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Posts posted by Mandylubug

  1. Any one ever ducttape cover their cheapy spirals to keep them from snagging? We love spirals but we had some tangling issues this past school year.


    eta: if I do that, though, I can't fold it under itself can I? My kids, especially my lefty, don't use them fully open but flip them open and only use the side they are writing on at the time.


  2. I'm in GA. School has been out for 2 weeks and goes back the first week of August. I bet Target has already started setting up their back to school section. Just no official sales yet. I will have have to go mosey around and see what I can find unadvertised. I don't need too terribly much for now. I can wait on most things until the sales hit.

  3. guess I will go browse Office Depot and pay too much. We start our new school year on Monday. We school year round and just had our two week break. I should have planned our start more into July.. That would have made more sense to match the sales :p

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  4. I totally didn't realize she was the same person who posted about the USPS. :lol:


    She might be avoiding this particular thread, or the chat board totally. I've done that in past when something has upset me.


    Mimm, I love your name, your profile pic.. I am fan girling. My fave cartoon movie and fave character from said movie :D :D :D :D I should have picked a cool user name like that. I was unoriginal!

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  5. I have assisted with that procedure with patients but I don't have experience myself. I can say I have never known a dentist to recommend it without it truly being needed. If any of the teeth have had a root canal in the past, I would personally ask about implant options instead. Just what I would personally do.


    Best wishes. :grouphug: Dentists can prescribe you some anxiety meds as well if you let them know ahead of time that you are anxious about the procedures. 

  6. I found a great book at Ollie's the other night that we are going to read as our read aloud when we start. It has it's own island map and looks very similar to the map the kids will make for their fantasy story. Called The Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic by Jennifer Trafton. http://www.amazon.com/Rise-Fall-Mount-Majestic/dp/0142419346/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433468998&sr=8-1&keywords=the+rise+and+fall+of+mount+majestic&pebp=1433468991896&perid=1EWRSZ98EBGCXKX5G3PA

  7. So has CrispyBiscuit left the forum?


    I have to admit that I secretly wondered if she was a troll when she posted so emphatically about the amazing USPS, but when she is calm, she seems very nice. I hope she decides to stay, and that she learns not to take everything so personally.


    I hope she also learns to knock it off with all the caps. I don't think she means to use them in an offensive way, but when I read her posts, I feel like she is yelling at me and it's disconcerting


    eh, she hasn't left. She is just being silent and lurking. She was last online here at 4:11pm today.


    Hopefully she will stay and realize we all like a good debate :p

    • Like 4
  8. My IBS does better with cooked fruits and veggies than the raw foods that a lot of low carb diets seem to contain.  


    makes sense to me. My brother has Crohn's disease, which some consider related to IBS, but he can't eat raw veggies either. They nearly kill him. He will be doubled over in severe pain. 

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  9. I have always found that if I set up a planner, I have doomed myself for failure. I think I may do a weeks type of planning instead of actual dates. I've considered just file folders with 180 days written on the tabs, inside a print out of the lessons to be finished that day, any worksheets or resources needed specific to that day. Then if we miss a day or two, we just pick the next school day and not erase dates on a paper planner. I just haven't figured out how to adapt when I was overly zealous of a school day and that day's assignments weren't complete. Do I just add them to the next day's folder? Still pondering.

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  10. well, mine play it, Epic Mickey, Little Big Planet 3, Raymond Legends (so fun, my favorite). They also play with neighborhood kids, play barbies, play with their beanie boos, play in our pool, ride bikes, hike, read books, paint, color. It isn't ALL they do. It is just a part of them being them.

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  11. Well, we survived. We just kept trucking. My girls seemed to really take off with reading and can read most things yet some days reading is hard and back to square one. Odd, it is.


    We finished 2nd grade level math. We have really been struggling with math and I am just happy to say we completed a level. Third grade level math and multiplication scares me for them since rote memory is hard for them. Especially rapid recall. I suppose we will continue with visual aids. They've nearly mastered reading clocks. I'll take it :)


    They hate audio books. I really want them to like them. They NEED to like them to get more age appropriate free reading in.


    We will continue to slog through typing and attempting to learn cursive.


    Overall, we have made progress and for that I am ever grateful.

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  12. My ADHD kid wants the house SILENT. Like, no air conditioning on, no washer going across the house, no cat meowing, no person quietly typing in the other room, no click of a pen, no breathing.. It can be hard to manage. He takes some supplements and they seem to help him. He takes GABA, Vitamin B complex and Omega 3 fish oils. He seems more easily distractable without these but they don't relieve all the issues.

  13. Notable lines from tonight: 


    From Jim Bob, "As parents we are not mandated reporters'   So that makes it ok that you treated it 'in house' until the THIRD TIME it happened. 


    Both parents pointed out that he touched them 'for just a few seconds'.   and 'over clothes'    Apparently the five second rule applies to molestation. Who knew. 


    missed that part of the interview... gross.

  14. I haven't seen the whole interview yet, but I saw a few clips on the Lawrence O'Donnell Show and I thought Jim Bob came across as a very arrogant man. He was doing his phony soft voice, but he still seemed full of himself.


    I had to rewind and re-watch the part where he explained that pedophiles are adults and Josh was just a child. He clarified that pedophiles are over 15 and Josh was only 14 or 15, so he was still a child. :svengo:


    You know, because at 15, Josh was nowhere near 16. :glare:


    I thought that was incredibly lame, and as usual, Michelle gazed lovingly at him while he said it.


    yes! It was so odd. However, he is the weirdo that just can't wait to hear about his daughter getting pregnant. If my dad had told me those words on the eve of my wedding I would have been soooo grossed out! I wonder if they have a TTC calendar for their daughters at home, too?! He is gross to me.

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  15. I was so worried about that when mine were little! I had several layers of protection in place to prevent it so I can be confident it never happened. I used to worry that if DH and I were killed in a crash or something that NOBODY would know who was who with the babies even up to when they were 1yr+ because none of our other relatives could tell them apart until they were much older and DS was so little and not really a reliable reporter. It seems a little crazy now, but I was sleep deprived. Even then I had a couple of times when I freaked out for a few minutes and thought I had no idea who was who. The first time, the EMS who transported them to a new hospital put them in the same bed with no ID bracelets on (feet were too little). I had no idea who was who for sure until I remembered one baby had a head shaved for an IV and the other didn't. :lol: Then it was obvious! The other time, when they were older and I was no longer painting their nails to tell them apart,  I couldn't find my identifying birth mark on one of them- it turned out when the baby gained weight, the birth mark moved! 


    We had custom made bracelets with their names on them that did not get taken off, even for baths. Ladies at the church nursery appreciated the bracelets, too. I do remember one freak out moment before we had bracelets but we had to sit together and talk it through to figure out which babe was who. We did finally reach a conclusion and was confident in our situation. After that, we assigned a color system. One girl always got the most feminine color. The other twin always wore the secondary feminine color. It worked for us but now that they are older, family members will ask "which one is pink girl" or "where is purple girl?"

  16. and did they define that counseling?  NO?  that's because it was all ATI approved.  (josh worked construction on an ATI project and a 'stern talking to' - and that was considered "counseling")  nothing that would be recognized by any official licensing body or governmental agency.


    in reality - the girls didn't have any counseling of a form proven to help abuse victims.


    well they said they were licensed, accredited...I can't remember the terminology but it did come across as professional counseling vs counseling from a religious entity. I'm not saying it wasn't ATI afiliated. Probably was. Just stating they think they did everything they could and have a clear conscience over it obviously and now feel they are the victims of a public agenda to slander their name. 


    Not saying I think they are in the clear and did all they could have done.

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  17. Mine know they look alike. There are enough people who see them regularly who still can't tell them apart that they would be foolish to deny it. They no longer usually dress alike, and they style their hair differently most days, but they still confer about haircuts and insist that their hair is cut exactly alike so if they want to look completely identical they can. 


    I don't think they look that much alike anymore and can tell them apart in almost every circumstance- except tiny baby photos. I couldn't tell them apart very well before 5 months and I still can't tell them apart at that age unless I have a memory or marked the picture at the time. 


    As for the mean-girl drama, we've had some of that. The worst was actually with another set of identical girl twins who should have known better. My twins have been pretty good about not falling for any of that if it's directed at the two of them. They like each other better than any potential friend! Our problem is more of getting the twins to let other kids into their circle.


    Some people have always asked if their little sister is a triplet which blows my mind! She's 3 yrs younger, a head shorter, and 30lbs lighter! She looks similar to them but not identical! 


    My boys don't look like my twins, are both differing heights and weights and I am asked constantly if I had quadruplets. I don't get it either.

  18. I watched the last half of the show. I think they truly feel they did their best, offered their children the best help and therapy and feel that they are just being attacked by Satan. Persecution of their religion. Perhaps, that is part of it. Perhaps they are being persecuted by the tabloids. It does make a good story of a wholesome marketed family being "taken down" by skeletons in their closet. I don't *think* most assume they are the perfect family.


    I was happy to see that they did address the girls as victims. It was nice to seem them agree that they shouldn't be just protecting Josh's reputation but also, looking towards the victims. They did state they had professional counseling for all involved. However, I was saddened to hear them force blame on the male sex as if it is just in their nature to lean to abusive situations. I have heard that line just this year of boys in co-op not being allowed to hold any children. It saddens me.

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