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Posts posted by MFG

  1. They should run elections like they run pageants. Make the "contestants" prance around in weird outfits, have a talent segment, and then have them bumble over unanswerable questions.

    I'm confused. I thought that is what we already have
    • Like 2
  2. I typically hear it as a response the all-or-nothing culture we've become.



    I drink SuperFoodBlendedDrink for breakfast and lunch daily

    I could never eat a donut -- don't you know they kill you?!

    OMG, you let your kids watch television??!?!



    Oh well, you know...I follow more of a "everything in moderation" philosophy.

    I suppose it is preferable to what I would be tempted to say in those situations: "Oh well, sucks to be you."
    • Like 8
  3. I'm sorry. You did say you apologized. If you were very contrite, as it sounds you must have been, it is just in her court to forgive and go on. Also, though, if she retains a grudge against you for much longer, she may be laying her own guilt on you for being judgemental, KWIM? So, if in her heart, she says to herself, "We really should not order this pizza. It would be better to make bagle pizzas at home and save the twenty dollars, chip away at that debt (or whatever)." But she ignores her own good advice, then you are just "reminding" her that she didn't do what she knows she must to reach her goals. So some of her offense at you is really misplaced.


    Despite all that, I avoid whenever possible pointing out when people are not doing what they know they should. ;) If they are eating a gallon of ice cream while lamenting that they can't seem to lose their baby fat, I just smile and nod. Smile and nod.

  4. This has been an interesting read - esp since apparently I'm in the minority. I'm ok with that though.


    Lick away - anywhere, anytime, even in fancy restaurants if they happen to serve ribs or chicken on the bone or something hand held where it gets on hands.


    It never occurred to me that anyone would care. It still doesn't worry me that anyone cares TBH. I kinda get a chuckle thinking how much we may have offended folks in our past... such is life. To each our own. We haven't been turned away from eating anywhere yet - and if we ever were, it would be a mutual dislike.


    We have some (immigrant) friends where their culture is eating with their hands - almost anything. I lean more that way than "everything with silverware" for my preferences. We even corrupted our German exchange student way back in '99-00. She came to us eating everything with silverware - and left being like us (and liking it).


    At home we also sometimes lick our bowls or plates if the sauce was extra good. :coolgleamA: We don't do that out though.

    Can I admit that until this thread I never much thought about the propriety of finger-licking, one way or the other?
    • Like 4
  5. We get into trouble when it moves from people choosing to follow their idea of "Scripturally-mandated modesty" and having an authority enforce their own idea of it.  It becomes creepy and judge-y!


    I think it's ridiculous that people misuse and misunderstand the actual meaning of Biblical modesty.  It doesn't mean don't wear tight clothing.


    I think it's ridiculous that a school is wanting a dresscode that is modesty-based in theory and the parents are trying to make it not-modesty-based in practice.


    Besides the fact that if the parents don't agree with the modesty-based rules why are they sending their children there?

    To find it creepy for a male teacher to enforce a "modesty" dress code on female students acknowledges that such a code inherently sexualizes the situation. The same goal could be reached by emphasizing that school is to be a somewhat more formal, business-like environment. Plenty of workplaces maintain standards of dress without heavy sexual overtones.
    • Like 3
  6. Of course it is about modesty. And usually that's modesty aimed at females. Everything short of a burlap sack (that's long of course) is scrutinized.

    The question about who enforces standards gives that away. If it is simply an objective, unisex standard to maintain a quasi-professional environment, the sex of the enforcing teacher is irrelevant.
    • Like 4
  7. I don't think there's an objective way to measure tightness. Kids grow overnight. Pants that were baggy on Monday can be tight on Friday. Not every parent can afford to replace pants immediately. Plus chunky kids--pants are going to be too long or too tight. It's expensive to tailor them, and again, it can happen overnight. Some kids will wear things that are too tight. You simply cannot have an administrator measuring "ease" (garment term) in a child's pants.

    Plus, all this obsessing over kids pants is just creepy.
    • Like 28
  8. Haha! I know it. That song could have been written about me. I got a nice, round thang.

    Luckily, I've never had a shortage of these kind of men. I am ok with it. At the same time, criticism of my assets would be unhelpful and unkind.

    Do men care about things like VPL? Not in my experience. This is one women put on other women.
    • Like 9
  9. Wow. Didn't read all of the posts before posting. I'm with Tibbie. This is exceedingly unkind. Why are you judging her butt? Please don't walk behind me.

    The ageism is also a nice touch.
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