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Posts posted by SunnyDays

  1. There's also a National Geography Challenge, run by the same folks who do Continental math league. It's not as thrilling as a big bee and doesn't have the trip for finals built in, but it's very homeschool friendly and only costs $20 for a homeschooler to participate.


    I found the website for this, but didn't see any information about homeschoolers... just an application to register a team.  Do you have a link? 


    DS would love to participate in the Geo Bee, but homeschoolers in my state don't tend to organize well, LOL, except into smaller support groups.  Thanks!

  2. We're in the re-evaluation process now.  DS has an option to attend private school this fall... there are pros and cons to both, of course.  But I have to say I don't see *myself* homeschooling through high school... I'm just not that committed to it.  At this school, the academics are good and solid (I won't say spectacular because as a small school, class options are more limited), a small environment, and activities that he will enjoy.  If he doesn't go this fall for some reason, he likely will the following year. 


  3. Recognition of scholarship -- that's all it was when I was in HS. I barely even cared when I was inducted and certainly had no other responsibilities/requirements afterward!

    This was my experience as well. Between junior and senior year, I think I attended the induction ceremony, posed for group yearbook pics each year, and attended a very brief meeting before graduation to explain how we'd be recognized at the ceremony. That's it. I am surprised to hear that it is such a huge commitment for some.

  4. I get it.  :grouphug:   We're looking at putting DS in private school next year for 6th grade... it's a small school where 6th is still elementary and will be somewhat of a "fun" year for him, so it will be a good transition point for him.  It's never an easy decision!!


    You're right though that I have also gotten SO much out of these forums the past couple years!!



  5. I couldn't even click on the link, and I'm still incredibly creeped out by all the posts. We don't have anything too notable where I live (Midwest). But I completely agree that I'd take a bear or mountain lion any day over all the creepy crawlies you all have described!

  6. I lasted one shift at a clothing store in the mall. I sat there and folded and hung up clothes for hours, because people had thrown them EVERYWHERE after trying them on. I didn't need the job (it was a way for me to get out of the house as a SAHM and get a store discount), and I realized I didn't even like folding and putting away my own laundry, so this probably wasn't going to be a great fit.

  7. http://simoneryals.blogspot.com/2014/02/im-one-of-worst-teachers-in-my-state.html


    Here's a blog written by a friend of mine, who teaches in Fort Lauderdale (and if we lived there, my DD would be going to school next year to be in her 5th grade class-and then home again for 6th. She's THAT good of a teacher). She's one of the most passionate, committed people I know, singlehanded lay convinced her school to put in self-contained GT/high performing classes instead of pullouts, does the most amazing field trips, leads multiple extra groups, and is just an amazing person.


    She's not giving up yet-but she's very, very frustrated as well.

    The system she describes is revolting. She sounds like a fantastic teacher. And unfortunately, she, and others like her, will be pushed out of the one size fits all, numbers-are-everything system that's been created.


    I fully support the *idea* of public schools. But the system is broken and needs serious examination.

  8. That is exactly why I will never go back to Windows.  I have enough stuff that's a PITA in my life, I don't need to fight with my operating system too. LOL


    This.  Oh, exactly this!! 


    I'm lucky to have married my own tech support.  ;)  If DH can't fix it (or at least diagnose the problem), it's probably toast.


    And after my most recent Windows laptop crashed, he finally talked me into getting a Mac. 

  9. Haven't heard of a lot of these.  I do like Intelligence, I hope they give it a chance, I think it has potential.


    I liked the first season of Hostages, however, I don't see it going on long term.  Maybe a handful of episodes at most, just to fully play it out.


  10. This is fascinating to me, I didn't realize there were so many regional differences.  I was born, raised, and still reside in the informal Midwest.  Any children of friends I see regularly call me by first name.  (When DS was in school and I was a room mom, kids I didn't know well called me Mrs. Lastname.  That's a pretty standard drawing line, I think.)  Most anyone I see on a regular basis would not call me Mrs. Lastname... I'm not even sure how easily I'd respond to that!


    DH and I both call one anothers' parents either by first name or Mom and Dad.  It wouldn't occur to me (or really, anyone else I know here) to call a family member Mr./Mrs. Lastname. 

  11. Oh honey, I could have written the OP. Also Lutheran here (who knew *that* was so out there, huh?!?). We don't have a ton of homeschoolers in our area anyway, but the few we do have split into two camps: very conservative Christians, for whom I'm not quite the right kind of Christian to hang out with them, or the radical unschoolers, who, not to paint with too broad a brush, overall tend to be as suspicious of Christians as they are of classical education. :D


    There are a couple groups of each in the area and that's really about it. So yes, homeschooling has been rather isolating for us. I have a couple homeschooling friends, and a few friends who are public or private school families. We are likely sending DS back next year, and we've looked at an evangelical Protestant Christian school, a Catholic school, and a public school. None are "just right".... Sometimes I feel like Goldilocks, LOL.


    Just know you are not alone... I also find it sad that people are so focused on either statements of faith or some other boundary that they can't see the forest for the trees. :grouphug:

  12. When it's the right choice for my child, period.


    Homeschooling is a fabulous option for families... for many, it's the only right option at any given time, but for some it's a choice among many good options.  For some families, it's a lifestyle choice that no one can imagine changing, but for some it's the plan for a season. 


    If there is a school situation where you are comfortable, and your child is thriving with the opportunities available, then that's a positive reason to me. 


    OP, I hope things go smoothly during your transition.  We'll likely be making a similar change this fall.  :grouphug:




  13. The coloring fooled me too, I didn't realize she was a standard poodle!! 


    But she is so, so lovely.  I'm happy that you have a new baby to love.  Hold Rowan in your heart forever, and enjoy this new little one.  :grouphug:


  14. I agree that Snape was among the most fleshed-out and human characters of the book, more so in some ways even than Harry.  I admit I wanted him to be on the side of good, but went through periods of doubt.  (Well, as long a period as possible considering I couldn't put the books down and read all seven books in less than two weeks.)  Like some of you, I kept thinking Dumbledore couldn't possibly be gone... that it was all a trick somehow. 


    And while I do see the redeeming parts of his sacrifice and contributions to good along the way... I agree there was something unhealthy about his love/obsession/fixation for Lily.  But still.... "Always".... gets me every time.


  15. Hello, friends!


    I sat and read "Red Velvet Cupcake Murder" by Joanne Fluke today, my re-read of last year's release in the series.  Pure fluff and lightness, and after Wuthering Heights, I needed that!


    So, I completed 10 books in January (getting used to my new laptop, so I won't link or copy right now), and in February, the two books mentioned above.


    Still working on the two non fiction titles, and tonight I also started Crispin and the Cross of Lead, which DS and I will be working through this week.  I'm actually quite enjoying it!



  16. I've read The Happiness Project before, a few years back... I do remember enjoying it the first time around and am this time as well.  I'll probably read Happier at Home at some point too.... although I have heard from a few people that they didn't enjoy it as much as her first book, not sure why. 


  17. Hello friends!  Well, I finally finished my first book for February...  :leaving:  (Abandoning The Goldfinch 100 pages in didn't help!)


    I completed Wuthering Heights last night.  It's a rather odd story, isn't it?  I enjoyed it though, for what it was worth.


    Still reading That Crumpled Paper was Due Last Week as well as The Happiness Project.  I'm also going to re-read the last Hannah Swensen book by Joanne Fluke, and then the new one which is coming out in a couple days. 

  18. You know, if I remember right, I got the same laptop, the HP Envy, right?


    I really don't like it either.... :leaving:


    Windows 8 (spawn of Satan indeed) isn't an issue (although that's what it has) because DH was able to tweak it so I could get to most everything from the desktop screen. Don't ask, I couldn't tell you how if my life depended on it. :lol:


    But it is heavy and a bit clunky. I'm getting used to the key placement... But I HATE the touchpad. I have to try several times before I can get it to do what I want. We did read a review or two along those lines but I admit I chalked it up to those being user error based on some other things they said. Now, I'm not thinking so.


    We're still in the return period, so I'm debating if I want to do something else. Just wanted to commiserate.

  19. I do know that our most-likely school uses Abeka for writing and grammar in 5th and 6th.  I looked at those and decided not to use them at home, mainly because they felt like they were more written for a classroom, but it does mean I'm familiar with what's in them.  I'm not concerned with that program's content so much, as I'm pretty sure we've covered most of what's in there.  It's more that I know they write across the curriculum a fair amount, and I'd like to increase the quantity and variety of what I have DS writing.  And maybe that means I just have him write more.  :D


    An area that I would like to reinforce is organization, along with things like study skills and being responsible for your assignments.  I did get DS a planner, and I'm going to have him start by writing in any steps in projects, reminders, things like that.  By the end of the year I'd like him to be writing down most of his work, or at least certain parts of it.  And I agree that once the new year starts, we'll probably do very little afterschooling for at least the first semester.  I'd rather he get involved in some activities or spend time getting to know new friends... with any time or energy he has left!!

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