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Posts posted by 4kids4me

  1. Well, I think it would take about 10 min.


    I used to run a soccer league and have some documents in Publisher. I no longer have access to Publisher, but the documents are still on my computer. I need to see two of those documents (one page each). If I emailed the documents, could someone please put them (minus the graphics) into either Word, or just email me the contents back?


    Pretty please with a ginormous cherry on top???? :001_rolleyes:





  2. Up until lesson 19 he was getting 0 and 3 wrong on a test (of 20 words). Now, for the next five lessons, he's been getting 9/20 to 11/20!!! This is terrible. These words are oi/oy, ai/ay, au/aw, ie/ei, ee/ea, oa/oe, and ou/ow combinations.


    SWO is all I've used. My grade 5 dd, a natural speller, is finishing up G. Ds has had no problems up until now, but he's not as natural speller as my dd (obviously now!!!). So how do I help him get these words spelled correctly? I've only ever used SWO and have never needed to go above and beyond.


    Thoughts? :ack2:

  3. My children will be in grades 6 and 4 next year. I recommended this to a friend a few year's ago when I first heard of it (I really didn't know anything about it!) and she bought it for her children. I think she used it when her kids were in grades 7 & 5, and then continuing over the next two years. She LOVES LOVES LOVES it. Oh, and she really loves it! Her younger children (grades 1 and down) love sitting in on the experiments.


    So, now I'm looking into purchasing it for next year. DH will do it with the kids (I HATE chem & physics) and I'll continue the science stuff from years one and two (you know, human body, astronomy, etc). I'm really excited about buying it!

  4. My MIL is taking me on a 12-day Mediterranean cruise. That plus two days of travel and I'll be gone a full two weeks! Yikes! I'll miss the kids dearly, but babysitting couldn't be better. The first three day they're home with dad. Then the girls go to a friend's home (with their best friends) and the boys go to Nana's...for four days. Then three days home with Dad. Then the boys go to another friend's home (with buddies there, too), and the girls stay with Nana. I know they'll be loved to death, but they're all mama's kids, so they'll all miss me dearly!


    I can't wait! I was telling Heidi on her blog (which is wonderful, if you haven't ever been there...it's called Mt. Hope Chronicles!) that my MIL originally wanted to take me and her two daughters on a cruise (this was years ago). Then my FIL broke his foot and couldn't go on a Cuba vacation my MIL had already planned....so she went with one of my sils. Then she took the other sil on an Alaskan cruise (three years ago). That left me. I honestly didn't even think that she "owed" me something...after all, I'm only married into the family. One day she handed me a Caribbean cruise brochure and told me to take a look at the different cruises and pick one. I asked if her and my FIL were going. No, it was for me! So eventually I chose one and she then said, "You DO realize that all those Caribbean cities look the same after a while, right?" Well, no, I've never been, but *I'm* not going to complain about a wonderful vacation! She then said for almost the same amount of money we could go to the Mediterranean, and would I like that? YAH!!!!!!! Of course! So here we are...getting ready to go at the end of May.


    Thanks so much for your posts. I'm going to start working on all of these suggestions.

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