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Posts posted by pitterpatter

  1. Thanks for popping in. It's Mizzou. As much as I would love for her to go out of state (she would love the New England area), I feel as though the logistics of getting her back and forth would be stressful and challenging for us. (She's an only child, so I think she may miss us a little more than she thinks she will.) Plus, she's not 100 percent set on what she wants to do, so it's hard to justify out-of-state tuition just for the sake of going out of state. (Mizzou's merit aid, is a definite incentive too.) Right now, it's dual majors in anthropology and chemistry. 😁 We went to Mizzou Welcome in April, and she really liked it. She wants to go to a big university on a sprawling campus...not tucked into a city like S&T. She's really, really hoping to get into Honors College. We went to a presentation for it, and she is totally smitten with it. It would be right up her ally. The honors classes sound like homeschool...interesting topics with long discussions and options for alternative testing. And, talk about perks! They get to sign up for everything first...classes, housing, parking outside their dorm, and I forget what else. I hope she gets in. We have their business card, so I am going to contact them about the course descriptions. But, you've confirmed what I think big state universities generally think about the extra paperwork. (I actually used to work at Mizzou, and while I wasn't in undergraduate admissions, I did work for the graduate school and then for a department where I was often mixed in with recruiting and alumni relations.) I personally would rather put my time and effort toward finding and helping her with scholarship opportunities than the course descriptions, which seem nearly pointless with so many of them being DE classes.

    19 hours ago, BusyMom5 said:

    Where she's looking, I think you are fine to not have course descriptions, even for Honors College.  They will probably just want transcripts (including DE), ACT, and an essay.  I spent hours on them with Kid1 and no one wanted them.  Some replied as yours did (same university system) that I could send them if I wanted to.  Others said please don't complicate the process and send extra stuff.  If they needed it they would ask.  Mostly they looked at her test score and that she had passed several DE classes and accepted her.  The admission process here is pretty simple.  

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  2. We're about to the point where it seems as though homeschool and high school hardly matter anymore. DD took a couple of dual enrollment courses this year and they went very well. She has a couple more college credits from a field school she did last summer. We are all about knocking out the gen ed requirements for college now. She will be taking three dual enrollment courses each semester of her senior year. I checked this week with her university admissions rep. She is on track to get an exemption from the university's second-language requirement (twelve credit hours!). I can't imagine what she did her freshman and sophomore years beyond Latin matter much anymore if her ACT is good, she has qualified for automatic admission, and she'll have 26 transfer credits. Maybe I'm wrong, though. I will probably still work on the course descriptions for her Honors College application, though.

    On 5/21/2024 at 10:41 AM, EKS said:

    I think that a homeschool transcript is incomplete without course descriptions, especially if the student did anything outside the box.  I actually still refer to our course descriptions occasionally.  

    To be fair, I also think that transcripts from traditional schools are incomplete without course descriptions.  

  3. I find that government is actually a good one for dual enrollment since it is also required, at least in our state, during college. My daughter is so thankful that she only had to take it once. She also completed American History as dual enrollment, as it's another one that she has zero desire to potentially repeat. (Our state requires both for high school and either during college, but we decided to knock them out with dual enrollment and never look back. Lol.)

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  4. My daughter (rising senior) has decided on our state's flagship as her college of choice. It's my alma mater. We have an assigned admissions rep that we have been corresponding with. I asked about course descriptions and she said, "Full course descriptions are not required but we can take them if you have them in a readily available document for her profile." I don't have them readily available. Should I bother with them? I really need to spend my time elsewhere right now. They have rolling admissions and her ACT score qualifies her for automatic admission. My daughter plans to apply as soon as admissions opens in August. I already have a transcript in progress for her, as she is taking dual enrollment classes.

  5. I still have part of my sticker collection in a Garfield stationary box up on my closet. It has whole sheets of unused scratch and sniffs in it. The taco-scented ones are my favorite. I bought DD some of the TREND stickers you're referring too. My vintage ones smell more! I would think about taking a pic of some of them, but I'm laid up in bed with a toothache. 😩

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  6. Life simply has not turned out as I'd hoped/expected. These past several years have been extremely challenging for me. I am stretched to my max both mentally and emotionally. My mental load is extreme. My "free time" is limited. Little of this relates to homeschooling, except that homeschooling keeps me tied in place and restricts my ability to improve certain other facets of life. DD has been fabulous in stepping up and taking a more-independent role in her studies. She's doing some dual credit. Her first ACT scores were good. But, I feel as those I am failing her overall. I really need some kind of homeschooler's checklist to help me get through the next year and half. She's finishing up her junior year, and I fear missing important upcoming deadlines. (I already missed some summer opportunities but found different ones last minute.) Any suggestions?

  7. I still miss her. She was wise and so helpful to me. I've wondered how her son has fared without her over the years.

    19 hours ago, Carol in Cal. said:

    Kathy, an original WTM mom with one son, attended the 10 year anniversary conference in Williamsburg and then found out she had breast cancer and passed away.


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  8. 2 hours ago, saraha said:

    My awesome Uber driver drove me the route to the school from my hotel before dropping me off and was like “Honey, you walk it. Experience the French quarter!!!”

    Yes. We walked all over that place all times of day this time last year. You probably feel a bit leery sometimes, but I do think you'll be okay.

    See whether you can catch an early Mardi Gras walking parade while you're there.

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  9. This is interesting. I believe I received a letter in the mail telling me about the change in the program. When I talked to Nurtec OneSource on the phone, I asked whether it was just me (or people with my particular insurance) getting kicked off or everyone. They said everyone. Maybe that wasn't true. Hopefully, you'll get to stay. According to that phone call, I might be able to get another script or two filled this year. They said from January 1st on, anyone using the program in the future, would only get a maximum of two scripts filled.

    I'm going to try to get my script filled early next week since that's when I should be eligible again. Then, I'm going to turn around and have my doctor prescribe whatever off-label one he wants and try to make do, I guess. Maybe I could squeeze that second script out of Nurtec at some point.

    I remember talking on the phone to Nurtec OnceSource the first couple of times I got it for free. I asked them how long I would continue to get it for free. They said indefinitely, as long as I had insurance. I remembering thinking, yeah right. All good things always end, but it was quite a bit sooner than I had hoped. I thought maybe they had had success with the insurance companies, though. Not really, it seems.

    51 minutes ago, crazyforlatin said:

    So far I’m using the free Nurtec program, and I didn’t know it changed until you posted. So I’m going to be in the same position as you. I like Nurtec a lot. Up until the first week of January, I used to get the 8-pill packet every 21 days and used as needed.

    Due to switching insurance and then PCP I won’t be able to even see a doctor until March. I have some leftover pills but they will not last if I’m supposed to take 3 alternatives. If I were in your shoes I would quickly start the alternatives and let the doctor know the alternative doesn’t work. For me I’m not sure if I would even bother taking the alternative due to side effects. I don’t have any side effects with Nurtec.

    I still have one week to switch back to my original insurance so that I can go back to my old doctor in February. 

    It was too good to last this long. I started in August 2023 when in received a free sample.


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    • Sad 2
  10. Nope.

    24 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

    Did they include tag and tax in your settlement offer?

    It is fairly difficult. They provided two comps. One was generous, the other was not. Both were used. And, the mileage for both were between 1,000 and 1,600 miles. I have found a couple of new-car comps where the mileage is closer to ours. One is 381 miles. The mileage of our Mazda was 399. The trick I think is going to be finding two comps close enough to what we paid to average better. Their high-low thing is annoying and undoubtedly by design. If we present just one comp that is nearly exact to our totaled car, they may kick out their "generous" comp and then the total with out on-point comp would average lower with their low-ball comp. But, maybe they can't legally change the offer down.  

    23 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

    Also it is super difficult to find comps for a new vehicle with 400 miles on it. 

    I would argue a bit. It won’t hurt to haggle some. 

    Ours, which is why I don't understand why they would use the low-ball comp.

    22 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

    Also is thus  your insurance or Geico making this offer?


  11. Insurance is offering us $38,700. Sticker price on the car was $40,500. Total amount with financing and fees was $42,005.60. I got a payoff quote from Mazda, if we pay it off by the end of the month, which I don't know will happen, we will only have to pay $56 of the $1,445.60 in finances charges. We have gap insurance, but we are not upside on the loan, so we are essentially being penalized for putting so much down as a down payment. We will lose $1,915.87 of what we paid on the car, if we accept the offer. Is this a fair, or at least typical, offer?

  12. I wonder what the person thinks when they never get a thank you. I always thank my well wishers.

    5 minutes ago, cintinative said:

    Make that six years.  Sigh. I am with you all--I would have told the person the first time.  I thought maybe I was old fashioned or something because everyone on FB seems to think it is as funny as he does. I don't know what i would think if I was the sender and I found out six years later that none of my texts had gone through.  

    • Like 3
  13. Yes! I have chronic migraine. I can't use a medication that "treats" them because they are so frequent. I never know where one ends and the next one begins. They can last days. I need a medicine that prevents them. Off-label stuff does not prevent, so I don't even understand why I have to "try" them.

    10 minutes ago, Lady Florida. said:

    Yes, I'd do it. You already know what works. Your doctor already knows what works. Tick the boxes and get on with approval for what works.


    I've had frustrated doctors tell me they wish insurance companies would let them practice medicine and do what's best for their patients.

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  14. Good Rx in a no go. Still $1,030 for the 8-pill dosage. I need the 16-pill dosage too, which I'm not sure my insurance will cover even with prior authorization. The 8-pill dosage is all that shows up in their database.

    43 minutes ago, Heartstrings said:

    Have you seen if GoodRx will cover the prescription you want? If it’s new they may not but it’s worth a shot.  


    • Sad 4
  15. I know nothing about bunions, but I do love my Altra Timp trail runners for hiking. I recently found a pair of Altras at Ross that are a different model that I wear as an everyday shoe. I bought my first pair of Altras after breaking my foot. I needed something to protect it when stepping on rocks, etc. while hiking. I also needed better traction to help keep me from falling while on the trail. (I also use poles.) Lone Peak and Timp were constantly recommended by hikers online. Since then, I bought Lone Peak for my husband and daughter. My husband loves them and wants more Altra shoes. My daughter likes to be contrary about them because she claims she doesn't like hiking. Lol. (She actually just doesn't like hiking with my husband because he's too hard core for her.)

    • Like 1
  16. One thing that I've considered is taking whatever med is prescribed for about a week. If the migraines come back, or I can't handle the side effects, then I would switch back over to my remaining Nurtec pills until the 30 days are up for the new med. Then, I'd try whatever is next and do the same. I'm not sure it's safe to switch back and forth like this, though. I also don't know how to lie to my doctor. (I'm a sucky lier and generally don't believe in it.) I really like him. If we were to have a face-to-face discussion, I think I would just ask him whether I could pretend to take them. He would laugh, I think, and possibly help me figure out the lesser of the evils to just get through the process. But, I don't know for sure.

    39 minutes ago, Heartstrings said:

    Yes.  I would absolutely do that.   My ethics do not require me to sacrifice myself to the profits of an insurance company.  Tick those boxes however you need.  

    Have you seen if GoodRx will cover the prescription you want? If it’s new they may not but it’s worth a shot.  


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  17. I've technically only taken one. The vitamin regimen and diet thing doesn't count. I did that for months. I quit the amitriptyline after a month or two because it was worse than taking nothing. I also developed heart palpitations while taking it.

    5 minutes ago, MercyA said:

    It sounds like you've already tried the three medications the insurance company wants you to try, or have tried similar ones? If that's the case, I'd just have the doctor write the scripts for you, go ahead and fill them, and keep taking Nurtec. I hope you can get authorization after that.

    I think I'd do it with no guilt.

  18. We always print paper boarding passes. You never know when your cell phone will poop out. Sometimes we use them, sometimes we don't. I like being able to shove them in my pocket and not have to get my cell phone out while going through TSA and boarding. We have had zero issues with them. Just print him out the confirmation info too. Also, take a screenshot of the boarding pass on your phone and send it to his phone. We always have screenshots in case cell reception is slow.

    ETA: I take paper copies of everything when we travel...hotel reservations, car rental confirmations, entertainment tickets, etc.

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  19. I didn't realize that about the tapering. My hairdresser is taking it. She had migraine so badly that she went to Mayo, and they did brain surgery on her. She still has migraine. She doesn't like Topamax, but that's what she's on. I have not wanted to go on it because the side effects are the same as having migraine! I'm also not keen on taking off-label anti-depressant and anti-seizure drugs. I actually don't like taking any drugs at all. That's how I ended up with Nurtec. I expressed my noninterest in the others with my doctor.

    10 minutes ago, Katy said:

    I would probably try them just to make sure. But I don’t see how you could take topamax for only one month unless they pretty drastically changed the protocol. When I was on it (18ish years ago), the taper was more slow than prednisone and the medication alone was completely debilitating. That’s the one I’d skip, but then again I tried it before for more than 6 months. 

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