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Posts posted by jejily

  1. EDITED TO NOTE: I meant, is it ChristmaStime already. (Why can't we edit typos in our titles?!)



    Remember when Christmas decor didn't go up until at least after Halloween, or even closer to (or after) Thanksgiving? And when you knew it really was almost here when the eggnog hit the shelf?


    Well, although I love and will always love eggnog, it doesn't go well with healthy eating, and so I had to change my favorite holiday drink. For the last couple Christmases, I have greedily bought up all the Sierra Mist "Cranberry Splash" soda, because you can only get it at Christmas.


    Today it was on. the. shelf. :001_huh: I half expected to find eggnog in the dairy section.


    (No luck.:tongue_smilie: )


    In any case, I take the sudden appearance of this "holiday" beverage as a sure sign that stores -- even non-craft stores -- are rolling out their Christmas stuff earlier and earlier every year.


    Last summer, I went in to Hobby Lobby for some last-minute Fourth of July decorations, and they were putting up Christmas trees.




    I'm sure they did the same this year -- I wasn't in Hobby Lobby much this summer, but in mid-August, I went in for some art supplies, and -- sure enough -- they had a regular Winter Wonderland set up already.


    Is this just the craziest thing evah?

  2. This is a really good thread, and I'm glad you started it. I'm sorry you're going insane though. ;)


    I've done this before, many times. The one year I used Learning Adventures' A World of Adventure, I knew in theory that it was good to go as is. No supplements needed! Wonderful. But I supplemented anyway to the point where it wasn't even the same thing -- just like you described.


    In my frustration, I decided to just ditch everything BUT the AWOA -- simplify, simplify, simplify became my motto. And ya know what? It was wonderful! The most pleasant year we ever had.


    It's hard to let go and put your faith in any one program, but I would say that's exactly what you need to do: pick one. Either the unit study or all the other stuff. Doing both will burn you and your kids out QUICKLY!



    :blush: This is exactly the same program I keep supplementing.


    It is exhausting me, and you wouldn't even recognize that I'm doing AWOA if you looked at my lesson plans.


    But... I like MOH. And I like IEW'S TWSS. And I think I like the Easy Grammar system. And I definitely like having more spelling, a la the Natural Speller.


    Yet, by the time I replace the AWOA components with all these other things, it's not even AWOA anymore.

  3. It is so funny you posted this. I was about to post a thread titled, "You know you're getting too personally involved in politics when..." ... you dream about it!


    Now, I can see you're more an Obama fan, and I'll tell you I am a McCain supporter. However, I just had a dream the other night that Barack & Michele Obama were in my house, along with John McCain and Sarah Palin. (And, that in and of itself is strange -- Barry & his wife, but not Biden; McCain & Palin, but not their spouses. Hmmm... wonder what THAT means to my subconscious!)


    Anyway, as dreams do, it morphed into a different setting -- it was as if we were in a small group Bible study with lots of other people, sitting in a circle on folding chairs. And an elderly couple, who were ardent Obama fans, were just being horrible to me because I wasn't one (a supporter). This was not a couple I know IRL, but I remember in the dream being really upset these people I considered friends were now telling me I was stupid, and were being so mean to me! And it was breaking my heart! I woke up crying!


    And then I realized this is what all these political discussions, even in the forum, were doing to me, and to others. Of course, my dream was from my POV, but someone else could easily have a dream where a McCain supporter was telling them off because they were an Obama supporter. Either way, it turns into a lose-lose situation... for everyone.


    That's when I decided to stop participating in political threads, both here and in the financial forum where I am a member. It's just too personal for everyone.


    Now, I'm sorry if my serious post ruined the light-heartedness of your thread -- not my intent! I thought your dream was funny, too. :) And, I wonder what it says about us, when we start to dream about the presidential candidates like that!

  4. Have you ever been to AllRecipes.com or a similar site, looked at a recipe, then read the reviews? And they go something like this?


    Original Recipe:


    Fruit Salad Recipe:


    1 pound strawberries, trimmed, and quartered


    1/2 pound blueberries, washed


    2 peaches, peeled, cored, and diced


    1 pound red seedless grapes, halved




    Combine all ingredients in a bowl.






    This was fabulous!


    Our family loved this recipe! I didn't have any strawberries, so I used raspberries instead. Our store was out of peaches, so I substituted mangoes. My son is allergic to red grapes, so we replaced that ingredient with green grapes. And, I only used half of the amount of blueberries the recipe called for. It was wonderful! I'll be making this again!


    And you're reading that and thinking, huh? :confused1: After all those "tweaks," it isn't even the same recipe!!


    Well, it's about six weeks into our school year, and I realize that this is exactly what I've done with my curriculum.


    I bought a unit study curriculum that covered everything except math -- reading, writing, grammar, spelling, history, science, and Bible.


    Then I decided to "supplement" with the IEW TWSS (which is a great program, and I'm glad I bought it). But, the SWI-A wasn't enough, not when I saw that they had an Ancient History-Based Writing Curriculum, which dovetailed *perfectly* with our curriculum. So, I am trying to do BOTH.


    Then, I decided to use MOH as the history spine "to go along with" the history portion of the curriculum.


    And, after borrowing someone's Easy Grammar curriculum last year, I thought it would be good to add that in, because I liked the system.


    And I wanted more spelling than the program offered, so I bought Natural Speller.


    Everyone was raving about Apologia science, so I bought that.


    I wanted a good foundation in Greek and Latin vocabulary, so I purchased EFTRU.


    I saw literature units that corresponded with the ancient civilizations we were studying, so even though MY curriculum choice didn't use those books, I bought them anyway and figured I find a way to work them in.


    Now, here we are, six weeks later... and about the ONLY thing I'm really using from the original curriculum is the Bible study. But I keep trying to incorporate bits and pieces of it... and I am slowly. going. insane. :ack2:



    It's 1:30 AM where I am, and for the past 8 hours, I've been trying to cobble together this week's lesson plans from my gazillion different books... and wondering how and why and when this all got so complicated.


    Anyone else suffer from this?


    I'm afraid it's my perfectionism... I desperately want to provide the best possible homeschooling experience for my son, and keep running to what I think is bigger and better than what I already have. And I have spent -- no, wasted -- hundreds and hundreds of dollars trying to get this going. (This will be my first full year homeschooling -- we just started last spring.)



  5. And there are also smears going around against Obama as well, so don't think its all directed at Palin.
    I don't disagree with you on this -- in my post, you'll note I said it went both ways. But, you have to admit, this has been unprecedented. I know it's all a matter of viewpoint, but goodness. No way has Obama -- who is running for the top of the ticket -- been subjected to the same kind of scrutiny by the media that Palin -- who is running for the VP position -- has been.


    Very few (if any) of the far-right smears against Obama were picked up by the mainstream media, except in terms of the media mocking the right for their pathetic attempts to discredit the man. Yet, the mainstream media picks up just about every smear against Palin and reports on it as "something to be investigated." If you throw enough mud, eventually some of it will stick.


    Ugh. This just makes me sad. Not angry, just really depressed. By the time this election cycle is finished, we will surely be the divided states of America, no matter who wins.

  6. Argh. She reallocated spending by shifting what difference budgets covered. The net effect was TRIPLING special-needs spending--from about $25k per student to about $75k per student. Different services are now coming out of different "pockets". When this happened, some "pockets" got smaller, and others got bigger. She did lots of overhauling of the state budget to make things more efficient and sensible.



    Unfortunately, people only see what they want to see, despite the facts. :sad:


    I know that's true on both sides of the political aisle, but, honestly... the number and variety and intensity of the Palin attacks (most of which have been debunked for the smears that they are, but keep getting repeated as truth) are just... unbelievable. Truly unbelievable. It's really quite a phenomenon.

  7. Hmmm... interesting. The undecided/disillusioned count has ticked upward this evening.


    Looks like I'm answering my own (earlier) question. The debates ARE important.


    I'm thinking of posting another poll, though, asking everyone if they wish tomorrow WERE Election Day so we could be done with this! I enjoy the discussion, but I get pretty passionate about it... and it looks like the campaign ad creators are, too.


    I'm afraid that, come November 4, 2008, we will be better described as the DIVIDED States of America, if it gets any more acrimonious. :(

  8. It looks like about 80% of us (so far) have firmly decided on our candidate, and 10% are pretty sure about their choice. That means, for the most part, only about 10% of the folks on here are "still up for grabs" (so to speak) -- could still go one way or the other.


    Do you think this is representative of the nation as a whole? Do you think 90% of the American people have already made up their minds (or pretty much so), leaving only 10% of the population undecided or disillusioned?


    If so... how important, really, are the debates at this point? Could a candidate's performance there really make a difference on Election Day? So far, current polls really seem to show this to be a neck-and-neck race. Are the debates "make or break" for the candidates, or just an opportunity to further solidify their respective party's base?

  9. But it turns out this person wasn't uninvited.


    It turns out this young man was involved in mutual activities with the young woman.


    For *me*, in THAT circumstance, I would not immediately assume rape, trespassing or unsolicited. Teen age/young adult sex is much more common.



    But the father didn't know that, didn't know who the person was, had never met him. I think his response was pretty normal, given those set of circumstances.


    You guys are defending this Dad yet you don't say a word about why he didn't know for so long?




    You are right, it is curious that the dd hadn't introduced this young man to her father -- and there are a million reasons why she might not have. Maybe the boy had a "reputation" and she knew her father would not approve of her dating him, so she hid the fact from her dad.


    Maybe she wasn't allowed to date, so she hid her BF.


    Or, maybe, as you imply, there was some "darker" reason for the dad's ignorance of the relationship ... maybe the dad was an unreasonable control freak.


    However, I think most of the previous posters here were replying about what THEY would do -- they are thinking of the story in terms of their own family.


    My DD and I have a very open relationship, and I can't imagine her hiding the fact that she has a BF from me; so under those circumstances, I would definitely be striking the intruder first, asking questions later. And, yes, I would have assumed him to be an "intruder."


    I had not seen that thread. I guess I've just wandered into some of the more liberal-dominated threads. But, I think, too, that perhaps more pro-Obama fans are speaking up more boldly than pro-McCain fans (just based on my limited exposure to a few threads in the past week)... after all, you don't have to leave a comment to cast a vote in a poll. Since I hadn't seen the poll, I made an ASSumption... and that's obviously what I look like when I jump to conclusions! :blushing:

  11. First, I think you meant "support for the political MAJORITY here"... from what I've seen, there are far more Obama supporters in here than McCain supporters... or, maybe they are just more... vocal.


    Second, you state:

    I'm not posting this to inflame/anger/irritate anyone.

    ... then link to a video with the headline: John McCain's ads are LIES.


    I might kindly suggest that, if you want to see the political ads of BOTH parties parsed for fact and fiction by a (mostly) non-partisan party, you turn to http://www.factcheck.org/, not to YouTube.

  12. If Election Day were tomorrow, would you be ready to cast your vote? Have you seen and heard enough? Is your mind made up? Or are you still deciding?



    ETA: Gah! I have a typo in the poll options. :( Sorry. Second option should read: I'm pretty sure who I'd vote for, but I could be swayed to change my vote.

  13. Tell them you don't have time and if they want to done please come over and paint it themselves.





    I like that response... but, in reality, people have actually lost their homes (or been forced to fight the attempted takeover with expensive litigation) due to "failure to comply with HOA rules." :glare:


    When we lived in Virginia, I started paying my monthly HOA dues with my bank's bill pay service. The payments got sent to the wrong place, but I was not aware of the problem -- the money was leaving my account! -- until I got the letter from the HOA lawyer a couple months later telling us they would seize our property if we didn't pay the "missed payments" within a certain time frame, along with another $150 in late fees. :001_huh:


    It's a long story... but we ended up having to pay those late fees. I had entered the real estate firm's address in my bill pay account (the firm that administered the HOA), not the official HOA bill pay address -- so they considered it "my error" and would. not. budge. on the late fees. It wasn't worth pursuing, so we paid the dang late fees. (They did, at least, find the three months' worth of payments we'd already made and got those credited to our account.)


    I hate HOAs, too. We sort of have one in our little subdivision here in Alabama, but it's nothing like the one we endured in northern Virginia. We don't pay dues, there are very few regulations (most of them just common sense, like don't leave a car jacked up on cinder blocks in your front yard), and there are no HOA "police" circling to ensure everyone is following zee roolz.


    Oh, before the payment fiasco, we got a letter telling us we had to remove the American flag magnetic mailbox cover we'd put out for the 4th of July.


    And our neighbor got a letter because they didn't use edging to separate their lawn from their mulched flower beds.

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