level to heart insofar as what you are willing to lose. My father and brother didn't do that, and it almost cost both of them their marriages.

  2. We are lucky enough to live close to NYC. My dh goes into the city on business a few days each week, and sometimes we will tag along. He will drop us off on his way to a meeting and pick us up four or five hours later. We have been to the Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and most of the other NYC attractions. Sometimes we just spend the day walking around or hanging out in Central Park.

  3. For us, it's not a matter of the number of activities, but the time involved in each. Dd is a serious ballet student, so, even though that is her only activity and always has been, we are up to her attending class 35 hours per week and us dropping off and picking up six days out of seven. Ds has fallen in love with theater and loves performing, so between classes and productions, he is on the go between three and five days each week.


    I was the kid who wanted nothing more than to be left alone to read, so my parents never had to take me anywhere. I'm still like this. Don't know how I ended up with kids who are so into performing and spend so much time out in the world; it would make me crazy.

  4. We are using a wall map to keep track of the primaries/caucuses. We will erase when it's done and follow the general election. I plan to have an "election party" and let the kids stay up late to watch the CA returns come in (we're in CT). We'll have food, etc., sort of like New Year's Eve. The kids (12 and 15) are pretty excited. :)

  5. Not only are some chock full of fillers, but the quality of the glucosamine is questionable. Glucosamine is one of those supplements which needs to be of high quality for it to be most effective. I use Andrew Lessman's product, which I order from Home Shopping Network. I feel the extra cost of the shipping is worth it to ensure I'm getting a high quality product.

  6. My dd started 3B after leaving ps. She did ok, but never really got the hang of the bar diagrams. I found out later it would've been better for her if I'd started her back in level 2, where they start teaching the bars, and just moved through quickly to catch up. Ds started Singapore at level 1, and has always done great. He is now finishing up 5, and he's definitely better at conceptualizing than my dd was at the same level.

  7. You will never change some folks' minds. My cousin is always saying he doesn't "believe in homeschooling" (huh? so it doesn't exist?), even though my hs'ed 15yo dd is getting A's in cc while dancing full-time, and his 19yo ps'd son dropped out of cc halfway through the first semester because he couldn't hack it, and is now working at a nursing home making min.wage with absolutely no plans for his future. Too bad hs'ing 'didn't exist' for him...

  8. my dd learned more by "OJT" when she started attending cc than she ever did when we practiced outlining and note-taking at home. I have noticed a huge improvement in the way she takes notes since the beginning of this semester. She has learned what is important, how to organize it, and how to transcribe her notes later on. This is only her second cc class, but I am amazed at the growth she has attained in so many areas in just these two semesters.

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